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  1. ginnix

    Manage Features not working.

    When is the inline release?
  2. I have Rad Studio 12 with the new patch. When I try to install the Android runtime using Manage features it shows operation successful but nothing gets installed. I also checked C++, same thing, operation successfully but nothing gets installed. Any info would help.
  3. It's incredible this is still down.
  4. My problem is, I went to install C++ and it uninstalled my Android then it could not connect to the server. Also, C++ never installed since it could not connect to the servers. This happened about a week ago when the servers were down which I did not know about. How do I install the android runtime? If I use the ISO it wants to uninstall everything. My original install was using the web version. Thanks
  5. So, it has been down now for 2 weeks?
  6. Any eta on when this is going to be fixed?
  7. Just tried Rad Studio Wiki and it is also working for me. Hope they have this all fixed up soon.
  8. Why is it taking so long to get this working?
  9. How long has it been down now? I just noticed it two days ago, still down for me.
  10. ginnix

    Delphi 11 for iOS 16 ?

    I am using 11.2 and XCode 14 beta 6 and have successfully submitted my program to the app store. Just waiting for review and hopefully it gets accepted. Note: This is on Ventura Beta. Thanks
  11. ginnix

    MacOS: How to remove ambiguous Developer ID certificates?

    You can delete them using keychain on your Mac.
  12. ginnix

    Saving records

    Hi All, I have this record Type type TCustomer= record CompanyName:String[255]; SpotsAllocated:Integer; LicensePlates:String[255]; Parked:string[255]; end; var myFile:File of TCustomer; CompanyDataBase:array[1..100] of TCustomer; To save the information once the record is populated I use AssignFile(F, 'c:\tmp\test.txt'); Rewrite(F); for i := Low(CompanyDataBase) to High(CompanyDataBase) do Write(F, CompanyDataBase); CloseFile(F); This seems to work, I can see the data in the text file. My problem is reading this back. I am stuck on how to read the data back into the program. Any tips appreciated. Thanks
  13. ginnix

    iOS, Metal, Bitmaps, RGB becomes BGR?

    There seems to be a problem with Skia and GlobalUseMetal under ios when you use both in a project. The problem happens when you send the image to the photos app. if not TPlatformServices.Current.SupportsPlatformService(IFMXPhotoLibrary, Service) then exit; Service.AddImageToSavedPhotosAlbum(Image1.Bitmap); The colors are wrong when you view the bitmap in Photos Thanks
  14. ginnix

    iOS, Metal, Bitmaps, RGB becomes BGR?

    It does not seem to work with the CameraComponent. When I use Skia all the colors are wrong. When I disable Skia everything works.
  15. ginnix

    iOS app can’t start on iPhone

    Make sure you have set all the right permissions for your app.