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Everything posted by softtouch

  1. softtouch

    Execute external program/command and capture output

    Thats the code I already tried, but it hangs sometimes and is not reliable.
  2. softtouch

    Execute external program/command and capture output

    Unfortunately, no, that does not allow me to capture the output of the external program.
  3. softtouch

    Execute external program/command and capture output

    Thanks, but thats unfortunately for Windows only, I need something like that for macOS/Firemonkey and just cant find anything that actually works properly.
  4. softtouch

    OpenSSL macOS ARM 64?

    Hi, I am looking for openssl libs for macOS 64-bit and macOS ARM 64-bit, but have no luck to find them and precompiled binaries. I need to access pop3 and imap server using ssl/tls, but Delphi 11 does not have any internal mail client beside indy, but indy need openssl and I am not sure the dylibs for macOS (liscrypro1.0.0.dylib and libssl1.0.0.dylib) will also work on arm. Does anybody know of any pop3/imap client for Delphi 11 which is crossplatform compatible and does not need openssl?
  5. softtouch

    Form designer width = client width?

    When I create a new form in the designer, how do I know the actual form width to be able to set the constraints values (minwidth, minheight) to the same size as the form width and height? The width and height in the properties seems to be related to the client width, not like with a vcl form, the actual width including titlebar and border. For example, when I drag/size the form in the designer to lets say 640x480, and set constraints minwidth and minheight to 640x480, I still can resize the form a little when running it.
  6. My application needs to download additional executable files (call it addons). They need to be executed after installation from the main app. Where would I need to save them after downloading them in order to be able to execute them? Is there any recommended folder? Can I save them im my user folder and execute them there?
  7. When I create a form which open another form and displays that with theform.show, so the code continue running (that form is some sort of "Please wait..." thing), the form will show up, but is somehow disabled and all controls on the main form are also not working anymore. When I display the second form with theform.showmodal, all works and that second form is activated normal. Is there any trick to display a form with show under macOS target?
  8. I need to call a function, with returns a string. Inside this function is a TCP request sent and the function wait for the reply, and then return that reply. Unfortunately, I need to wait in this function until the reply is available, then return the result to the calling code. Example (not actual code): This calls a function "GetTCPIPC". ret:=GetTCPIPC('test only'); This is the function "GetTCPIPC": function GetTCPIPC(msg:string):string; begin if not clientclass.connected then begin result:=''; exit; end; clientclass.msgvalid:=false; idTCPClient.IOHandler.WriteLn(msg); while not clientclass.msgvalid do begin sleep(0); Application.ProcessMessages end; result:=clientclass.msgfromserver; end; This function must somehow wait until the flag msgvalid is set, and then return something to the caller. So with "Application.ProcessMessages", it works as it should, but I want to get rid of that ProcessMessages call, and still, this function need to return the string after it waits. How could I possible realize that?
  9. softtouch

    Waiting for something without blocking the UI

    Thank you ioan and Remy! The problem is, the main code should not continue until the result is received, thats crucial. Its has to behave just like a call to normal function which return a result. It will also be called from many units.
  10. softtouch

    Working with Delphi and Excel

    I use on Windows / Firemonkey / OSX OExport from http://www.kluug.net. Its not free, but just works for years for me.
  11. softtouch

    macOS where to save downloaded executable?

    That would be ok, I was just worried that i cant just save them where I like to. I will then just save them into a folder inside the user folder and execute them there.
  12. I am looking for some sort of IPC which works cross platform. The purpose is to start other executables from a main program and communicate with them, sending data and receive results for example. It should work on Windows and also on macOS. Unfortunately, I could not finds anything useful. Does anybody has a clue or hint or anything?
  13. softtouch

    Some sort of IPC cross platform?

    I thought that is only Win/Linux (server). I need to have IPC on macOS, communicating between macOS apps.
  14. softtouch

    Some sort of IPC cross platform?

    I cant get tcp (using Indy) working. On Win is works, running the same on mac, it crash with some error #5. Isn't there somewhere a solution that actually works?
  15. I need to use the TEdgeBrowser/WebView2 with Delphi 11.1, and I have to use different proxies based on the url I want to access. I cannot find any example or description about how to use proxies with the TEdgeBrowser. I cant use the system proxy settings, thats important. Does anybody has a clue?
  16. softtouch

    Proxy for TEdgeBrowser/Webview2?

    I use now cef4delphi, and this allows me to set a proxy, so my issue is resolved with hits.
  17. softtouch

    Detect if WebView2 Runtime is installed

    Thanks, I did not see that. That seems to work.
  18. System.Net.HttpClient has a cookiemanager, which holds all the cookies. How can I save them and reload them when the program restart? The cookies array of the cookiemanager is read-only.
  19. Sounds good. I purchased once a license, but its some years ago. I tried to purchase a new license now, but even I added my vat id, it still add 19% vat to it, so I cancelled it.
  20. Does it also install using Delphi 11.1?