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Everything posted by haentschman

  1. haentschman

    Help with Delphi Community Edition

    ...πŸ™„ No answer? You have a perfect licence and you can use it on the laptop. Install the Professional or Enterprise (what you have) version with your key. 😎
  2. haentschman

    Help with Delphi Community Edition

    Why the Community Edition? πŸ€” You can use your personally registration on multiple computers...only uses by your self. πŸ‘
  3. haentschman

    FireDAC Connection to ADS failed

    Hi... I am trying to connect to our new ADS server for the first time. (Third party software, access data with read rights available). On another VM the Advantage Data Architect is running with the same access data. Share on the Database folder available. ...it does not want me. "...cannot authenticate the user..." What is missing? Thanks. PS: On my machine the Advanced Data Architect is also working... Crosspost: german DP https://www.delphipraxis.net/213554-zugriff-auf-ads-server.html#post1525731
  4. haentschman

    FireDAC Connection to ADS failed

    thanks... User: DomainName\xxx ... not working. πŸ˜ͺ Was to be expected. It is the database user, not the domain user...
  5. haentschman

    Form Creation

    Hi... How about source code? Complete project? What is the mainform? DonΒ΄t free the mainform!
  6. haentschman

    Delphi Debugging Help

    Hi...welcome here. ...great! Why? Better using the Delphi Community edition...the modern way. https://www.embarcadero.com/products/delphi/starter/free-download/ https://learndelphi.org/de/everything-you-need-to-know-about-debugging-in-delphi/
  7. haentschman


    Yes...Version 2023.1 πŸ˜‰
  8. haentschman


    Hi...😎 At first...Events. πŸ˜‰
  9. Hi... Is it possible to drop embedded images from outlook as a file into a folder...with a dummy name? Imho not... Thanks...
  10. haentschman

    Drag and Drop Component Suite: Outlook embedded images

    Hi...😎 ...I will give it a try. πŸ˜‰ that's what i mean with "dummy name" πŸ˜‰ Thanks...
  11. haentschman

    Drag and Drop Component Suite: Outlook embedded images

    Hi I don't use the studio yet. I was only interested in the principle of whether this is possible at all. I have an Outlook mail with which the images are embedded via copy/pase. These have NO file name. I would like to save only the marked picture, which is no file, by drop into a folder. To do this, the "metadata" of the image would have to be converted to PNG or JPG...and get a filename. The normal way is...save the image over context menu. I want it over Drag without temporary file. Outlook -> MyApplication Thanks...
  12. Hi... I need a "Like" in the filter list. With %Value% it works. But users don't understand that. I want to have: on entering "Bla" result from the dataset 'MyBla', 'BlaBlubb'. At DevExpress there is this entry: https://supportcenter.devexpress.com...-or-like-value created 15 years ago...with further links. All are imho not purposeful. ...Endless loop from link to link. I have felt through all filter settings. Does anyone have any ideas. Thank you. Version: 21.2.9 CrossPost: germanDP https://www.delphipraxis.net/212875-devexpress-filterrow-ohne-wildcard.html#post1521131
  13. haentschman

    Looking for a forum is this it?

    welcome here... Here is the right place for programming with C++ or Delphi. Please make sure that you are always in the right subforum...
  14. haentschman

    wuppdi Welcome Page for Delphi 11 Alexandria?

    WP.gksoftPlugin280.bpl ...works, but the icons now imho 32x32 instead of 16x16. (Tree) I do not remember that they were so big.
  15. ...here we are now! Not personal ...for the current and the next generation.
  16. haentschman

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

  17. haentschman

    Need a "Delphi programming guideline"

    Hi... Sorry, but it is not the right company. That's where the developers get in their own way. Uniform styles are important to understand all "developers" and their code. The management must set the standard! Try to talk to the others about a simple standard (prefixes for components, meaningful variable names, begin/end styles - separate lines or not, CTRL+D for all...). What is the total number of lines of source code? Do you have a trainee for the implementation of the styleguide in the old code? no matter what you do... ...that is the problem! another one... PDF πŸ˜‰ ...great work! Manual_on_Object_Pascal_Style_Guide.pdf
  18. ...for german users... what means "CV". Abbreviations are not always good...
  19. haentschman

    Code completion failure

    ...and much faster! πŸ₯± (code completion, find window etc.)
  20. The Developer certificate is only valid for a limited time... Mine has already expired. Although I have been working in software development for years. Is it still like this? With the Master too?
  21. Hi... ...really? There are two types of exam: Delphi Certified Developer: via online / browser ... i have (exam time: ~1 hour) Delphi Master Certified Developer: ... Uwe has (exam: i dont know time and where) https://www.embarcadero.com/resources/embarcadero-certification-center ...what you want?
  22. haentschman

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

    Hi... It is not a good idea to keep data storage in a visual control. The JSON should be generated from the data source (class, csv etc.).
  23. haentschman

    SQL problem

    SQL: Qry := TFDQuery.Create(Self); Qry.Connection := Self.AC; Qry.SQL.Text := 'select * from Documents where OriginalFileName like :PAR'; Qry.ParamByName('PAR').AsString := '%1001\%'; // with "\" Qry.Open; Qry := TFDQuery.Create(Self); Qry.Connection := Self.AC; Qry.SQL.Text := 'select * from Documents where OriginalFileName like :PAR'; Qry.ParamByName('PAR').AsString := '%1001%'; // without "\" Qry.Open; ...it works...i not like guessing.
  24. haentschman

    SQL problem

    It is a basic problem with only text in the sql statement! SQL.Text: select A.ID,A.DistributorID,A.DocumentTypeString,A.DocumentCaption,A.OriginalFileName,A.SendTypeFolder, A.SendTypeUSB, A.SendTypeMail, A.ReceiptDate,A.ServiceDate, A.ReceiptNumber,A.Store,A.ReceiptReceiver,A.ServicePartner, A.AddDate,A.AddName,A.ModifiedName,A.ModifiedDate, D.Name1 as StoreName,D.Name2 as StoreName_1,D.LKZ as StoreCountry,D.PLZ as StorePostCode,D.Ort as StoreLocation, D.Strasse as StoreStreet,D.Telefon as StorePhone,R.Name1 as ReceiverReceiverName from Documents A full outer join ADR D on A.Store = D.ixADR full outer join ADR R on A.ReceiptReceiver = R.ixADR where A.OriginalFileName like :REN order by ID desc ... Qry.ParamByName('REN').AsString := '%[_]' + Pair.Key + '[_]' + Pair.Value + '%'; is from me in my the original code. Works! (FireDAC, MSSQL)