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Everything posted by PeaShooter_OMO

  1. This was tested on a clean install of Delphi 11 with November Patch and no 3rd party packages. Firstly I have noticed that Delphi 11 does not do Find Declaration while your project's Release build is activated. I did find a similar bug report on Quality Portal and voted for that as well as have my colleague submit a comment how to reproduce our issue. https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-33347 So I am wondering if my next Delphi 11 issue is related to that or maybe I am just missing something. Attached you will find a .zip file containing a bare minimum Package and an Application. In the application the problem is that I cannot do a Find Declaration on the package unit in the uses section or the DoMsg method unless I enable "use debug .dcus" inside the application Debug build config. The package consists only of the TestUnitJ unit and the IDE Paths were setup as follows: Win32-------- Library Path-- D:\Test Package\DCU\Win32\Release Browsing Path-- D:\Test Package\PAS Debug DCU Path-- D:\Test Package\DCU\Win32\Debug I followed the same pattern as I have always done in previous versions of Delphi without having these issues. Test Package and Application.zip
  2. I am wondering why the packages included in Delphi behave correctly Even the included Indy. How was that setup and built to work correctly? I wanted to have a look at the Indy packages on its Github but there was only up to xxx270.dproj