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Davide Angeli

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Everything posted by Davide Angeli

  1. Davide Angeli

    Error 1400

    It's not so easy to debug this; when I debug and put breakpoints inside threads, thanking our beloved IDE, I get often debugger freezes. In my case "DoSomething" code is a simple rest call (I use WiRL client to send data to WiRL server); the rest call is incapsulated in a try except to avoid errors. Til now my "DoSomething" was an anonymous method. Now I've changed my code and I pass a normal procedure to timedtask.execute. Things seem to going better but I don't think this was the cause of the error.
  2. Davide Angeli

    Error 1400

    Before posting I tried several solutions, some of these suggested in this post: According to Primoz OTL book it seems to be enough to assign the IOmniTimedTask instance to nil to get the call to Terminate(INFINITE) and Terminate should stop the task... This works perfectley in a little sample demo. In my case leads to random errors (the app is very complex). I've tried calling the Stop method and then assign the instance to nil but I get the random errors too. I've tried calling also Stop + Terminate(INFINTE) + WaitFor(INFINITE) + assigning to nil without results
  3. Davide Angeli

    Error 1400

    I recently started using Parallel.TimedTask and now when I close the application I get the same error in completely random mode. I can't simulate the problem in a small project. I'm using D11.3 and the latest OTL version. Some idea?
  4. Davide Angeli

    Black Firiday Discounts for Almediadev products!

    too many "w" in links 😊
  5. Davide Angeli

    Delphi 12 is available

    On QP is set as resolved in D12.... https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-42024
  6. Davide Angeli

    Importing WSDL

    Maybe the problem could be that the WSDL contains an xsl stylesheet. Have you tried downloading the wsdl source to a disk file and then importing into Delphi from that local file?
  7. I solved this thanks to the kind collaboration of the nSoftware assistance service (SecureBlackBox's developer). There were many challenges to solve to achieve the goal and very little can be found online. It is my understanding that this type of security is not used much in the Delphi environment. However I solved by combining several components provided with the SecurityBlackBox suite: TsbxCertificateStorage to read JKS file to reach public key (used to encrypt the request and verify the signed response) and private key (used to sign the request and decrypt the response) TsbxSOAPSigner to sign the SOAP request (to produce a WSSSignature) TsbxXMLEncryptor to embed in the request the encryption key (transported with RSA-OAEP sha1) and to crypt the SOAP request body (with AES128 algorithm) TsbxXMLDecryptor to decrypt the response (two items encrypted in the response: the sign and the body) TsbxSOAPVerifier to verifiy the sign in the response I've injected this encryption/decryption stuff in THTTPRio events, somthing like this; procedure TMultyAssociativeServiceWrapper.SOAPOnBeforeExecute(const MethodName: String; SOAPRequest: TStream); begin // save the original request (created by THTTPRio) for debug purpose SOAPRequest.Seek(0,0); (SOAPRequest as TMemoryStream).SaveToFile(FFileRequestOriginal); // sign and encrypt the original request SBBSoapSignAndEncryptWithJKS(FFileRequestOriginal, FFileRequestToSend, FCertificateFileJKS, OnPasswordNeeded); // ... do some other stuff ? // update the outcoming request with the signed crypted version SOAPRequest.Seek(0,0); (SOAPRequest as TMemoryStream).LoadFromFile(FFileRequestToSend); end; procedure TMultyAssociativeServiceWrapper.SOAPOnAfterExecute(const MethodName: String; SOAPResponse: TStream); begin // save te orginal response arrived from service for debug purpose SOAPResponse.Seek(0,0); (SOAPResponse as TMemoryStream).SaveToFile(FFileResponseOriginal); // decrypt and verify sign of response SBBSoapDecryptAndVerifyWithJKS(FFileResponseOriginal, FFileResponseDecoded, FCertificateFileJKS, OnPasswordNeeded); //... do some other stuff? // update the incoming response with the decrypted data SOAPResponse.Seek(0,0); (SOAPResponse as TMemoryStream).LoadFromFile(FFileResponseDecoded); end; SBBSoapSignAndEncryptWithJKS does sign + encryption stuff. SBBSoapDecryptAndVerifyWithJKS does decrypt and verify sign stuff. I hope this can be helpful for someone else who runs into this need. If you need the code of the two SBB procedures described above please ask me. I've used SecureBlackBox components but I think that same stuff could be reached also with ChilKat library. I did some tests with the demo library, it works at a lower level of SBB but there are several examples online that could be combined to reach the goal.
  8. Yes, with SBB is not possibile to reach the same request without doing some further manipulation of the xml and it misses also the reference list for decryption. I'm working on that and another problem I think should be the order of doing operations: I'm doing crypt+sign but I'm investigating if service aspect sign and then crypt. I will do theese changes but I could not test because of server down for maintenance. I'll report the results.
  9. You can't destroy the thread object until it's finished... It doesn't even have time to start. Maybe you have to do something like this: var x: TMyThread; begin x := TMyThread.Create(False); try // x.Start; // if suspended... WaitForSingleObject(X.Handle, INFINITE); finally x.Free; end; end;
  10. Davide Angeli

    JSON superobject question

    I used JSON superobject for a while and it's good but in cases like this I prefer the very good Delphi NEON library so I could deserialize the JSON directly to Delphi objects. With NEON in a case like yours I could do something like this: Type TVoice = record public Engine : String; VoiceId : String; VoiceGender : String; // .. other fields end; TVoicesData = record public voices_list : TArray<TVoice>; count : Integer; end; TVoices = record public success : Boolean; data : TVoicesData; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin var sJson:= '{'+ ' "success": true,'+ ' "data": {'+ ' "voices_list": ['+ ' {'+ ' "Engine": "neural",'+ ' "VoiceId": "ai2-Stacy",'+ ' "VoiceGender": "Female",'+ ' "VoiceWebname": "Stacy",'+ ' "Country": "US",'+ ' "Language": "en-US",'+ ' "LanguageName": "English, US",'+ ' "VoiceEffects": ['+ ' ]'+ ' },'+ ' {'+ ' "Engine": "neural",'+ ' "VoiceId": "ai1-Matthew",'+ ' "VoiceGender": "Male",'+ ' "VoiceWebname": "Matthew",'+ ' "Country": "US",'+ ' "Language": "en-US",'+ ' "LanguageName": "English, US",'+ ' "VoiceEffects": ['+ ' "news"'+ ' ]'+ ' }'+ ' ],'+ ' "count": 50'+ ' }'+ '}'; var Voices:=DeserializeValueTo<TVoices>(sJson); for var Voice in Voices.data.voices_list do ListBox1.Items.Add(Voice.Engine+' - '+Voice.VoiceGender); end; function TForm1.DeserializeValueTo<T>(const aJSON : String): T; begin if FNeonConfig=Nil then FNeonConfig:=TNeonConfiguration.Default; var LJSON := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(aJSON); try var LReader:=TNeonDeserializerJSON.Create(FNeonConfig); try var LValue:=LReader.JSONToTValue(LJSON, TRttiUtils.Context.GetType(TypeInfo(T))); Result:=LValue.AsType<T>; finally LReader.Free; end; finally LJSON.Free; end; end;
  11. Davide Angeli

    JSON superobject question

    This should work: Obj.O['data'].I['count']
  12. Davide Angeli

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    In my case 10.4 was terrible, fortunately 11.2 seems working well (I'm using only VCL win32 & win64). At the moment, I've not installed the patch 1.0 because after several years of frustration I've finally a stable environment and I'm terrified of breaking it again!
  13. Davide Angeli

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Oh yes, I've tried both: in 11.2 works fine, in 10.4 seems not working as aspected (in my case)
  14. Davide Angeli

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    LSP is the minor problem of 10.4, you can also disable it if you want. The fact of closing the IDE every 15 minutes, in my case, is due to the continuous internal errors, access violations in dcc32 and so on that were fixed in 11.2.
  15. Davide Angeli

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    As far as my usage context is concerned, version 11.2 is a big step up from 10.4. I'm switching from one to the other working on two different projects and 10.4 is truly absolute crap in terms of stability. 11.2 isn't perfect but it has improved a lot of things. In my case when LSP no longer works, now in 11.2 it is always a solution to switch from debug / release or from win32 / win64 (for me these workarounds don't work in 10.4 and the only solution remain close/reopen IDE). I've been using 11.2 for several weeks now and the IDE has crashed only a couple of times (a strange Access Violation and one internal error). For me it is a dream to be able to work even for 4 hours straight without crashing! When I come back to 10.4 I have to close and reopen the IDE at least once every 15 minutes and the LSP is totally unusable...
  16. Hi all, this is not directly Delphi related, just want to share if anyone will experience something like this. I'm using NetGroupGetUser api (from netapi32.dll) to retrive names and data of the domain users. It worked well for a while, but now (maybe some recent Windows Updates), in win64 applications, it returns me strange results or access violations. Same code compiled in Win32 instead always worked fine. Attached is a sample that I've found online (stackoverflow) that I'm using to do some tests. The original program was designed to retrieve data in buffers (1024byte). Doing that, in my case, if users number exceeds the buffer, the second call of NetGroupGetUser raise an access violation in samlib.dll (running on a Windows 2019 server). I've solved calling the api once using MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH (=DWORD(-1)) instead of the original 1024 byte buffer size. I could not find documentation about differences in declaring the api for win32 or win64... It seems some kind of mess with the api parameters in 64 bit or a bug of 64bit version of netapi32.dll. TestDomainUserConsole.zip
  17. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    No problem! Discover the cause of the acces violation could be maybe a good exercise for some Windows api guru. I've dedicated it some hours yesterday trying to change the way to declare the parameters of the api but I could not reach a solution. I've tried several combinations even going against what is stated in the api documentation. There is something strange tha I'm missing on that api because the totalentries out parameter is always a non sense value called in win64. In win32 works as apected. So maybe there is something not documented in the Windows api or maybe, as that api si considered very old, maybe the win64 part could be buggy (just a my guess) or maybe could be something wrong using it from a Delphi win64 program (I've tested it both 10.4.2 and 11.2 but the problem is the same).
  18. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    You are right but as you know things that work we don't touch as long as they work! Now I'll dedicate time to modernize that piece of code.
  19. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    I know that my english is terrible but I suppose you have misunderstood the reason of this topic. I'm not looking for someone to debug my super beatiful large and complex code written in the better way possible and bla bla... As I wrote, I've already solved the problem with the workaround that I have posted (it's not the best solution but it works) and now with @Lars Fosdal kind answers I also could try other modern ways to reach my goal (like AD apis). I wrote this topic if could help somebody having the same issue. If this kind of topics are not accepted here I'll be careful not to do it again. Sorry
  20. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    The code I posted is not my code. I took that example on stackoverflow here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/34870232/list-all-users-of-an-ad-group-in-delphi. I post it just to provide a quick example that leads to the same error that I'm eperiencing (that's the reason why I posted the zip file with the project ready to test...). My code is more complex (I need more information about that api so I used anoother data structure). In my project I'm using JclWin32 to call that api and there the function is declared like this: function NetGroupGetUsers(servername, groupname: LPCWSTR; level: DWORD; var bufptr: PByte; prefmaxlen: DWORD; entriesread, totalentries: LPDWORD; ResumeHandle: PDWORD_PTR: NET_API_STATUS; The result is the same. Are you so sure that Windows is bug free? My code run smootlhy for at least a couple of years on a Windows 2019 server with hundreds of domain users. On that server were locked the Windows updates for a while because one of them created problems accessing via RDP. Last week we unlock the updates and boom! That piece of code now raises the access violation for which we are discussing. Sure it could be a coincidence. According to Microsoft documentation the declaration of that api is this one (see more at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/lmaccess/nf-lmaccess-netgroupgetusers) NET_API_STATUS NET_API_FUNCTION NetGroupGetUsers( [in] LPCWSTR servername, [in] LPCWSTR groupname, [in] DWORD level, [out] LPBYTE *bufptr, [in] DWORD prefmaxlen, [out] LPDWORD entriesread, [out] LPDWORD totalentries, [in, out] PDWORD_PTR ResumeHandle ); and JclWin32 declaration seems correct but compiling it Win64 raises that AV. So it's a bug of JclWin32 code or a bug in Windows? I dont know
  21. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    Yes I'm working as admin so I can run without elevation. I suppose you have several users in the domain so it need to call the api more than one time and on second call you get AV. It is the problem for which I started this topic. If you use the MAX_PREFERED_LENGHT version (comment/uncomment instructions) does it work? For me yes and some weeks ago worked also the original version..
  22. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    I'm compiling it both 32bit and 64bit and they work both here. I'm on Windows 10 64bit with Delphi 11.2. The 64bit compiled exe I've tested also on Win11 (22H1) and on WinServer 2019 and Winserver 2022 and it works everywhere.
  23. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    A few years ago I needed to get that info and when I googled I only found examples like that posted. I don't know AD Api. Is there a Delphi wrapper?
  24. Davide Angeli

    NetGroupGetUsers strange errors on Win64 on buffered reads

    {$WARN SYMBOL_PLATFORM OFF} program DomainGroupGetUsersTest; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes; const netapi32lib = 'netapi32.dll'; type PGroupUsersInfo0 = ^TGroupUsersInfo0; _GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 = record grui0_name: LPWSTR; end; TGroupUsersInfo0 = _GROUP_USERS_INFO_0; GROUP_USERS_INFO_0 = _GROUP_USERS_INFO_0; NET_API_STATUS = DWORD; LPBYTE = ^BYTE; function NetApiBufferFree (Buffer: Pointer): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; external netapi32lib; function NetGroupGetUsers (servername: LPCWSTR; groupname: LPCWSTR; level: DWORD; var bufptr: LPBYTE; prefmaxlen: DWORD; var entriesread: DWORD; var totalentries: DWORD; ResumeHandle: PDWORD): NET_API_STATUS; stdcall; external netapi32lib; function DomainGroupGetUsers (const sGroup: WideString; const UserList: TStrings; const sLogonServer: WideString) : Boolean; { "sLogonServer" must be prefixed with "\\". "sGroup" must contain the group name only. } type TaUserGroup = array of TGroupUsersInfo0; const PREF_LEN = 1024; // MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH = DWORD(-1); var pBuffer : LPBYTE; i : Integer; Res : NET_API_STATUS; dwRead, dwTotal, hRes : DWord; begin Assert (sGroup <> ''); Assert (sLogonServer <> ''); Assert (UserList <> NIL); UserList.Clear; Result := true; hRes := 0; repeat writeln('hres = '+IntToStr(hRes)); // Res := NetGroupGetUsers (PWideChar (sLogonServer), PWideChar (sGroup), // 0, pBuffer, MAX_PREFERRED_LENGTH, dwRead, dwTotal, // PDWord (@hRes)); Res := NetGroupGetUsers (PWideChar (sLogonServer), PWideChar (sGroup), 0, pBuffer, PREF_LEN, dwRead, dwTotal, PDWord (@hRes)); writeln('dwRead = '+IntToStr(dwRead)); writeln('dwTotal = '+IntToStr(dwTotal)); if (Res = Error_Success) or (Res = ERROR_MORE_DATA) then begin if (dwRead > 0) then for i := 0 to dwRead - 1 do with TaUserGroup (pBuffer) [i] do UserList.Add (grui0_name); NetApiBufferFree (pBuffer); end { if } else Result := false; until (Res <> ERROR_MORE_DATA); end; { DomainGroupGetUsers } var UserList : TStringList; iIndex : Integer; begin UserList := TStringList.Create; try DomainGroupGetUsers ('Domain Users', UserList, GetEnvironmentVariable ('LOGONSERVER')); for iIndex := 0 to UserList.Count - 1 do WriteLn (UserList [iIndex]); finally UserList.Free; end; { try / finally } if (DebugHook <> 0) then begin WriteLn; Write ('Press [Enter] to continue ...'); ReadLn; end; { if } end.
  25. Hi, I've just installed 10.4.2 over 10.4.1 (I let the installer unistall the previous version and kept settings). I've then installed on it MMX, GExperts, Project Magician and several third party components (all of them reinstalled or recompiled with 10.4.2). Compiling my projects, I'm experiancing quite often internal errors like this one: "F2084 Internal Error: AV0C793340(0C770000)-R00000018-0". Sometimes I solved it firing a "build all" but very often the only way to get the project compiled is doing a "Close all", reload the project and recompile it. Sometimes after a "build all" I get "F2084 Internal Error: D32835". In rare case the only way to get the job done is to reopen the IDE. It's very annoying! Same projects always compile fine on 10.4.1. Anyone has an idea of which could be the problem? Thank you