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Everything posted by William23668

  1. William23668

    Full Stack looking for work

    Total years of experience are 25+ williamnageib@gmail.com
  2. @David Schwartz Thanks I tried TMS Core but which is better unigui , TMS or IntraWeb ?
  3. In general. For example web app to manage company business has front end and backend dashboard
  4. Once a German company wanted to hire me but the employer want to keep the third amount of the salary with him for 5 years so he ensure that I dont leave him before 5 years. It is like slavery
  5. Hi, Is there any AI component that can be used with Delphi for autocomplete prediction ?
  6. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    yes this was the problem. but I now get this error Solved I uninstalled the app from the phone and now it open Thanks
  7. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" -cp "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\bin\Android\r8-3.3.28.jar" com.android.tools.r8.D8 --release --min-api 23 --output "C:\Delphi\app1\Android64\Debug\app1.classes" @"C:\Delphi \app1\Android64\Debug\dex_list.txt"' (Error 1)
  8. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    Now I am getting this [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" will try restart
  9. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" -cp "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\bin\Android\r8-3.3.28.jar" com.android.tools.r8.D8 --release --min-api 23 --output "C:\Delphi\app1\Android64\Debug\app1.classes" @"C:\Delphi Projects\app1\Android64\Debug\dex_list.txt"' (Error 1) I installed now MS openjdk but same error JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\
  10. Hi I have the option to show component caption on and in blank FMX project the component caption show normally but when I opened the contacts sample app I found the caption is hidden, how is that ?
  11. William23668

    Component caption does not appear in sample application

    already on
  12. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    Hi Currently in the AddressBook sample app it display Arabic letters scrambled like ي ا ش ق So no possible way to display it correctly ?
  13. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    Thanks thats a hidean site ! I installed Download (for build 46141) hope this is correct
  14. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    Hi I was trying to add phone number in the address book demo like that hard coded but the number was never saved, why is that ? Contact.Phones.AddPhone('Home', '767867679678'); procedure TForm1.ActionAddContactExecute(Sender: TObject); var Contact: TAddressBookContact; eMails: TContactEmails; Photo: TBitmapSurface; begin Contact := AddressBook1.CreateContact(FDefaultSource); try try Contact.FirstName := edtFirstName.Text; Contact.LastName := edtLastName.Text; Contact.Phones.AddPhone('Home', '767867679678'); //<<<-------- if not Image1.Bitmap.Size.IsZero then begin Photo := TBitmapSurface.Create; try Photo.Assign(Image1.Bitmap); Contact.Photo := Photo; Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(0, 0); finally Photo.Free; end; end; // Add the work mail eMails := TContactEmails.Create; try eMails.AddEmail(TContactEmail.TLabelKind.Work, edtWorkMail.Text); Contact.eMails := eMails; finally eMails.Free; end; // Save a newly created contact to Address Book AddressBook1.SaveContact(Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot create the contact.' + E.Message); end; // Add the contact to the selected group, if any try if InRange(ComboBox1.ItemIndex, 0, FGroups.Count - 1) then AddressBook1.AddContactIntoGroup (FGroups.Items[ComboBox1.ItemIndex], Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot add the newly created contact to group.' + E.Message); end; ListViewContacts.BeginUpdate; try AddListViewItem(Contact); finally ListViewContacts.EndUpdate; end; TabControl1.ActiveTab := TabItemContacts; finally Contact.Free; end; // Clear the Add Contact Form ClearAddContactForm; end;
  15. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    Understand now thanks
  16. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    found the solution by comment this line Phones.Free;
  17. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    I think all already selected. The first name and last name is added after I recieve external exception 68 error !! but no phone number
  18. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    @programmerdelphi2k I tried like you said but still number was not added. Also sometimes I get stackoverflow erro and external exception 78 error procedure TForm1.ActionAddContactExecute(Sender: TObject); var Contact: TAddressBookContact; Phones: TContactPhones; eMails: TContactEmails; Photo: TBitmapSurface; begin Contact := AddressBook1.CreateContact(FDefaultSource); try try Contact.FirstName := edtFirstName.Text; Contact.LastName := edtLastName.Text; Phones := TContactPhones.Create; try Phones.AddPhone(TContactPhone.TLabelKind.Mobile, '767867679678'); Contact.Phones := Phones; finally Phones.Free; end; if not Image1.Bitmap.Size.IsZero then begin Photo := TBitmapSurface.Create; try Photo.Assign(Image1.Bitmap); Contact.Photo := Photo; Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(0, 0); finally Photo.Free; end; end; // Add the work mail eMails := TContactEmails.Create; try eMails.AddEmail(TContactEmail.TLabelKind.Work, edtWorkMail.Text); Contact.eMails := eMails; finally eMails.Free; end; // Save a newly created contact to Address Book AddressBook1.SaveContact(Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot create the contact.' + E.Message); end; // Add the contact to the selected group, if any try if InRange(ComboBox1.ItemIndex, 0, FGroups.Count - 1) then AddressBook1.AddContactIntoGroup (FGroups.Items[ComboBox1.ItemIndex], Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot add the newly created contact to group.' + E.Message); end; ListViewContacts.BeginUpdate; try AddListViewItem(Contact); finally ListViewContacts.EndUpdate; end; TabControl1.ActiveTab := TabItemContacts; finally Contact.Free; end; // Clear the Add Contact Form ClearAddContactForm; end;
  19. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    This indeed solved the problem in very easy way thanks alot 😍 💐
  20. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    This mean I have to draw at canvas level inside each row in TListView ? ACanvas.DrawSimpleText('"Each dream that you', 2, 25, LFont, LPaint);
  21. William23668

    Adding items to ListView

    Hi It is FMX app but I just want to test adding items from code in Windows so I used that code from here var LItem: TListItem; begin LItem := TListItem.Create(ListViewContacts.Items); LItem.Caption := 'new item'; I added "Commctrl" to uses clause but "Caption" is not defined, why ?
  22. William23668

    Adding items to ListView

    Thanks @programmerdelphi2k copy from forum and paste into Delphi also copy hidden characters but after removing them the code work
  23. William23668

    Adding items to ListView

    interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, System.Permissions, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, Vcl.ComCtrls, Commctrl, FMX.AddressBook.Types, FMX.AddressBook, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.SearchBox, FMX.Layouts, FMX.ListBox, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.Edit, FMX.TabControl, FMX.Platform, System.Actions, FMX.ActnList, FMX.ListView.Types, FMX.ListView.Appearances, FMX.ListView.Adapters.Base, FMX.ListView, FMX.StdActns, FMX.MediaLibrary.Actions, FMX.Objects, FMX.Surfaces; .... procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var LItem: TListItem; begin LItem := TListItem.Create(ListViewContacts.Items); LItem.Text := 'new item'; @programmerdelphi2k thanks but still same error.
  24. William23668

    Adding items to ListView

    Undeclared identifier: 'Text'
  25. When I try to open the sample app contacts I only see FMX splash screen then nothing. I attached the apk here: https://mega.nz/file/OLoDFZRB#GlHVnZv4t9KX4_hmVe91mK9-M1whPoD_SNIWyd2IBv4 any advise ?