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Everything posted by P@Sasa

  1. I'm having the same problem and thinking of getting certificate to sign EXE. Could you please inform us what kind of certificate did you buy? OV certificate? EV certificate? Or something else? Thanks.
  2. P@Sasa

    FastMM5. Can't get a log file

    I also have problems with logging and here is what I did to get log file. I make FastMM5.INC in FastMM5 directory. {$define FastMM_EnableMemoryLeakReporting} {$define FastMM_FullDebugMode} {$define FastMM_UseOutputDebugString} {$define FastMM_ClearLogFileOnStartup} {$define FastMM_EnterDebugMode} Then, included FastMM5.INC in FastMM5.pas before interface. unit FastMM5; {$Include FastMM5.inc} interface Now, when I add FastMM5 in some project I'm getting log file.
  3. I'm working in Delphi 10.2 I will need to make Json object which would need to ignore empty integers, numbers or entire class. For Integers I've tried with attribute [SuppressZero] and it works OK but problem is that integer output is like string, not integer. Is there any solution for that? Example classes: TOtherClass = class private FStringField1: string; FIntegerField1: Integer; FDoubleField1: Double; published property StringField1: string read FStringField1 write FStringField1; property IntegerField1: Integer read FIntegerField1 write FIntegerField1; property DoubleField1: Integer read FDoubleField1 write FDoubleField1; end; TMainClass = class private FStringField: string; FIntegerField: Integer; FDoubleField: Double; FOtherClass: TOtherClass; published property StringField: string read FStringField write FStringField; property IntegerField: Integer read FIntegerField write FIntegerField; property DoubleField: Double read FDoubleField write FDoubleField; property OtherClass: TOtherClass read FOtherClass; public end; If I fill all fields I'll get result like this: { "StringField": "123", "IntegerField": 1, "DoubleField": 111.11, "OtherClass": { "StringField1": "999", "IntegerField1": 9, "DoubleField1": 999.99 } } What I need is that if integers and doubles are 0 then it shoud not exists in result, and if entire Class is empty than that class shoud not be in result Json. That means for: Integerfield=0, DoubleField=0.00, OtherClass->StringField1='', OtherClass->IntegerField1=0, OtherClass->doublefield1=0.00 the result shoud be: { "StringField": "123", } not { "StringField": "123", "IntegerField": 0, "DoubleField": 0.0, "OtherClass": { "StringField1": "", "IntegerField1": 0, "DoubleField1": 0.00 } } or { "StringField": "123", "IntegerField": 0, "DoubleField": 0.0, "OtherClass": { } } I've tried for "integer fields" something like Uwe Raabe did with Date fields and it works for integer values 0(zero) but for integers different from 0 problem is that the result in JSON is string not integer because StringConverter and StringReverter works with string. My idea for class with attribute [SupressZero] TOtherClass = class private FStringField1: string; [SuppressZero] FIntegerField1: Integer; [SuppressZero] FDoubleField1: Double; published property StringField1: string read FStringField1 write FStringField1; property IntegerField1: Integer read FIntegerField1 write FIntegerField1; property DoubleField1: Integer read FDoubleField1 write FDoubleField1; end; TMainClass = class private FStringField: string; [SuppressZero] FIntegerField: Integer; [SuppressZero] FDoubleField: Double; [SuppressZero] FOtherClass: TOtherClass; published property StringField: string read FStringField write FStringField; property IntegerField: Integer read FIntegerField write FIntegerField; property DoubleField: Double read FDoubleField write FDoubleField; property OtherClass: TOtherClass read FOtherClass; public end; My code for integer fields (did not try supressZero for Double and Class because this don't work for integer fields) type SuppressZeroAttribute = class(JsonReflectAttribute) public constructor Create; end; TSuppressZeroInterceptor = class(TJSONInterceptor) public function StringConverter(Data: TObject; Field: string): string; override; procedure StringReverter(Data: TObject; Field: string; Arg: string); override; end; implementation { SuppressZeroAttribute } constructor SuppressZeroAttribute.Create; begin inherited Create(ctString, rtString, TSuppressZeroInterceptor); end; { TSuppressZeroInterceptor } function TSuppressZeroInterceptor.StringConverter(Data: TObject; Field: string): string; var RttiContext: TRttiContext; iValue:integer; begin iValue := RttiContext.GetType(Data.ClassType).GetField(Field).GetValue(Data).AsType<Integer>; if (iValue = 0) then begin Result := EmptyStr; end else begin Result := iValue.ToString; end; end; procedure TSuppressZeroInterceptor.StringReverter(Data: TObject; Field, Arg: string); var RttiContext: TRttiContext; iValue:Integer; begin if (Arg.IsEmpty) or (Arg.StartsWith('0')) or (Arg.ToLower.Contains('null')) then begin iValue := 0; end else begin iValue := arg.ToInteger; end; RttiContext.GetType(Data.ClassType).GetField(Field).SetValue(Data, iValue); end; If looking only string and integer fields for first class result is: for StringField="123", IntegerField=0 { "StringField": "123" -> OK - there is no IntegerField } for StringField="123", IntegerField=123 { "StringField": "123", "IntegerField": "123" -> NOT OK - this shoud be without quotes "" } Is there some solution for "SupressEmptyValues" for integer, double and classes that can be done with JSonReflectAttribute and TJSONInterceptor or should I look for some other solution for my problem? Thanks for replays.