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Everything posted by softtouch

  1. softtouch

    Desktop path crossplatform?

    Is there a single function to retrieve the path to the Desktop which works on Windows and macOS?
  2. softtouch

    Desktop path crossplatform?

    Yes, that seems to be the only way at the moment. Thanks for that!
  3. softtouch

    Screenshot on macOS

    I am trying to figure out hot to make a screenshot via code of the own app when running on macOS, but could not find a solution. Does anybody here has a clue for me? Windows is no problem, just macOS cause headache.
  4. softtouch

    Screenshot on macOS

    I will play with it, thanks. Edit: Tested and works just fine 🙂
  5. softtouch

    Desktop path crossplatform?

    Thanks, I thought there might be a single function somewhere in IOUtils, but apparently not. All other path are available via IOUtils, just the desktop path not.
  6. Is there any way to detect that the webview2 runtime is installed on the target system?
  7. For macos, I tried Indy, which need openssl, and does not seem to work with newer openssl libs or tls 1.3, or even with the systems ssl implementation. I also tried using THttpClient, which works but crash on mac when trying to set a proxy. There is also stated that it will always use the system proxy. I need to use public and private proxies, multiple requests, each request has to use another proxy. Does anybody know any 3rd. party component that can use ssl without the need of openssl, and can set individual proxies for each request?
  8. I could provide a private proxy if needed. I can also provide the small test program. When I set the proxy with h.ProxySettings := TProxySettings.Create(<IP>,<PORT>,<USER>,<PASS>); it will call the procedure TMacHTTPClient.SetMacProxySettings in System.Net.HTTPClient.Mac, which calls various functions like "LDict.setValue(TNSNumber.OCClass.numberWithInt(1), kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPEnable);", but all the calls to kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPEnable and other "kCFNetworkProxies..." return always an empty string, causing somehow the app to crash.
  9. I tried both variations, both crash at the same line. Even setting a proxy would not work on macOS, it still should not crash the program. I used this same code already on older macOS versions, and there was no crash. Possible macOS 13.x cause it, I have no clue and also cant spend much time to investigate this, I just need to find a working component which works under Windows and macOS target, not using openssl.
  10. The example code is just the smallest possible code causing the crash. The moment I set a proxy, it crash in the code seen in the screenshot there in System.Net.HttpClient.Mac, thats why I cant use THttpClient, even I would like to (because of the ssl thing).
  11. @esegece your post is unrelated to my request of a 3rd party component that works without openssl on macos.
  12. Unfortunately, I cannot get that to work with macOS/Cross platform and it seems to use also openssl.
  13. The following code (compiled under Delphi 11.2, target macOS 64 bit, macOS is Ventura 13, sdk is 13.1) h:=THTTPClient.Create; h.ProxySettings.Create(<IP>,<PORT>,<USER>,<PASS>); h.Get(<URL>); h.Free; works fine on Windows 32 and 64 bit target, and it use the proxy. With macOS target, it trigger an exception class 6. The exception happen in System.Net.HTTPClient.Mac, see attached image. What am I doing wrong?
  14. softtouch

    Delphi 11.2 - Unable to use proxy with macOS target

    That sounds bad. I thought that was fixed in 10.4. At leat, it should not crash the app... Is there any other http client out there which works with Windows and macOS and does not relay openssl libs? I need to do GET, HEAD, POST, and all by using various proxies, multithreaded.
  15. softtouch

    ICS V8.70 announced

    Will there be in the near future any update to support macOS 64 bit?
  16. With Delphi 11.1 update 1 and firemonkey platform, with targets Win and macOS, when I compile for Win, no issue, then I switch platform and try to compile for osx, and get the following error: When I exit and restart the ide, I can compile for osx, but the same error comes up when switching back to Win64 target.
  17. softtouch

    form data store component ?

    I believe, the component you have been looking for was TmxStorage from maxcomponents.
  18. softtouch

    form data store component ?

    All right. Does it allow to add binary files too or only text files?
  19. softtouch

    form data store component ?

    Do you have by chance the component available? I am also looking for a form storage.
  20. softtouch

    Delphi 11.2 - Ubuntu Debugger error

    I installed new Ubuntu 20.04, followed the Embarcadero doc to setup everything, and I get the same "Exception class stop (17)", with a play new project without any code.
  21. softtouch

    Delphi 11.2 - Ubuntu Debugger error

    So it seems to compile and run fine also on the latest Ubuntu 22.x, but can debug only when using older ubuntu versions? I have no issue at all as long I do not try to debug.
  22. softtouch

    Delphi 11.2 - Ubuntu Debugger error

    Does not work for me. I attached some screenshots. One shows the properties of the symlink, the next the output in the paserver window, and another showing the exception in the IDE.
  23. softtouch

    Delphi 11.2 - Ubuntu Debugger error

    I did that, and get nothing but lots of errors in the PAServer Windows and get "Exception class stop (17) right away in the ide.
  24. softtouch

    11.2 Pre-Upgrade Checklist / back out plan

    Can 11.2 be installed over 11.1 or upgrade 11.1 to 11.2 without removing 11.1?
  25. I need to execute external programs like youtube-dl, ffmpeg etc. and also execute chmod and such on macOS. I kept searching for days and days and did not find any working example. Is there anything similar TDosCommand, but for firemonkey?