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Everything posted by emileverh

  1. emileverh

    Access multiple Outlook calendars

    Hi team! I have a question; I have a situation where a secretary manages multiple calendars in Outlook. So from her manager, employee 1, employee 2, etc. Is it possible to get access to all calendars of all people? For example I want to put an appointment in the calendar of 'Employee 2' via Delphi 12. I now use the 'basic' access like: try myOutlook := GetActiveOleObject('Outlook.Application'); except myOutlook := CreateOleObject('Outlook.Application'); end; etc. etc. And that works. ( I use it for sending emails ). But I don't know you to use multiple calendars.... Your help would be much appreciated! Thanks in advance, Emile
  2. emileverh

    Access multiple Outlook calendars

    Looks interesting. I will try that! Thanks for your help ;-))
  3. emileverh

    Access multiple Outlook calendars

    Thanks for your answer. First the link does not work. And second my application is a planning tool where lots of mutations are done during the day. And adding email with attachments is not a good option ( we tought of that), because there will be a lots of mouse click work than and I don't want to run VBA scripts. Therefore I want full access to the local application, where the secretary has access to xxx employees. And I want to add/remove directly into Outlook. It already works for 1 calendar. But now I want to address one specific calendar.....that is my question
  4. emileverh

    Access multiple Outlook calendars

    Yes, but it's loooooooots of things to read and every item is hyperlinked to another page. So I miss the overview. I hope(d) that some could say, yes I have done this before and do this (fake code): calendar.User[2].AddAppointment
  5. emileverh

    Access multiple Outlook calendars

  6. emileverh

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    Question, I have a large D10.4 project ( approx. 80 forms and lots of frames, also DevExpress and ReportBuilder). Is it worth upgrading now to D11? I did a quick test and I tried loading my project and I see still some high DPI issues, especially on frames. I can reposition the components and it seems to be okay. I have the latest november patch loaded. But can I aspect new issues ( which I did not see now, because I did not went trough all my forms)? Or should I wait until D11 patch 1? Comments welcome 😉
  7. Great! I work only on the Windows platform. One DLL less 😉 So the Embarcadero guys did a translation found on the SQLITE.ORG source code to Delphi-Pascal?
  8. May be a stupid question; but I am correct with the option 'EngineLinkage -> sIFDEStatic' I don't need any external DLL? ( Now I deploy sqlite3.dll to all my clients ). Or is this other behaviour...
  9. Hey guys! I need a little help, I created a ticket. We live in 2023, talking about 64-bit compilers, FMX, and other high-tech stuff, and a string literal can not be longer then 255 chars? for use with resourcestrings, consts. Come on..... Please vote! https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-41138
  10. emileverh

    String literals more then 255 chars

    They heard my voice ;-)) https://blogs.embarcadero.com/yukon-beta-blog-delphi-language-modernizing-string-literals/
  11. Title is clear I think ;-)). Installed with DevExpress, CodeSite and ReportBuilder.... NO ISSUES!!
  12. emileverh

    String literals more then 255 chars

    One last remark, as said, it's this issue not shocking.... I use DevExpress 'dxFormattedLabels' a lot. So in the string there will be extra markup code for setting text to bold and/or italic or change color. So the string can quickly become quite large. If you use a multi language app ( as I have Dutch and English for now), the string can grow beyond it's limitation. Break; never filed a request to EMB before, but I see they changed the status to OPEN and INTERNAL ASSIGNED. So there is a little hope 😉 Have a nice day, to you all. And enjoy D11.3 as much as I do. There are lot's of improvements!!!
  13. emileverh

    String literals more then 255 chars

    Nice your code... I can not use it! Because of a third party tool. I don't know how many Delphi programmers are here in this world. A few thousand sure, but if we sum all the time spend on this ( for me stupid) limitation lot's of money is thrown away. Is it a show stopper? No. Is it critical? No. Are there workarounds? Yes. The only thing I hope is that EMB changes this old fashion limitation.
  14. emileverh

    String literals more then 255 chars

    typo... sorry
  15. emileverh

    String literals more then 255 chars

    Yes I know you can use the '+' sign. But we have all seen this issue sooner or later. 255 chars is something for Delphi 1 or Delphi 2, not for Delphi 11 in 2023! I have third party tools for my mutli-language app. And if the string is too long everything stucks. The only thing I ask for EMB, why can't they change 'const' or 'resourcestring' from 'shortstring' to string?
  16. Hi guys! Nowadays I see lot's of applications where a regular desktop app pops up a browser-like window where the end-user can enter his xxxxx@gmail.com email address and password and grant access to Google email or Google calendar, etc. etc. I have the DevExpress suite ( and D11 ) and my end goal is to sync the DevExpress calendar with the TcxScheduler. There is an DevExpress demo example but it's too complicated for me ( for now) and the end-user. Their example works with client-id and client-secret. And creating them takes 15 clicks in the console.google.cloud . This way too complicated for an end-user..... Is there a way ( which I don't see now ) how to get ( OAuth?!?) easy access by just entering email and password? Any help would be nice! Best regards, Emile
  17. emileverh

    Access to Google Calendar via Delphi

  18. emileverh

    Access to Google Calendar via Delphi

    I am a bit further now. I had the idea that the end-user had to setup the settings at console.google.cloud but that's only for me, the developer. Yes, I have a client-id and secret now. I hoped for a bit of advice, because I have a business on my own and I can ask no other developers than ; you 😉
  19. type ICar = interface ['{F476D9B5-EE8C-458D-96CD-107C80855066}'] function GetPlateNoDashes: string; end; type TCar = class(TInterfacedObject, ICar) function GetPlatesNoDashes: string; ...... end; ======== procedure TfrmMain.DoSomething; begin var car:= TCar.Create; ShowMessage(car.GetPlateNoDashes); end; Hi all! Better late then never... I am experimenting with interfaces..... Question: Is the variable 'car' of type ICar or TCar? And more important, do I need to call .Free in the DoSomething procedure? Regards, Emile Thanks
  20. Thanks all. I noticed a disadvantage of using interfaces... the getters and setters are exposed. I would be more cleaner to see the property only. But that's how interfaces work, no public/private area. I don't know if interfaces ( in my case ) bring me a lot ,except reference counting and cleanup stuff in a proper way.
  21. A compiler hint would be nice if you forget to explicit mention the type in this case. Until now most of my code did not add the type by using inline vars ( strings, integers, etc. ). I you forget to mention the type with interfaced objects then you have a memory leak
  22. Thanks for the quick response, and helpful answer!! Reading lot of E-Books now....
  23. Hi guys! Which is the latest supported SQLITE version in Delphi 11? The SQLITE webpage shows that V3.40.0 is the latest. Is it safe to use it? I don't wont to do a trail and error traject... Thanks in advance!
  24. emileverh

    Latetst support SQLITE version in Delphi 11.x

    Thanks for your answer ;-)) I was just wondering. I thought I had issues which where SQLite related, but it seems to be elsewhere in my program. Anyway thanks again!
  25. emileverh

    Change 'DPI awareness' on runtime

    Hi guys! I have a frustrating thing, in short; I have an application with lots of different users and thus different Windows installations ( 7-11 ). The problem with my app build with D11.2 is that I deployed it with: DPI Awareness - PER MONITOR V2'. Suddenly some customers are complaining that there where buttons totally 'off-screen'. I checked the system of a customer who had that problem and it was a 'new' laptop with Windows 11 installed and enough resolution for displaying everything. So it should not be a problem. When I set the DPI Awareness to NONE it worked. But now are other customers complaining with same problem. It's sooooooooooo frustrating. Question; Is there a way to change the DPI AWARENESS in my application?! So that I can read a (own) registry setting on startup and set the DPI AWARENESS to either PER MONITOR V2 or NONE. Question; are there other suggestions to tackle this problem for once and for all?! Any help would but GREAT!