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Brian Evans

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Everything posted by Brian Evans

  1. Brian Evans

    Smartinspect status

    Old topic but since the product was updated and has been available for months I am adding a link here. It also seems to have the worst web presence of a product I have seen in years. Almost impossible to find by web search which still brings up previous owners of the product. The product page even has <meta name='robots' content='noindex, nofollow' />. SmartInspect – Code Partners (code-partners.com) Advanced High-Performance Logging and Tracing for .NET, Java and Delph
  2. Only thing I can think of is in regards to 64bit applications: Delphi 11.2 64 bit apps make more use of ASLR. Pointers are now less likely to have the top 32bits all zero so any use of an integer to hold them will now cause problems. Loading a 32bit value into a 64bit register on x64 clears the top bits so bad code could squeak by before if the top 32 bits of the real address were all zero. Delphi Compiler Enhancements As part of the RAD Studio 11.2 Delphi compiler improvements, Delphi further expands Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) support for the Win64 platform by supporting High Entropy ASLR (HE ASLR) by adding the ability to randomize memory addresses at high locations.
  3. The language designer can save to a .lng file. See; FMX.Types.TLang - RAD Studio API Documentation (embarcadero.com) Can also create a txt-file template then load from txt-file latter then save as a .lng file. The format of .lng files looks binary but not too complex - a section of strings (xxxx) one per line to translate then sections for a language code and translation pairs (xxxx=yyyy) one per line.
  4. They deleted the first one, so just the second exists now. [RSP-39755] Microsoft Windows update KB5018410 breaks REST operations - Embarcadero Technologies
  5. Main system: Windows 11 Pro 22H2. using Delphi 11.2 patch 1 the minimal application retrieves the response without issue. Run exe on Windows 10 without update KB5018410 send request works. Run exe on Windows 10 with update KB5018410 send request fails. I did notice that Internet Options for Windows 10 has TLS 1.3 not checked by default and it says (experimental) after it. Windows 11 has it checked by default without the (experimental) tag. Search for Internet options in start menu and it should come up as a control panel result, TLS selections are near the bottom on the Advanced tab. No combination of settings gets it to work again on a patched Windows 10 system (KB5018410). There is some weird interaction between the patch and Delphi REST components it seems. It breaks TLS 1.2 somehow and TLS 1.3 isn't functional either. Images below: Windows 10 before patch, Windows 11 22H2 and Windows 10 after patch.
  6. TLS 1.0/1.1 are now disabled by default starting with this month's patch (Oct 2022). They were already disabled in some editions of Windows. TLS Security Settings fails after October 2022 Patch - Microsoft Community Windows 10: Beware of a possible TLS disaster on October 2022 patchday | Born's Tech and Windows World (borncity.com) Not sure why it stopped working however - just checked and your server offers just TLS 1.2 and TLS 1.3 so the older protocols should not be in use anyway.
  7. Brian Evans

    Any tip with Datasnap Rest ISAPI + TDataModule

    I doubt any of your other projects has an added auto created datamodule. Perhaps an added datamodule instanced in one of the other units if splitting things up was desired vs everything in the Server Methods unit. This type of project is inherently multithreaded and creates multiple instances of the Server Methods objects to handle multiple requests - tossing in a extra single instance of a datamodule not attached to any of the other units setup for this seems likely to break things period. So why are you adding an auto created datamodule?
  8. Brian Evans

    Any tip with Datasnap Rest ISAPI + TDataModule

    The server methods unit is where you would normally put your data access components and anything else needed to handle a request. Why are you trying to add a TDataModule?
  9. Brian Evans

    Problem with Gauge component.

    The Bonus KSVC components included with Delphi but not installed by default include some components that might help. Installable through GetIt. Going through a few it seems the Meter component from the KSVC components can come closest. The KSVC progress bar makes the text match the bar or background color depending on the progress which makes the yellow bar / white background combination a problem. Also here I don't see the messed up text for the ancient TGauge.
  10. It won't copy more characters than are in the string. Passing a large number for count is basically saying copy until the end is reached. However if the count parameter is left out the compiler will put in max int behind the scenes leading to cleaner code and no problematic magic value that could truncate a really long string. FPath := Copy(FPath, I + 3);
  11. Brian Evans

    Install AppAnalytics Server

    It uses Ruby Rack which is: Rack provides a minimal interface between webservers that support Ruby and Ruby frameworks. Rack is a layer between the framework & the application server — RubyRack The needed config file is in the root directory (config.ru).
  12. Brian Evans

    cannot install component

    CodeSite is an optional logging library. Delphi includes a limited version called CodeSite Express available through GetIt. Conflicting information if it is available with Delphi CE.
  13. Brian Evans

    Delphi Registration

    I agree it is bad move to create the problem - limited activations with no way to de-activate - then require a support contract to 'fix' it with a bump to the number allowed. As others have mentioned it seems more like a car salesman's slimeball tactic to increase 'sales interactions' than provide any benefit to customers. The policy basically says to active developers trying to reinstall: Give me money or you can go f*** yourself. That is not how you build a developer community. It is likely driving away a good number of developers and killing sales in the long term for a few renewals in the short term. In my estimation they should just allow three and decay them one per year. More than that by request with justification. Or just bring back a way to do it self-serve style like it was before with some upper limit based on time.
  14. Brian Evans

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    You can put the BPLs in the same directory as the EXE and always deploy both. You lose some of the sharing between unrelated executables but avoid extra testing and issues like this when there is a new release of Delphi or some third party library. The incompatibilities are usually fixed given some time but having to wait on them can cause it's own issues like delaying your own testing and/or deployment. I rarely use runtime packages but when I do they are only shared between executables built and deployed at the same time. For applications with long lives it keeps them from breaking when other installers change common files or even delete them on uninstall.
  15. Brian Evans

    KSVC 7.0 Bug component

    No error seen here dropping a TrzCheckList on a form in a new project.
  16. How to open more edit windows in case it is hard to find. It is kind of workable but does have some quirks - often get a blank area with a Move Designer button when switching around a lot and select the same thing in more then one place.
  17. Brian Evans

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    Had similar errors for FMXLinux packages when I did the 11.2 install. I just clicked OK and continued on and made sure to install FMX Linux in GetIt before doing work in the IDE. Enough was installed that I could do the rest by launching Delphi and using the Platform Manager and GetIt there.
  18. Brian Evans

    Palette - Can't find "Data Controls"

    FMX does not have a Data Controls palette - it uses regular edits plus live bindings. View the source code of a form and check the uses clause. If it contains items like FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs then this likely a FMX project and not VCL. If it is not an FMX project try: Make sure you are in Design mode and not Code mode (tabs along bottom of editor) then right click in the Palette area and select "Reset Palette".
  19. One option would be to use the (Windows Filtering Platform - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs). This is the same set of APIs that the Windows firewall uses to interact with the Windows network stack to control traffic.
  20. Brian Evans

    DB field update using "DataSet.FieldByName" is not working

    If that is hooked up to the edit in question. I have doubts since DBEditPMSExit wouldn't be the default event name for a control called DBEdit23.
  21. Brian Evans

    DB field update using "DataSet.FieldByName" is not working

    Exit is not triggered for a control when the application is closed as focus never moves off it. You could move focus somewhere in the form's OnClose to trigger it. procedure TForm1.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin Form1.SetFocusedControl(Form1.Button1); end;
  22. Brian Evans

    FireDAC array DML performance issue

    Would suggest using the Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server - OLE DB Driver for SQL Server | Microsoft Docs instead of ODBC. Without seeing your code it is just guessing why it is slow. Certainly a large difference between local and over the network suggests your code isn't using ArrayDML with a large enough batch size or any batch size at all.
  23. Brian Evans

    XML viewer component

    No problems encountered here. Expand the tree nodes and see more details on what is going wrong. Can also take a look in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0 for GetItInstall.log which should also have the information on what happened.
  24. Brian Evans

    Several F2084 Internal Error on Delphi 10.4.2

    As with any software without a reliable method to reproduce a bug it can be very hard to fix it. Some organizations severely limit how much effort can be put into non-reproducible bugs as they can consume large amounts of time and effort for little to no gain. It is frustrating for both users and developers but acting out on that frustration doesn't really help any. For F2084 Internal Error errors which are often due to the compiler having problems with some source code it is very hard to find the bug and create a way to reproduce it without access to some source that triggers it. Again frustrating for both - it is hard for developers to do much with "compiler chokes on my source" when they can't take a look at the source - but also for the user who has work interrupted when the hit the bug. At least when there is a way to reproduce a problem Embarcadero does work on fixing them. An example was for years I occasionally got a dangling scrollbar in the IDE but never reported it since I was not able to find a reliable way to reproduce it. A while back somebody did report it and after reading some comments others made I finally managed to reliably reproduce the issue and put it in a comment on the bug report. It was fixed in the next release. ([RSP-34111] Editor leaves dangling vertical scrollbar behind - Embarcadero Technologies).
  25. Brian Evans

    Sending Email via GMail Using OAuth 2.0 via Indy

    One place they are used in OAuth 2.0 is when exchanging a refresh token for a new access token. How long refresh tokens and access tokens last depend on the web service being accessed. One example would be : Refresh Tokens with OAuth 2.0 - LinkedIn | Microsoft Docs