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Primož Gabrijelčič

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Posts posted by Primož Gabrijelčič

  1. 2 hours ago, Fulgan said:

    So what you imply is that you cannot actually use TaskConfig(Parallel.TaskConfig.CancelWith(...)) on a TimedTask at all?

    Sorry, I did not mean to imply that. You can definitely use TaskConfig.CancelWith and then check task.CancellationToken in your thread.

  2. As you have correctly established, stopping a thread is cooperative. Thread owner can only nicely ask the worker thread to please stop, but if the worker thread keeps working, the owner can do nothing about that (short of calling TerminateThread, but that is really a bad idea).


    Passing cancellation token to the worker is a good approach. You can just capture `FCancel` in your code:


    .Execute(      procedure
            OnStatsRefresh(TGITSVCMiddleWareRuntimeInfo.RunningStatistics(FCancel), FCancel);


    I don't which of your methods is slow - `RunningStatistics` or `OnStatsRefresh` so I passed `FCancel` to both.

  3. 16 minutes ago, PatV said:

    Is it possible I have a race condition

    Yes. The answer does not depend on the rest of the statement 😞


    Thread pool does not get destroyed unless you destroy it in the code. 


    A thread from a thread pool does not get destroyed while it is running your code.


    You can process thread pool events to be informed when a thread will be destroyed: http://www.omnithreadlibrary.com/book/chap07.html#lowlevel-threadpool-monitoring

  4. OK, now for reals 🙂 


    (Sorry for the wrong answer before. You did not provide a test project so I did not open my Delphi at all and just guessed at the answer.)


    As the SetThreadDataFactory doesn't yet support anonymous method factory, your best bet is to use a singleton to store parameters and provide a factory.


    Just a sketch of a solution:


      TThreadFactory = class
        class var Handle: THandle;
        class function Make: IInterface;
      FConnectionPool := CreateThreadPool('Connection pool');
      TThreadFactory.Handle := aHandle;


  5. Ah, SetThreadDataFactory actually doesn't support taking an anonymous function as an argument. An oversight that I should fix in a future.


    So - pass a normal function or method name to SetThreadDataFactory, not an anonymous method.


    (And I will amend my answer to your previous question on that topic.)

  6. You can just use aConfig inside the anonymous function. Compiler will capture it for you.


    function TFConfig.CreateThreadPool(aHandle : THandle ; aConfig : rConnectionConfig ;  aValue: string) : iOmniThreadPool;
      result := otlThreadPool.CreateThreadPool(aValue);
      result.MaxExecuting := result.NumCores;
        function: IInterface
           result:= MakeInterface(aHandle, aConfig); // implement MakeInterface 


  7. This works:


    program Project191;
    {$R *.res}
      TpDataType  = (dtNone, dtInteger, dtDateTime, dtString, dtBlob);
      rParameter= record
        Field   : string;
        Value   : Variant;
        AsValue : TpDataType;
      TParameters = TArray<rParameter>;
      params, params2: TParameters;
      ov: TOmniValue;
      SetLength(params, 2);
      params[0].Field := 'a'; params[0].Value := 1; params[0].AsValue := dtInteger;
      params[1].Field := 'b'; params[1].Value := Now; params[1].AsValue := dtDateTime;
      ov := TOmniValue.FromArray<rParameter>(params);
      params2 := ov.ToArray<rParameter>;

    You will have to convert 'array of rParameter' to 'TArray<rParameter>'. TOmniValue has special support (FromArray, ToArray) for the latter but not for the former.

  8. IDE Fix Pack 6.4.3 breaks compilation in Rio 10.3.2 for our flagship application. After compile or rebuild, I get


    [dcc32 Fatal Error] FAB .gRPC  . pas ( 265): F2084 Internal Error: AV0D0F16E4(0D080000)-R0000000C-0


    Wihout IDE Fix Pack, compilation works fine.


    Any suggestions?


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