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Everything posted by William23668

  1. Hi Sorry was not clear at first. I need to change Windows 11 desktop colors in real time like those filters: I think I need to change every pixel color like a GPU driver. Can Delphi do that ? where to start ? Is there a library I can use ? Thanks
  2. William23668

    Real time desktop colors change like filters

    Entire desktop
  3. William23668

    Real time desktop colors change like filters

    Thanks @Der schöne Günther This seems similar to what I need but that hard for me https://reshade.me
  4. William23668

    Real time desktop colors change like filters

    Thanks I added more details. I think I need to create something like a driver to change colors at real time
  5. William23668

    DRM video player

    I need to create Android app that play video protected from download. Please direct me to the correct way like article or tools about that. Thanks
  6. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    Hi I got latest JCL from here: https://github.com/project-jedi/jcl But when I try to install using jcl\install.bat I got this error: Include file "source\include\jedi\jedi.inc" not found. I added the jedi.inc manually from jedi folder but I still get same error. How to install these components ?
  7. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    yes I also should got it from daily build but did not know
  8. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    Problem solved found one of the jedi.inc that solved the problem !!
  9. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    I tried again now with another jedi.inc but I got : The "source\include\jedi\jedi.inc" include file is outdated.
  10. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    They only write to use jcl\install.bat in github
  11. William23668

    Trying to install JCL but I got error

    I dont have any other places for these components. I did not use JVCL from like so many years
  12. Hi I got this email : Is this mean C++ Builder can now work with Unreal engine ?
  13. Hi I get this error: [dcc32 Hint] H2161 Warning: Duplicate resource: Type 24 (user-defined), ID 1; File H:\myapp\myapp.res resource kept; file c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\23.0\lib\Win32\debug\WindowsXP.res resource discarded. I googled and searched if there is res duplication but could not found any, how I fix this error ?
  14. William23668

    Warning: Duplicate resource:  Type 24

    Thanks @Uwe Raabe
  15. Hi I searched for solution and found in stack overflow two methods but still not getting what I need. The code I use that need admin level : Handle := CreateFile(pchar('\\.\PhysicalDrive' + IntToStr(DiskNumber)), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ , nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); It return invalid handle. So I created this manifest to debug run the app as admin and include it in my app source folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0"> <assemblyIdentity version="" processorArchitecture="*" name="myapp" type="win32" /> <description>My Delphi Application</description> <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v2"> <security> <requestedPrivileges> <requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" /> </requestedPrivileges> </security> </trustInfo> </assembly> included this line in my dpr source: {$R *.res} {$R 'myapp.manifest'} but I get this error: I saved the file as text utf-8 I tried another method to include this "SetEnvironmentVariable" line in the dpr source begin Application.Initialize; SetEnvironmentVariable('__COMPAT_LAYER', 'RunAsAdmin'); Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True; Application.CreateForm(TForm2, Form2); Application.Run; end. But I still get invalid handle so I think SetEnvironmentVariable did not work, any ideas ? When I run the exe as admin from explorer I dont get this invalid handle error. Delphi 12 and Windows 11 Pro Thanks
  16. Thanks alot this solved the problem.
  17. Yes I get code 32 but all drives are local
  18. Thanks I tried now to use the auto generate but I still can not get the drive handle, why ?
  19. Tried that but I got invalid handle
  20. Hi I am full stack developer but I can not find any remote work. I tried freelance sites like upwork and freelance.com but no result. Any one know a good place to find remote work ? Thanks
  21. Thanks guys sorry I did not receive email notification from this one. I used all Delphi versions old and new from Delphi 1.0 to current version. I have skills in PHP, Javascript/TypeScript, SQL, CSS, C# and I can use C++ Builder without a problem as it wont be hard to convert my Delphi knowledge into C++ syntax. I created systems like ERP and POS (Windows + Web) and also hardware integration through different ports.
  22. Hi If I created for example 8 threads to optimize performance but the host machine has CPU with 4 threads only will this be a problem ? Thanks
  23. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    You dont know my exact needs so go educate yourself how computer work and keep st upid comments to yourself
  24. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    @Dalija Prasnik Yes the arrays I use affect other operations in storage unites so I am already getting better performance and I wont create 1000 threads of course.
  25. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    get results faster