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About CoeurdeLeon

  • Birthday April 21

Technical Information

  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. CoeurdeLeon

    What is the best AI at Delphi

    I have been using AI since it came out more than a year ago. In the beginning Delphi requests for code almost always had errors and fictitious information. Things have gotten better but I still find a lot of errors. The AI tools I am using currently are: Amazon Q Developer Blackbox AI ChatGPT Claude 3 Sonnet Google Gemini mistral.ai Paid-GitHub Copilot Paid-Replit AI Paid-Tabnine Of all of these as of 5/16/24 I find Claude the best but still frequently lacking. Please add your AI favorites and comment on their delphi coding skills. Dick Maley
  2. CoeurdeLeon

    TEdgeBrowser how to clear the cache

    Can anyone tell me how to clear the TEdgeBrowser cache? I set EdgeBrowser.UserDataFolder :='C:\Temp\CPRSBrowserCache\'; The folder is created and never used, i.e., always empty. Cached data is being displayed rather than new data. If I open up the Edge browser and clear the cache then correct data is displayed in my TEdgeBrowser instance. Why is EdgeBrowser.UserDataFolder not being populated? How can I empty the cache? Dick Maley
  3. CoeurdeLeon

    How to create new FireDac components

    The US Veterans Affairs Medical Health Record system uses a database called Vista which is a FileMan/Mumps/M based DBMS. It is old. It is very fast. It is huge!!! Many arrogant vendors have tried to move this data to a MODERN DBMS system. Most have failed. The Medical Health Record System at VA is written in Delphi. It is called "CPRSChart". It is used my millions of users daily. The connections between the Delphi front end and the Vista backend are very complicated and arcane. Is there an open source framework for developing new FireDac connectors? I have not found any. I would like to develop a FileMan FireDac connector so that CPRSChart could communicate directly with the Vista database. How would you recommend that I proceed. Thank you. Dick Maley
  4. CoeurdeLeon

    Upgrading EurekaLog for Delphi 12

    Good idea, but I do have it on the Library Path.
  5. CoeurdeLeon

    Upgrading EurekaLog for Delphi 12

    I purchased "EurekaLog_7.11.0.1_Enterprise_for_RAD_Studio" with source code on January 21, 2021. The subscription ran out a year later. Since I purchased source code I decided to upgade EurekaLog so it would work with Rad Studio 12 Athens. To do this: I copied the Studio28 folder in the projects directory to Studio29. In the *.dpk and *.dproj files I replaced 28 with 29. In the "\Neos Eureka S.r.l\EurekaLog 7\Source\Common" directory I modified "ElDefines.inc" to add Delphi 12. With these changes "EurekaLogGroup.groupproj" successfully compiles and in the packages directory a new folder appears "Studio29". This folder is filled with the 290 bpl files and other files. When I try to install the packages I get the following message: "Can't load package E:\Installs\Studio29\EurekaLogExpert290.bpl. The specified module could not be found." The bpl's are there. What is the problem? Richard Maley
  6. CoeurdeLeon

    Change Install Location

    Thank you I missed the Options button. Dick Maley
  7. CoeurdeLeon

    Change Install Location

    I am currently installing Rad Studio 11. I do not want to install it on the c drive. I could not find any way to change the location. I installed using the *.iso file. Is there a way to change the location? Dick Maley
  8. Edwin This is very god. Thank you. Dick Maley
  9. CoeurdeLeon

    Code formatting in Delphi 12

    Delphi 11 stores the Formatter configuration files in C:\Users\?\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\22.0. I copied my Delph 11 formatter.config file to C:\Users\?\AppData\Roaming\Embarcadero\BDS\23.0. It worked.
  10. CoeurdeLeon

    Code formatting in Delphi 12

    My installation of Rad Studio 12 does have "Formatter.exe" in the bin directory. I added this to the tools menu and ran it against some Rad Studio 12 code. It worked fine, I am confident that the new long strings feature would not format correctly, but I am not sure. Can anyone tell me where the formatting configuration is stored in Rad Studio 11 so I can migrate it to Rad Studio 12? Thank you.
  11. CoeurdeLeon

    TGifImage TransparentColor

    Anders Thank you for your answer and for your many years of supporting the Delphi community. I was not aware of your blog. It is a treasure of information related to TGifImage. I have added it to my list of standard reference sources. Thank you. Dick Maley
  12. CoeurdeLeon

    TGifImage TransparentColor

    How do I set the TransparentColor for a TGifImage? Thank you. Dick Maley
  13. I am very interested. Email me at dickmaley@advdelphisys.com.
  14. CoeurdeLeon

    Delphi job

    The job description can be found here. https://ncr.wd1.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/ext_us/details/Software-Engineer-III_R0127327-3?q=delphi I applied about a month ago and have heard nothing. I would welcome a coding test. Where have all the Delphi jobs gone? Dick Maley