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Everything posted by haentschman

  1. Sorry...It was my fault... NoScript was ON Thanks...
  2. Hi all... I don't have my glasses. Where you see "Delphi High Performance" eBook?
  3. haentschman

    Saving a large project takes soooo Loooonnnnggg..

    Hi... After the delphi restart the packages are enabled again.
  4. haentschman

    Saving a large project takes soooo Loooonnnnggg..

    I think, it was a joke... Google: "delphi disable live bindings" site is not funny. the answer is:
  5. haentschman

    Saving a large project takes soooo Loooonnnnggg..

    Please give a tutorial...
  6. @Uwe Raabe ... it could be so easy.
  7. Hi all... did you ever see when the stackoverflow thread was written?
  8. haentschman

    Is editing posts disabled?

    Hi... BC -> Before Christ
  9. Hi... Definitely yes. The advantage of inheritance is that when you make changes in the base form, you have the same changes in the other forms. Caution: With too many inheritance levels the overview is then again bad. I prefer max 3 levels. Example (picture): Form.ChoiceFilesDialog -> Form.BaseDialog -> Form.Base
  10. Hi... News from Uwe? Did someone contact him via Twitter? PS: I have found the "Favorites" (Berlin) in a picture from his Twitter account. The project is alive...i hope.
  11. haentschman

    Git UI tools

    Hi... TortoiseGit with overlay icons in the explorer and BeyondCompare as Merge/Diff Tool.
  12. Now all we need is a Twitter account... I don't have one.
  13. haentschman

    So Many fdQueries

    [Breainstorming ] Version1: In my applications i have a Interface for every database system. In the interface all queries are created dynamically. The connection is created in this interface. All use this connection... For you: Give your datamodule a public property (example: "CurrentConnection") . Connect all queries with this "CurrentConnection". If you change the "CurrentConnection" with the "LiveConnection" then the queries works with the "LiveConnection". Datamodule.... private FCurrentConnection: TFDConnection; public property CurrentConnection: TFDConnection; ... // All queries Query.Connection := FCurrentConnection; Application... Datamodule.CurrentConnection := FDLiveConnection; // or Datamodule.CurrentConnection := FDTestConnection; Version2: Create separate INI with the connection string for Test / Live. Over a build configuration the application loads his own INI.
  14. haentschman

    So Many fdQueries

    Hi... ...another variant: https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/219-dimowa®-sql-resource-creator/
  15. ...everybody knows it...i think
  16. Hi all... The last version was imho XE. I've written to Uwe before... without an answer. Everyone who knows Uwe has no contact more... @Uwe Schuster: We need only the SourceCode...please.
  17. Perfect for GIT... But you have to know that you have to learn a lot to use it wisely. Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCO251AKqx8iSssbN66eECLA
  18. Hi... ...how many users? My favorite is GIT. But NOT over the IDE. I use TortoiseGIT. It looks like the explorer with overlay icons. ...and WITHOUT console.
  19. haentschman

    Test Bits in a Byte

    @Kryvich You miss understand. I aggree with you... I am a fan of Enumerations. Better: If you MUST work with it permanently, you want meaningful names. Sorry.
  20. haentschman

    Test Bits in a Byte

    I have an old project in maintenance. This is full of bit operations. If you don't work with it permanently, you want meaningful names.
  21. haentschman

    Amazing support at TMS

    ...for Bruno.
  22. haentschman

    Discount Offer from DelphiStyles.com

    I miss OfficeBlue style...
  23. haentschman

    DIMOWA® SQL Resource Creator

    Hi all... A tool that manages the resource strings according to the tutorial mentioned in the german link (https://www.delphipraxis.net/49505-sql-dateien-als-resource-einbinden.html). This is another way to manage SQL statements. The SQL are stored in separate files in a folder structure in the project. SQL can be tested in the preferred DBMS editor. Important: SQL Statements OUTSIDE of the Sourcecode (pas, dfm) in resources *.res. (without SQL.Add; SQL.Add; SQL.Add... ) * Online update if you want * User defined color scheme * Administration Projects * Administration SQL for multiple databases * Management of the status of SQL in the network (colleagues) * Administration of any folders for SQL * Handling like you know it from an editor * Partial string search * the projects / ini are stored in the user directory ! (see todo) Tips 1. create the base folder for all SQL 2. creation of subfolders for project-specific SQL 3. a namespace for the SQL is imho important. (reasonable order and search) Todo: * The project XML stored in your project folder (better for version controls systems) * Partial string search in all SQL files * a smaller encyption standard for version controls systems * English version > 100 users DOWNLOAD > 5MB: http://www.dimowa.com/downloads/dSRG/Setups/dSRGSetup14.zip Lizenz: Freeware for one DBMS Manual: Manual.pdf GUI: Resource clear text: Resource encrypted: Splash:
  24. haentschman

    DIMOWA® SQL Resource Creator

    Hi... ...nobody interested in this? ... crazy
  25. haentschman

    Strange thing in System.Generics.Defaults.pas

    Hi... ...one is still missing. The film https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Hitchhiker's_Guide_to_the_Galaxy_(film) cutout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aboZctrHfK8