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Everything posted by William23668

  1. William23668

    Is it a problem if I create more threads than host CPU has ?

    Looping through very long list of arrays for read and write
  2. Hi I changed the Java path to point to latest java but I get now this error: why is that ?
  3. William23668

    Atlanta, GA

    How they get rich ? I get 2~5 fake jobs emails per week. You can spot them from a mile away with words like "immediate hiring" / $500 per day / 150K/year / send your ID or SSN
  4. William23668

    Atlanta, GA

    Indeed unrealistic requirements , always replay to you with refusal template !! I stopped applying again.
  5. William23668

    Atlanta, GA

    What this mean ?
  6. Hi, In creating Web apps when I use Delphi code and when I use Python script ? for example which will build the UI (Data entry, charts, reports) and which will connect to DB ? I read that I should use Python with large amount of data because it is faster but how I can do that theoretically ? How I can connect between Delphi and Python to get or set the data I want ?
  7. Skills are Delphi, CSS, PHP, Wordpress, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript, Reactjs, Nodejs, SQL, Project Management , Test and QA, Security , Optimization
  8. William23668

    Full Stack looking for work

    Total years of experience are 25+ williamnageib@gmail.com
  9. @David Schwartz Thanks I tried TMS Core but which is better unigui , TMS or IntraWeb ?
  10. In general. For example web app to manage company business has front end and backend dashboard
  11. Once a German company wanted to hire me but the employer want to keep the third amount of the salary with him for 5 years so he ensure that I dont leave him before 5 years. It is like slavery
  12. Hi, Is there any AI component that can be used with Delphi for autocomplete prediction ?
  13. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    yes this was the problem. but I now get this error Solved I uninstalled the app from the phone and now it open Thanks
  14. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" -cp "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\bin\Android\r8-3.3.28.jar" com.android.tools.r8.D8 --release --min-api 23 --output "C:\Delphi\app1\Android64\Debug\app1.classes" @"C:\Delphi \app1\Android64\Debug\dex_list.txt"' (Error 1)
  15. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    Now I am getting this [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Eclipse Adoptium\jdk-\bin\java.exe" will try restart
  16. William23668

    Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" 

    [PAClient Error] Error: E7688 Unable to execute '"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-17.0.1\bin\java.exe" -cp "c:\program files (x86)\embarcadero\studio\22.0\bin\Android\r8-3.3.28.jar" com.android.tools.r8.D8 --release --min-api 23 --output "C:\Delphi\app1\Android64\Debug\app1.classes" @"C:\Delphi Projects\app1\Android64\Debug\dex_list.txt"' (Error 1) I installed now MS openjdk but same error JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Microsoft\jdk-\
  17. Hi I have the option to show component caption on and in blank FMX project the component caption show normally but when I opened the contacts sample app I found the caption is hidden, how is that ?
  18. William23668

    Component caption does not appear in sample application

    already on
  19. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    Hi Currently in the AddressBook sample app it display Arabic letters scrambled like ي ا ش ق So no possible way to display it correctly ?
  20. William23668

    No support for RTL languages in TListView ?

    Thanks thats a hidean site ! I installed Download (for build 46141) hope this is correct
  21. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    Hi I was trying to add phone number in the address book demo like that hard coded but the number was never saved, why is that ? Contact.Phones.AddPhone('Home', '767867679678'); procedure TForm1.ActionAddContactExecute(Sender: TObject); var Contact: TAddressBookContact; eMails: TContactEmails; Photo: TBitmapSurface; begin Contact := AddressBook1.CreateContact(FDefaultSource); try try Contact.FirstName := edtFirstName.Text; Contact.LastName := edtLastName.Text; Contact.Phones.AddPhone('Home', '767867679678'); //<<<-------- if not Image1.Bitmap.Size.IsZero then begin Photo := TBitmapSurface.Create; try Photo.Assign(Image1.Bitmap); Contact.Photo := Photo; Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(0, 0); finally Photo.Free; end; end; // Add the work mail eMails := TContactEmails.Create; try eMails.AddEmail(TContactEmail.TLabelKind.Work, edtWorkMail.Text); Contact.eMails := eMails; finally eMails.Free; end; // Save a newly created contact to Address Book AddressBook1.SaveContact(Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot create the contact.' + E.Message); end; // Add the contact to the selected group, if any try if InRange(ComboBox1.ItemIndex, 0, FGroups.Count - 1) then AddressBook1.AddContactIntoGroup (FGroups.Items[ComboBox1.ItemIndex], Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot add the newly created contact to group.' + E.Message); end; ListViewContacts.BeginUpdate; try AddListViewItem(Contact); finally ListViewContacts.EndUpdate; end; TabControl1.ActiveTab := TabItemContacts; finally Contact.Free; end; // Clear the Add Contact Form ClearAddContactForm; end;
  22. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    Understand now thanks
  23. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    found the solution by comment this line Phones.Free;
  24. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    I think all already selected. The first name and last name is added after I recieve external exception 68 error !! but no phone number
  25. William23668

    Adding phone numbers in addressbook

    @programmerdelphi2k I tried like you said but still number was not added. Also sometimes I get stackoverflow erro and external exception 78 error procedure TForm1.ActionAddContactExecute(Sender: TObject); var Contact: TAddressBookContact; Phones: TContactPhones; eMails: TContactEmails; Photo: TBitmapSurface; begin Contact := AddressBook1.CreateContact(FDefaultSource); try try Contact.FirstName := edtFirstName.Text; Contact.LastName := edtLastName.Text; Phones := TContactPhones.Create; try Phones.AddPhone(TContactPhone.TLabelKind.Mobile, '767867679678'); Contact.Phones := Phones; finally Phones.Free; end; if not Image1.Bitmap.Size.IsZero then begin Photo := TBitmapSurface.Create; try Photo.Assign(Image1.Bitmap); Contact.Photo := Photo; Image1.Bitmap.SetSize(0, 0); finally Photo.Free; end; end; // Add the work mail eMails := TContactEmails.Create; try eMails.AddEmail(TContactEmail.TLabelKind.Work, edtWorkMail.Text); Contact.eMails := eMails; finally eMails.Free; end; // Save a newly created contact to Address Book AddressBook1.SaveContact(Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot create the contact.' + E.Message); end; // Add the contact to the selected group, if any try if InRange(ComboBox1.ItemIndex, 0, FGroups.Count - 1) then AddressBook1.AddContactIntoGroup (FGroups.Items[ComboBox1.ItemIndex], Contact); except on E: EAddressBookException do ShowMessage('Cannot add the newly created contact to group.' + E.Message); end; ListViewContacts.BeginUpdate; try AddListViewItem(Contact); finally ListViewContacts.EndUpdate; end; TabControl1.ActiveTab := TabItemContacts; finally Contact.Free; end; // Clear the Add Contact Form ClearAddContactForm; end;