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Everything posted by Fritzew

  1. And this is the problem. I think it is time for a two-pass compiler in Delphi. But the problem I see there is that Emabarcadero has not the power to switch. If I see what Remobjects can do with her compilers.........
  2. Fritzew

    HIDPI problems on latest GExperts r4210

    I have updated today and done a Build. Version 1.3.24 build 4222 My Settings are 1. Monitor 2560 x 1440 96 dpi 2. Monitor 5120 x 2880 working on 200% (tested also with 175 and 225 %) I can confirm the "Grep Results" is working on HighDpi but on first start it will be always on the "Main Screen" in my case my 96 Dp Screen. For me no problem the "Procedure List" works on High Dpi but on 96 Dpi the List is to big.
  3. Fritzew

    Delphi Version in profile

    The Bug with div [const] is a showstopper so Athens is not usable
  4. This will result in discussions like: "That is not Delphi, it is ported C"
  5. Or Remobjects Hydra
  6. Fritzew


    I have purchased a new Sign-certificate from K-Software 5 weeks ago.... they have billed my card but no answer from support or sales afterward. Does anybody know something? Do i need a lawyer or just whine?
  7. The Documentation : #define DEVICE_NAME_LEN 128 int i=1; DWORD dwResult; char pcDevName[DEVICE_NAME_LEN]=""; while ((dwResult = MTMICRGetDevice(i,(char*) pcDevName)) != MICR_ST_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND) { // Device found, increment the device number i++; } so you van to use buffer not a String: function TfraExcellaChequeScanner.SetupOptions: Integer; var DeviceName : Array[0..127] of Char; begin Result := MTMICRGetDevice(1,@DeviceName); end;
  8. Found today in System.Types........ class operator TPoint.Explicit(Value: TPoint): TSmallPoint; begin if Value.x < Low(SmallInt) then Result.x := Low(SmallInt) else if Value.x > High(SmallInt) then Result.x := High(SmallInt) else Result.x := SmallInt(Result.x); if Value.y < Low(SmallInt) then Result.y := Low(SmallInt) else if Value.y > High(SmallInt) then Result.y := High(SmallInt) else Result.y := SmallInt(Result.y); end; Useless and wrong Code...
  9. Fritzew

    Community Edition expiring again, no new keys

    You are using it for free. What ever they decide to do with her work is only up to them. Why do you think there are rights on your side? For sure the communication could be better. But... use a commercial version and be a customer and not a consument....
  10. Fritzew

    1D cutting stock problem

    You can use the Google Project. It is not so complicated to make a dll with some exports. But you will need VS Studio, Git and Cmake.
  11. I would go this way.... You can add this in low time, the other way needs more time I would think
  12. Is there a setting for the text color in Sourceindexer? In Darkmode Black Text on DarkGray background is not really readable 🙂
  13. Fritzew

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    Hey people back to work...... VS 2022 ARM is out as preview. I have installed on a Mac-Mini M1 Parallels WIN11 ARM. The speed is superb.
  14. Fritzew

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.0.2

    I'm testing it at Moment with VCL, so a FMX Canvas is out Another Question: How thread save is SKIA? We prepare a lot oaf Drawing-Layers in Threads and put it together after finished. Works well with Cairo. At Moment I check first the Speed of Drawings to decide if it is worth to switch
  15. Fritzew

    ANN: Skia4Delphi v3.0.2

    Is there a way to print a Skia Graphic to Printer on Windows? I'm evaluating Ski as a replacement for Cairo. In Cairo on Windows we can directly print to a Printer HDC
  16. Fritzew

    Delphi and the new Apple M1 CPU

    I don't think there will be an Emulation on M1 for running x86 Windows. So as Delphi Developer the latest 2019 MPro will be the latest. I would like to see an option but without a ARM Windows with a fast Emulation? no hope. I have here a a 2019 MacBook Pro 16" with I9 from last year so I think there is time to wait. But the "want have" is so "BIG".
  17. Fritzew

    VCL Handling of dpi changes - poor performance

    In short: Yes
  18. Fritzew

    Improving type safety

    Look at this: program Project20; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils; type TVectorD3 = record x, y, z: Double; end; TDirection = type TVectorD3; {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST ON} procedure Test; var V: TVectorD3; D: TDirection; begin V := default (TVectorD3); D := TDirection(V); end; begin try Test; except on E: Exception do Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message); end; end. Will also produce a Warning. So if you enable UNSAFE_CAST there will be a lot of Warnings. And every place surround with a {$WARN UNSAFE_CAST OFF} is a bad Idea But I'm with Stefan here. A new Warning for Pointer Assignment would be fine.
  19. Fritzew


    What is the usecase? sorry for asking, but I want to understand....
  20. I would declaree it all as types so t type Pmedia_track_t = libvlc_media_track_t^; PPmedia_track_t = ^Pmedia_track_t; and then function libvlc_media_tracks_get(p_md : libvlc_media_t_ptr; var tracks : PPmedia_track_t) : LongWord; cdecl; procedure libvlc_media_tracks_release(tracks : PPmedia_track_t; i_count : LongWord ); cdecl; use as: var LTracksPtr : PPmedia_track_t; LTrackUse : Pmedia_track_t; LTracks : libvlc_media_track_t; // a record LCount : int32; begin LCount := libvlc_media_tracks_get( FVLCMIntf, LTracksPtr ); // FVLCMIntf is just (an initialised) pointer LTrackUse := LTracksPtr^; LTracks := LTrackUse^ ; // The above will point to the first record you can increment for the following or use a Array[0..0] of Pmedia_track_t libvlc_media_tracks_release( LTracksPtr, LCount ); // should work end;
  21. Fritzew

    Delphi and Parallels for Mac

    with Parallels 16.1 and Big-Sure I don't see the problem anymore. But my Setup is a external Magic Trackpad and Keyboard. Settings for Keyboard and Mouse in Parallels id automatic Game detection
  22. Simply remove the keybinding in the MMX Settings.
  23. I'm using Spring4D all the time. Run the Test without debugger...... for me It is one of the best, correction, the best library for Delphi.
  24. Fritzew

    Delphi 10.4.1 and the IDE FIx Pack

    You have never worked with C++ ? I don't think we will see it before a CE
  25. Fritzew

    Analyze interbase slow queries

    I would recommend https://www.upscene.com Using it since years. Love it, but I see now I should really upgrade to the latest Version of the Workbench