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Posts posted by PeterBelow

  1. 2 hours ago, Thomas Lassen said:

    I am in the process of updating from 10.3.2 to 11.1, I have run into a major problem that I have not been able to solve: Upon updating to the 11.1 my GUI is complete destroyed, fx font sizes and widths of all my labels have changed. The same problem applies to all the control on my main form. Other forms that are a part of the project seem to be unaffected.


    Has anyone experienced a similar problem?



    See Tools -> Options -> User interface -> Form designer -> High DPI, the designer itself is now DPI aware and you may have to change the default setting if you design on a high DPI monitor.

  2. 13 hours ago, patrik-xyndata said:

    Hello, I'm using Delphi on macOS with Parallels, with setup 500% scaling.


    Text Editor looks like it should, everything is fine.

    But in designer the components and everything is sooooo small, that I can't read it / see it.


    When the App is compiled, everything looks just fine....


    I do not know what to do 😞

    In Delphi 11 the designer itself can be configured to be DPI-aware. Which version are you using?

  3. 1 hour ago, PeterPanettone said:

    I suspect a bug in the IDE itself. So I am not sure whether madExcept could help here. If the IDE were open-source, it would be easy to catch the bug.

    Unlikely, it would be reported much more frequently in this case. I have never seen it, for example, but in my case the only 3rd party package used is MMX...

  4. 3 hours ago, Rollo62 said:

    Thanks, Peter.

    Thats what I assumed too, but is there any deeper explanation how overload resolution of Char and String really works, and how this could be solved ?

    Maybe even the general resolution between Char and String.


    I understand that a String can be made of one Char 'a', which may be resolved as Char or String, which leads to ambiguities.

    Is there any clever trick to make this type references clear, and maybe even workable in overloads ?

    - I can use casts ( but that won't work for overlaod either )

    - I could define and cast to my own types, like MyChar and MyString ( which is also not very elegant )

    - Maybe constants like #13, #10, #0 have more "char-type-ness" than their string '' conterparts, but in practice that doesn't help much.


    Pascal has had the reputation of being the most type-safe language for quite some time, but just that char/string ambiguity has always left a bad taste, at least for me.

    I always wondered if these types cannot be made more "type-safe" nicely somehow.




    I think the core of the problem is an ambiguity inherent in the original language syntax inherited from the days of Turbo Pascal and earlier. 'x' can be interpreted either as a character constant or a string constant, and the compiler decides which it should be dependent on the context. A char is also assignment compatible with a variable or parameter of type string (but not vice versa).

    I see no way to get around this, and changing these rules will never happen since they make sense and changing them would break heaps of older code.


    Of course the compiler could use more stringent rules for overload resolution, e.g. require type identity and not only assignment compatibility. That would solve the conflict in the case you noticed but would be quite bothersome in other situations, requiring more overloaded versions of a function to be implemented. Think about what a type identity requirement would mean for overloaded functions taking numeric types as parameter. Do you really want to declare versions for byte, smallint, integer,  word, cardinal etc. ?

    • Like 2

  5. 4 hours ago, Rollo62 said:

    Hi there,


    I'm looking for an IndexOfAny( array or string, ... ) function, and find that there is already one in the TStringHelper.

    Unfortunately this is declared as a private function.


      TStringHelper = record helper for string
        //<== NICE TO HAVE
        function IndexOfAny(const Values: array of string; var Index: Integer; StartIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
        // Maybe these bites with above declaration, as Char may interpreted as string too ?
        function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: array of Char): Integer; overload;
        function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: array of Char; StartIndex: Integer): Integer; overload;
        function IndexOfAny(const AnyOf: array of Char; StartIndex: Integer; Count: Integer): Integer; overload;

    I'm not realy sure why this function is hidden.

    Maybe because Char and String might cause issues when mixing in a overload, I haven't checked what would happen when making this public too ?




    There would probably be a conflict in overload resolution.


    Anyway, System.StrUtils contains IndexStr and IndexText functions that would serve your need here.

  6. 42 minutes ago, stacker_liew said:

    Anyone experience this or not? I'm using Delphi 11.1, it stuck occassionaly while opening project.


    Btw, I'm using Windows 11.

    I have seen something like this occasionally (D 11.1 on Win10). Task Manager shows 100% use of one CPU core for the process. Sometimes it resolves itself after a few seconds but often the only option is to kill the process. On restarting the IDE it usually works normally. I have never been able to reproduce it at will.

    • Like 1

  7. The VCL is not thread-safe in itsself, creating top-level objects like forms, frames or datamodules accesses some global stuff in vcl.forms connected to reading components from the dfm file.


    Try to replace your datamodules with a class (not derived from TCustomForm) that creates and configures all components you now place at design-time in code. I dimly remember a tool that could create such code from a dfm file, never used it myself, though.


    Are all your threads created in the same host thread? If so that should actually mitigate the problem since the thread constructor runs in the host thread, so all datamodules would be created in the same thread. But that may cause another problem: database connections are usually bound to the thread that creates them. If the datamodule creation already creates the connection, which is then later used in the context of the thread that owns the datamodule that may cause problems since the db access library may try to solve the conflict by serializing all DB access in a separate thread.


    Multithreading using a database can be even trickier than multithreading itself...:classic_mellow:

    • Like 1

  8. 19 hours ago, David Heffernan said:

    I'm not happy.  Optional parens means that a symbol like MyFunc can mean either the procedure or the value returned by a call to the procedure.  And there are times when that ambiguity can't be resolved by the compiler.  Most commonly when MyFunc returns another procedural type.  So when you write SomeFunc := MyFunc are you assigning MyFunc or MyFunc() to SomeFunc?  It sucks that in Delphi there is this ambiguity.  The ambiguity would not exist if () were not optional.  Like they aren't in so many other better designed languages.

    As far as I remember this "feature" comes from the original Wirth Pascal in Delphi's anchestry. Dropping it now would break heaps of legacy code, so is very unlikely to happen.

  9. 3 hours ago, ChrisChuah said:


    Actually I want to use delphi to create a DLL with functions or procedures containing a callback.

    How can i create such functions in delphi so that the project can be compiled to a dll for C Sharp programmer to use

    Previously all DLL functions does not have function pointer or callback functions when i was using Delphi 6 era.

    Also my C sharp programmers said they cannot use COM because their program will be running in Docker for linux


    A COM dll usually uses interfaces as callbacks as well, not function pointers.


    I know nothing about Docker so cannot give you any advice on this topic. .NET has an interface to unmanaged code, which is used to interact with the OS API, though. Your dll would be unmanaged code, you just have to make sure you do not use any Delphi-specific types (especially compiler-managed ones, like String or dynamic arrays) in the functions the DLL exports.

  10. 2 hours ago, ChrisChuah said:


    I have an existing component that communicates with a server via TCP.

    However, this component can only be used in delphi.

    When i call a function in this component, it will send out a TCP message.

    After some time, it will return back data and it will trigger an event back in the component.

    So, anytime i want to use this component, i can drop the component into the form.

    I can double click on the event and write codes to handle the result from the event.


    Now, if i want to make this component into a DLL for C sharp programmer to use

    How can i create events into the dll for C Sharp programmer to use?


    Create a COM dll, Delphi has a wizard for that. Google for "C# com interop" to find examples for how to use such a thing from the .NET side.

    • Like 1

  11. 35 minutes ago, Diego Simonini said:

    Hi everyone, I'm guessing if exists a shortcut or a plugin to keep declaration of functions and procedures in sync with implementation.

    Something bidirectional, if positioned on declaration the shortcut should update implementation and viceversa.


    Thank you

    ModelMaker Code Explorer (MMX) can do this, as well as a lot of other things. Could not live without it...  See https://www.mmx-delphi.de/ It is free and maintained.

  12. 42 minutes ago, AndrewHoward said:

    RaizeComponentsVcl_Reg.pas(25) Fatal: E2213 Bad packaged unit format: C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\lib\win32\release\rtl.dcp.System

    The script is looking at the  wrong version of the rtl package. 17.0 is not 10.2 Tokyo, that would be 19.0. Check the pathes used in the script or the dproj files it refers to. 17.0 is 10.0 Seattle if memory serves.

  13. 13 hours ago, abdellahmehdi said:

    When recalling a shape from another project😩

    please what should i do🙏


    The error message looks like the designer tries to read values from a dfm file into a component that has not been created yet.


    Was this other project created with the same Delphi version? Does it open and compile in Delphi Alexandria?  Does the form you are trying to use in the new project use any self-written or 3rd-party components you are not yet using in forms of the new project?






    • Like 1

  14. 9 hours ago, Behdadsoft said:


    I added many images into Access Database as binary. Now I want to load them form database and put in TImage.

    I wrote code below but it doesn't work and give me an error (Attached). 

    I compound my code with this example: Streaming Bitmaps and other Binary Data to BLOB Fields



    The source of your problem is probably the line


    Should'nt that be



  15. 7 hours ago, MarkShark said:

    This is going to sound like a homework assignment, but it's actually needed for some ZeosLib code to handle PostgreSQL client library digital array format.  The array information is the following:


    NDims:  The number of dimensions:   Example: 3

    DimArray:  An array of dimension sizes.  Example [1,2,2]

    ItemsArray:  An array of data items (say Integer.)  Example: [1,2,3,4]


    I'm trying to figure out an algorithm to turn the information above into a string that has a format like: {{{1,2},{3,4}}}.  I've got it working for 1 and 2 dimensions, but it seems like I'm brute forcing it when it seems like a more clever approach should be possible.   Any tips, hints, or psuedo-code (or actual code!) appreciated!

    unit Unit1;
    uses system.Generics.Collections, system.Typinfo, system.sysutils;
      TDynamicArrayFormatter<T> = class
      strict private
        FData: TArray<T>;
        FDimensions: TArray<cardinal>;
        FIndices: TArray<cardinal>;
        FType: PTypeInfo;
      strict protected
        procedure AddValue(aBuilder: TStringBuilder);
        function CalcLinearIndex: Integer;
        function GetText: string;
        procedure ProcessDimension(aDimension: Cardinal; aBuilder: TStringBuilder);
        constructor Create(const aDimensions: array of cardinal; const aDataArray:
        class function Execute(const aDimensions: array of cardinal; const aDataArray:
            TArray<T>): string;
    constructor TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.Create(const aDimensions: array of
        cardinal; const aDataArray: TArray<T>);
      inherited Create;
      SetLength(FDimensions, Length(aDimensions));
      Move(aDimensions[0], FDimensions[0], Length(FDimensions) * Sizeof(Cardinal));
      FData := aDataArray;
      FType:= TypeInfo(T);
      SetLength(FIndices, Length(FDimensions));
    procedure TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.AddValue(aBuilder: TStringBuilder);
      LValue: T;
      N: Integer;
      S: string;
      N:= CalcLinearIndex;
      LValue := FData[N];
      case FType.Kind of
        tkInteger: S:= Pinteger(@LValue)^.ToString;
        tkUnicodeString: S:= PPChar(@LValue)^;
        S:= 'unknown type of T';
    function TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.CalcLinearIndex: Integer;
      I, N: Integer;
      Result := 0;
      N:= 1;
      for I := High(FDimensions) downto Low(FDimensions) do begin
        Inc(Result, N * Pred(FIndices[I]));
        N := N * FDimensions[I];
    class function TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.Execute(const aDimensions: array of
        cardinal; const aDataArray: TArray<T>): string;
      LInstance: TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>;
      LInstance := TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.create(aDimensions, aDataArray);
        Result := LInstance.GetText;
    function TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.GetText: string;
      LBuilder: TStringBuilder;
      LBuilder := TStringBuilder.Create;
        ProcessDimension(1, LBuilder);
        Result := LBuilder.ToString;
    procedure TDynamicArrayFormatter<T>.ProcessDimension(aDimension: Cardinal;
        aBuilder: TStringBuilder);
      I: Cardinal;
      LAddValues: Boolean;
      LAddValues := integer(aDimension) = Length(FDimensions);
      for I := 1 to FDimensions[Pred(aDimension)] do begin
        FIndices[aDimension-1] := I;
        if LAddValues then begin
          if I > 1 then
          ProcessDimension(Succ(aDimension), aBuilder);

    Usage like


      S: string;
       S:= TDynamicArrayFormatter<string>.execute([1,2,2], ['one','two','three','four']);


    • Thanks 1

  16. 13 hours ago, PenelopeSkye said:

    I must have performed the search incorrectly because I did not find anything like this, so please point me to wherever I should be looking for answers to this question.  I am a newbie to both Delphi\pascal and the forum.


    I have an app that brings up a search dialog box that leads to a result dialog box. 

    When the result dialog box appears the focus is always on the last button pushed when last in the result dialog box.  


    How do I get a specific button (the OK button) to always have focus no matter what button was last pushed?


    I tried clicking on the button in the IDE (Delphi 10.3) to see if there was an  ActiveControl property in the object inspector but there is not.


    How can I set focus to the OK button?



    In addition to Anders' reply: note that (VCL) buttons have two useful properties for dialog boxes:

    • Default - if you set that to true the button will "click" if the user hits the Enter or Return key, regardless of whether the button has focus or not.
    • Cancel - if that is set to true the ESC key will click the button. If the button's ModalResult is set to mrCancel that will close the dialog.

  17. 24 minutes ago, gioma said:

    I almost found a solution:


    procedure TForm1.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
      log.Lines.Add('KeyUp : '+ inttoStr(key) );
      Winapi.Windows.ToUnicodeEx( key, 0, ksta, @buf,255, 0, 0);
      log.Lines.Add('KeyUp : '+ s);

    Obviously I will not use it like that, but there is a problem, it goes into exception when it writes the result to the log (TMemo).
    Even if I levo the last line goes into exception, however the variable s is valued.

    buf is declared as a single Widechar but you tell ToUnicodeEx that it can hold 255 Widechars. A good way to ruin your call stack. :classic_cool:

    • Like 1

  18. On 4/17/2022 at 6:03 PM, David Heffernan said:

    Of course it makes sense. Try declaring set of TObject and see how that works out. You'd need to constrain to an ordinal type with 256 or fewer elements and you can't do that with constraints. Too bad we can't have templates. 

    The  error message makes no sense since it gives the impression that the code would work if T is constraint to class or interface. That is of course not the case.

  19. On 4/15/2022 at 6:21 PM, gioma said:

    Hi everyone, I'm making an application that communicates between different operating systems. In this case I have to send a character when it is pressed from Windows to MAC.
    In the Form.OnKeyUp function there is the parameter "key: Word" which represents the character code.
    If it is not a special character (à, è, ì, ò, ù) this co corresponds to the ASCII code.
    If, on the other hand, I press the "è" key, the code will be 222 which however does not correspond to its ASCII code and therefore I send wrong information to the MAC which is unable to retrieve the corresponding character.
    How do I get the exact ASCII code of that character?
    Thank you all.

    Like Remy said this would be much easier to handle if you transmit the whole input string after the user has entered it. There are ways to figure out which character would be created from a virtual key code and the current state of the modifier keys (Shift, Alt, Ctrl), see the MapVirtualKeyEx Windows API function, but this pointless if you have to deal with accented characters or other composites that are created by a sequence of keystrokes, or Alt+numpad input. Let Windows do this work for you and use the OnKeyPress event; it gives you the character directly.

    • Like 1

  20. 3 hours ago, Behdadsoft said:


    I have a DBGrid on my form that contain many rows. the problem is that, scrollbar don't work normally like other programming language. I searched in google for find a solution for this issue but I couldn't find anything. for better understanding, I captured a video from C# DataGridView and Delphi DBGrid that the problem is obvious.
    Also I Use Delphi 11.1.


    Video: Compare C# and Delphi Scrollbar

    A TDBGrid is a kind of virtual grid. It shows rows from a dataset and does not know how many rows the dataset contains (the dataset itself may not know that, in fact). So it scrolls the active row in the dataset, not the rows in the grid; the selected row in the grid corresponds to the active record in the dataset. The grid actually contains only enough rows to fill the visible area, which get reused for new content as the dataset is scrolled.

  21. On 4/15/2022 at 9:27 PM, Remy Lebeau said:

    You can't declare a Generic for a stand-alone Set, no.  But I'm pretty sure (I haven't tried it lately, though) that you can move the Set into the class, and then use a Generic on the class, eg:

      TFPropertiesCpt<T> = class (TInterfacedObject, IFCompteurUpdate)
          TSetOfT = Set of T;
        FItems      : TDictionary<Integer, rCompteurUpdate<T>>;
        FProperties : TSetOfT;
        procedure Duplicate(const aValue : TFPropertiesCpt<T>);
        property Items : TDictionary<Integer, rCompteurUpdate<T>> read FItems write FItems;
        property Properties : TSetOfT read FProperties;
        function Add(const aTypeOf: T; const aInc: Integer = 1) : TFPropertiesCpt<T>;
        function WithInit: TFPropertiesCpt<T>;
        function WithInfo(const aValue: T; aProc: TProc) : TFPropertiesCpt<T>;
        function WithMax(const aValue : Integer) : TFPropertiesCpt<T>;
        function ResetCompteur(const aValue: T): TFPropertiesCpt<T>; overload;
        class function Clone(const aValue: TFPropertiesCpt<T>): TFPropertiesCpt<T>;

    Where T can then be set to any enum type, like TTypeOfProperties, etc.

    I tried something like that and the compiler does not accept the "set of T" declaration, moaning about T not having a class or interface constraint. Which makes no sense at all in this case.
