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Brian Evans

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Everything posted by Brian Evans

  1. Brian Evans

    MySql lib client not working with Ubuntu Linux

    Ubuntu 20.04 has libmysqlclient21 not the libmysqlclient20 on that linked webpage. Did you update the package install and link command to refer to 21 instead of 20 like shown below? sudo apt update sudo apt install libmysqlclient21 sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so.21 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so
  2. Brian Evans

    Work with PDF documents

    I sometimes use pdftotext + parsing with grep strings to extract specific data from PDFs with regular formatting. Has worked well in a variety of situations. pdftotext - Wikipedia
  3. Anything in the Windows event logs? For example an Event 4266, Tcpip A request to allocate an ephemeral port number from the global UDP port space has failed due to all such ports being in use.
  4. What memory manager are you using? Failing larger allocations when memory seems available is a sign it could be memory fragmentation. A memory manager that uses buckets (groups allocations by size) usually avoids the scattered small allocations blocking large allocations.
  5. I think coroutines are a dead end just like fibers in regards to performance. With pre-emptive multitasking the amount of work done before switching can be adjusted by the OS scheduler for the current hardware and execution environment. A system with a lot of CPUs with deep pipelines will perform better overall switching tasks less often than one with fewer CPUs and very shallow pipelines for example. With coroutines/fibers the work division is basically fixed in the source code and even if optimal for one hardware and execution environment will likely be suboptimal in others. It is similar to the fixed instruction parallelism attempted with EPIC but in source code form as a language feature. Looks good at first but runs into problems.
  6. Perhaps OnAfterPrintReport which while not in the docs is in the list of events in the IDE.
  7. Brian Evans


    Hard to follow, can you explain how 0505444457 is considered a duplicate of 0509503671? Showing the report design would help others see what you are doing and narrow down possible issues. Or attach the .fr3 file instead of dumping it's contents in the text of a post. The band types chosen, their positions and the lack of linking between master and child look all wrong in your report - suggest working through some example reports and the documentation to get a feel for how they are used.
  8. Did you try OnAfterPrint for the frxReport in question? Note that a report is not always output - the user could close the preview and/or printer dialogs without printing.
  9. Brian Evans

    Paradox in FireDAC Delphi 11 Ent 32bit VCL App

    Those are both runtime error messages. They are also both for the same exception : first from the debugger and then (if you select continue) from your application. If those are your only errors then the answer was already posted. Paradox files can't be opened by both the IDE live form designer AND an application being run in the debugger at the same time. You need to close the FireDAC connection on your datamodule in the IDE and then open in code when the application runs. Or use ConnectedStoredUsage with auRunTime set to false for the FireDac connection and setup a connection at runtime to another paradox file (preferred method - lets you use the live designer features).
  10. Brian Evans

    Paradox in FireDAC Delphi 11 Ent 32bit VCL App

    Since you never said what the compile time errors were not much anybody can do to help. Also since you mention runtime errors most would assume you already solved any fatal compile time errors.
  11. Brian Evans

    Detect stack full for recursive routine

    Raymond Chen blogged about this a few years ago: Determining approximately how much stack space is available, part 2 - The Old New Thing (microsoft.com)
  12. Brian Evans

    New mystery of freezing IDE.

    For very simple errors crash reports with stack traces can help. For corner cases not often seen in something as large and complex as the Delphi IDE a way to reproduce the problem on demand is usually needed to make any progress. Often the actual coding or logic error is far removed from where the crash occurs.
  13. Brian Evans

    New mystery of freezing IDE.

    For [RSP-42049] IDE Freezes - Embarcadero Technologies I see nothing but the description so not enough to do anything since they can't reproduce the error both to see what is happening and to verify any solution.
  14. Brian Evans

    error while creating form: range check error

    The IDE loads designtime packages along with runtime packages before it makes instances of components for the visual form designer. It doesn't do that when compiling. Making sure third party components are installed, reinstalled or updated after installing a new Delphi can help make sure everything is all hooked up and working so they load into the IDE and work without issues in projects that use them. Not sure what the underlying issue is just that I have seen similar errors and re-installing third party components solved it. Guessing it fails to load something but ends up showing an out of bounds error for some reason.
  15. Brian Evans

    error while creating form: range check error

    Sometimes see this error if third party components are not installed and up to date. For example updating to a new Delphi release but not updating third party components like FastReports but just using what was already installed.
  16. Brian Evans

    New mystery of freezing IDE.

    A common issue is network paths that are no longer valid. The IDE often tries to access such paths multiple times and doesn't handle waiting on the network timeout very well (it tends to freeze while waiting). If the server name in the path resolves but there is never any response the network timeout can be 10-30 seconds or more each time it tries to access the path. The freeze happening after you do some typing suggest code completion / IDE insight is scanning source paths and one or more of them are not accessible. Systinternals has some utilities like Process Monitor that might help in showing what the IDE is trying to access when the freeze happens.
  17. Brian Evans

    Determine the language

    Scoring using the most common words for each language works surprisingly well. Even scoring each line using the 50-100 most common words works most of the time except for very short lines or odd fragments of longer sentences. If the scores are close for different languages a more complex approach can be used for that line. Would work better if you can group lines together in paragraphs or sentences so very short lines would be less of an issue. Even just the 10 most common words works for longer text and a lot of short text English : the be to of and a in that have I French: être avoir je de ne pas le la tu vous German: wie ich seine dass er war für auf sind mit
  18. Could try overloads of a procedure. From the calling site it does what you want but requires a separate definition for each combination of argument types / number of arguments. Procedures and Functions - Overloading (Delphi) - RAD Studio (embarcadero.com) Added: Looks like not much use here due to not being able to easily get a reference to the property as a property vs as a value.
  19. Brian Evans

    Map file = Detailed also produces DRC file

    The help also says it is generated if either option is set (detailed map files OR .drc generation); Package Files Created by Compiling - RAD Studio (embarcadero.com)
  20. Can try the various SysInternals tools (Process Monitor and Process Explorer) to see some of what that app is doing. There is also tools like API Monitor to see what Windows API calls (and results) the application is making, Depending on the database and database connection method there are logging tools there as well. Sysinternals Process Utilities - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn API Monitor: Spy on API Calls and COM Interfaces (Freeware 32-bit and 64-bit Versions!) | rohitab.com A long shot would be checking any code that runs during shutdown for IF's that might be coded wrong for 64bit so try to do things they shouldn't like try and open a database connection to a non-existent database server.
  21. Myself I would use the file system over SQLite. Store extra information with the images as either image metadata or in a file beside the image file. This lets you regenerate the database from the files as needed. Less involved to do incremental backups. A small SQLite database file + changed image files vs a large SQLite database file with images in it.
  22. Brian Evans

    Android 12, Delphi 11.3 Bluetooth

    Without the error(s) and what you tried it is hard to answer. Would suggest reviewing : Bluetooth permissions | Android Developers to start since you mention permissions issues.
  23. Brian Evans

    Can one run delphi (32 bit) apps on Windows 11 ARM?

    It shouldn't be the issue in general as they even have an option to optimize for Windows on ARM so they at least test on that platform. Still wouldn't hurt to try the application without protection to see if the error message is more helpful. The 0xc0000409 suggests a missing or corrupt library / resource / etc which can be something required by something you load making it harder to track down. Optimize for Windows on ARM: The Windows on ARM emulation produces some penalties when emulating specific code or data accesses. This option produces a protection code that is emulated faster on Windows on ARM with just a small reduction in complexity in the protection code.
  24. Brian Evans

    Good data grid for VCL and FMX

    There are a fair number of Delphi grids still in active development. One is Developer Express : VCL Data Grid. It is expensive but has a lot of features and is the one I use. It has a provider mode where it basically handles querying the database for you when doing sorting / filtering in the grid itself which works much better on larger datasets than the more common pull all data locally (which it also supports). It has a bit of learning curve but once figured out you get a lot functionality with little or no code. VCL DataGrid - High Performance Grid for Delphi & C++Builder (devexpress.com) Read question too fast. It does not support FMX. They tested the water with FMX but seems there was not enough demand from their current customers to make it viable.
  25. I also think Delphi should transition to a 64 bit IDE so it works better with large projects. As well with high entropy ASLR it could make it easier to find memory bugs in the IDE/plugins/design time components as most addresses would be invalid vs valid when the IDE uses a lot of memory. The breaking change of the IDE not running on 32 bit operating systems is a non-issue at this point. I have no problem with components living / running in the IDE. Perhaps Embarcadero could pay to get a component development guide updated or written along with some helpful tooling / debugging support to help revive wider 3rd party component production.