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    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. I have a script, and when calling python.ExecFile(script), it will take 235ms to execute. Calling it the 2nd. or more times, it always takes a little more than 4 seconds to come back from the ExecFile function. Do you have any clue why that could be? Is there anything to reset something before calling the ExecFile again I need to know about?
  2. softtouch

    Readin Email with IMAP component

    I tried it and it seems to work. I assume if I have multiple "NOT" criteria, I need to do it like this? sr[0].key:=skNot; sr[1].key:='skBody; sr[1].text:='This should not be in the body'; sr[2].key:='skBody; sr[2].text:='This should also not be in the body'; So when it see the skNot, it will use only the next criteria for the skNot or until it get another sk??? criteria?
  3. softtouch

    Readin Email with IMAP component

    @Remy Lebeau, to not to open a new thread, because my question is related: When I want to get emails when a specific text exist in the body, and another text does not exist, can I do it like this? SetLength(sr,3); sr[0].key:=skNot; sr[1].key:=skBody; sr[1].text:='This should not be in the body'; sr[2].key:=skBody; sr[2].text:='This must be in th ebody';
  4. softtouch

    RAD Studio 12.1 Athens Patch 1 Available

    The patch is available via getit, I just installed it.
  5. softtouch

    TComboBoxEx icon in editbox?

    I have a TComboBoxEx with items in it. Each item has an icon assigned, so far so good. When I click into the editbox to enter a new item name, there is no icon of course, but instead a weird space to the left (see attached image). Is there any way to have a default icon displayed in the editbox of the TComboBoxEx?
  6. softtouch

    If command

    ... the :='True' should be ='True'...
  7. softtouch

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Yes, that will just return "We couldn’t find any requests"
  8. softtouch

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Just wanted to read and comment on it, but that weird new portal does not list any report for me.
  9. softtouch

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    It uninstalled my 12 update 1 version and I had to reinstall all components again 😞
  10. softtouch

    mainmodule.<functionname> dynamically?

    Thank you! This is actually working just fine!
  11. softtouch

    mainmodule.<functionname> dynamically?

    I did, but I cant get it to work unfortunately. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  12. softtouch

    mainmodule.<functionname> dynamically?

    Thank you, but how can I provide parameter to the call when using this approach like result:=MainModule.ClickElement_ByXPATH(param1,param2,param3...)
  13. softtouch

    mainmodule.<functionname> dynamically?

    Via MainModule.<pythonfunction name here> (TPythonModule of P4D) If the python function ClickElement_ByXPATH exist, I call it like MainModule.ClickElement_ByXPATH();
  14. softtouch

    mainmodule.<functionname> dynamically?

    I want to call python functions. Their names are in a stringlist. With other words, how could I call a python function when the function name is a string? Example: var s:='ClickElement_ByXPATH'; How can I call the corresponding python function, which has exactly that name?
  15. Lets say I have an array with the following 2 strings in it: ClickElement_ByXPATH ClickElement_ByCSSSelector I have Python function with the same name, so I could call MainModule.ClickElement_ByXPATH or MainModule.ClickElement_ByCSSSelector, which works. Is there any way to create the funcname in the call MainModule.<funcname> based on the strings in the stringlist? For example, when I get the first item in the stringlist (ClickElement_ByXPATH), how could I create a call to MainModule.<here the element from the stringlist>, similar I can do with rtti and delphi functions, so it would call MainModule.ClickElement_ByXPATH? With other words, creating the call based on the text in a stringlist.