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Posts posted by vedat

  1. Hello. I've a problem about getting information of iOS/Android device internal storage size. Also want to get used storage size. In  this link, there is an answer by  @Greg T . I've tested his code-script on Android platform but I was not able to show device storage in Mb correctly. - I also followed his instruction about shr 20 operation for getting the size in Mb - 

    It would be awesome if I could get a help that can display total storage size and used storage size in both iOS/Android platforms. Thanks in advance

  2. I found the answer. There is  TAmazonTableService.SelectRowsXML() function that allows us to make a query and get the result in XML format. Example query for listing persons that are older than 25 :
    TAmazonTableService.SelectRowsXML('select * from ' + TABLE_NAME + ' where age > "25"') ; 

    You can also find some simple queries for Amazon SimpleDB here : https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonSimpleDB/latest/DeveloperGuide/SimpleQueriesSelect.html

    I hope it helps for the other developers.

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  3. Hello everyone. I'm using Amazon S3 database by TAmazonConnectionInfo component. I'm able to create table, add row into, save it to amazon s3, and also get all the rows. Doing all those stuff via TAmazonTableService class. I want to know if there is any way to filter data before getting it from the Amazon s3. For example, let's say I've a Person table which contains Person Name and Age. How can I get the list of Person over 25 years old from Amazon S3? I didn't see any filter property in the  TAmazonTableService class. Btw to list all the Persons, I use TAmazonTableService.GetRows(TABLE_NAME) function. Thanks in advance

  4. 11 hours ago, Dave Nottage said:

    This does not say that the app absolutely has to have a foreground service. The notification can be created without one:



    But I want to show music menu notification bar even if the app was closed. Won't the music menu bar closed once you close your app  if you don't use  something that runs on background ? 

  5. On 12/4/2021 at 2:22 AM, Dave Nottage said:

    That's information about foreground services. How does "a persistent menu on the status bar for next/play/pause musics" relate to it?

    Well, if you look at the link https://developer.android.com/guide/components/foreground-services  it says : 

    "Examples of apps that would use foreground services include the following:

    • A music player app that plays music in a foreground service. The notification might show the current song that is being played."  As I understand from this document, the notification of the current song can be played/paused or you can switched to next song through that notification bar. Notification bar stays there until the service closes down. Btw thank you for your care

  6. Hello, I want to develop a music player app on fmx. As I understand from the research I must use foreground service to make a persistent menu on the status bar for next/play/pause  musics. Do you have any document or source code that explains the usage of foreground service ? Thanks in advance 


  7. Thank you for your answer Dave Nottage. Actually I didn't consider such a solution like that 🙂 When I tried to add timer component into the Unit2 which is service's unit  it adds FMX.Types library automatically. Once it's been added you can't delete until you remove the timer component. I've missed to remove that FMX.Types while creating a demo. It comes from my original app, I copied all the uses section from it. Anyway, your beautiful attention solved the problem 🙂 If you do not mind can you give an advice about how to use something like timer in my service because I am doing some tasks related to time

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  8. Hello, I've tried to use fmx android service for my app. In the service I just use a simple notification that notify user as soon as the service started. When I start the service in my main app the program crashes when deploying to an android device. If I remove the line which I call the service in the main app it works properly in the android device. But once I try to call the service in the main app it just crashes. In the debug mode it gives Segmentation Fault (11) error but nothing. I know there is no problem with the notification process in the service because even when I remove the codes about notification from the service it stills crashes. (Btw I use Rad Studio 11) I would be grateful if get your help.
