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Everything posted by William23668

  1. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    Problem solved found one of the jedi.inc that solved the problem !!
  2. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    I tried again now with another jedi.inc but I got : The "source\include\jedi\jedi.inc" include file is outdated.
  3. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    They only write to use jcl\install.bat in github
  4. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    I dont have any other places for these components. I did not use JVCL from like so many years
  5. Hi I got this email : Is this mean C++ Builder can now work with Unreal engine ?
  6. Hi I get this error: [dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource: Type 24 (user-defined), ID 1; File H:\myapp\myapp.res resource kept; file c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\lib\Win32\debug\WindowsXP.res resource discarded. I googled and searched if there is res duplication but could not found any, how I fix this error ?
  7. William23668

    Warning: Duplicate resource:  Type 24

    Thanks @Uwe Raabe
  8. Hi I searched for solution and found in stack overflow two methods but still not getting what I need. The code I use that need admin level : Handle := CreateFile(pchar('\\.\PhysicalDrive' + IntToStr(DiskNumber)), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ , nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); It return invalid handle. So I created this manifest to debug run the app as admin and include it in my app source folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="*" name="myapp" type="win32" /> <description>My Delphi Application</description> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" /> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> </assembly> included this line in my dpr source: {$R *.res} {$R 'myapp.manifest'} but I get this error: I saved the file as text utf-8 I tried another method to include this "SetEnvironmentVariable" line in the dpr source begin Application.Initialize; SetEnvironmentVariable('__COMPAT_LAYER', 'RunAsAdmin'); Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2); Application.Run; end. But I still get invalid handle so I think SetEnvironmentVariable did not work, any ideas ? When I run the exe as admin from explorer I dont get this invalid handle error. Delphi 12 and Windows 11 Pro Thanks
  9. Thanks alot this solved the problem.
  10. Yes I get code 32 but all drives are local
  11. Thanks I tried now to use the auto generate but I still can not get the drive handle, why ?
  12. Tried that but I got invalid handle
  13. Hi I am full stack developer but I can not find any remote work. I tried freelance sites like upwork and freelance.com but no result. Any one know a good place to find remote work ? Thanks
  14. Thanks guys sorry I did not receive email notification from this one. I used all Delphi versions old and new from Delphi 1.0 to current version. I have skills in PHP, Javascript/TypeScript, SQL, CSS, C# and I can use C++ Builder without a problem as it wont be hard to convert my Delphi knowledge into C++ syntax. I created systems like ERP and POS (Windows + Web) and also hardware integration through different ports.
  15. Hi If I created for example 8 threads to optimize performance but the host machine has CPU with 4 threads only will this be a problem ? Thanks
  16. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    You dont know my exact needs so go educate yourself how computer work and keep st upid comments to yourself
  17. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    @Dalija Prasnik Yes the arrays I use affect other operations in storage unites so I am already getting better performance and I wont create 1000 threads of course.
  18. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    get results faster
  19. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    Looping through very long list of arrays for read and write
  20. Hi I changed the Java path to point to latest java but I get now this error: why is that ?
  21. William23668

    Atlanta, GA

    How they get rich ? I get 2~5 fake jobs emails per week. You can spot them from a mile away with words like "immediate hiring" / $500 per day / 150K/year / send your ID or SSN
  22. William23668

    Atlanta, GA

    Indeed unrealistic requirements , always replay to you with refusal template !! I stopped applying again.
  23. William23668

    Atlanta, GA

    What this mean ?
  24. Hi, In creating Web apps when I use Delphi code and when I use Python script ? for example which will build the UI (Data entry, charts, reports) and which will connect to DB ? I read that I should use Python with large amount of data because it is faster but how I can do that theoretically ? How I can connect between Delphi and Python to get or set the data I want ?
  25. Skills are Delphi, CSS, PHP, Wordpress, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Reactjs, Nodejs, SQL, Project Management , Test and QA, Security , Optimization