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Everything posted by emileverh

  1. emileverh

    Developing under Windows 11 in a VM not feasible ?

    I agree. DPI awareness in Delphi 11 is a mess!! People who are telling; you have to develop in 96dpi mode do not own a high-end PC with a high resolution screen. The forms are incredible small in that way, it's impossible to design a form. And frames are the worst part....
  2. emileverh

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    I love Delphi, I am using it since V1.0 ( that's a long time ago ). Yes we are all developers, and we make mistakes, but in my opinion D11 was released (much too) early. And I just focussed on High DPI, don't know what the other issues are.....
  3. emileverh

    Delphi 11, migrate or wait

    I was curious what other developers are experiencing, specially on high DPI screens.... In 10.4 I have to restart the IDE 3-4 times a day. Because of internal compiler errors. I hope/hoped that that will be less in D11. For me is High DPI now the thing that I can literally see that is not quite good. And there are/where lots of issues on High DPI on https://quality.embarcadero.com/