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KenR last won the day on December 6 2021

KenR had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

29 Excellent

1 Follower

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 12 Athens

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  1. KenR

    ICS as HL7 Server

    I use a TWSocket to listen for HL7 transmissions. It works perfectly. Ken
  2. KenR

    DevEx VCL Components & VCL Styles??

    Using the WXI skin it is very easy to emulate Windows light and dark modes with just a few lines of code.
  3. I'm also semi-retired and have to maintain two web servers, both are supplied by Easyspace. One is Centos with Plesk, the other is a Windows 2019 Server. I hate the Windows server for the reasons you state but unfortunately still need it!
  4. KenR

    Added IDE Toolbar Expert to GExperts

    Well done. This has always been a big problem.
  5. KenR

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    Several packages would not load e.g. Devex, Had to reinstall, UniDac & Eureka log resimstalling does not help.
  6. KenR

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    Totally agree. So instead of downloading a larger patch I have to download a 7Gb iso and then have to re-install most of my components.
  7. KenR

    ICS V9.3 announced

    Zipped version installs ok but I had same problem with GetIt version.
  8. I need to deploy a mac OS Arm-64 pkg to the app store. I have previously only ever submitted a 64 bit one before. I have turned on Generate Mac OS Universal Binary option in compiler options. The project entitlements file seems to be generated correctly: .. <dict> <key>com.apple.security.app-sandbox</key> <true/> <key>com.apple.security.cs.allow-unsigned-executable-memory</key> <true/> </dict> When I user Transporter to upload the pkg I get the error regarding the app sandbox not being enabled. This is driving me crazy. What do I have to do to get Delphi 12.1 to correctly generate a mac OS Arm-64 pkg? Thanks in advance
  9. KenR

    EurekaLog installation

    I did download a new key in the same folder as the install but didn't have to do anything with it.
  10. KenR

    EurekaLog installation

    I have the same problem. It just exits with no error message. Just ran it again for about the 5th time and it installed ok.
  11. I have problems but only with very large projects!
  12. KenR


    This will be such a pain in the **** - I also renewed early for 3 years to avoid it for now!
  13. KenR

    TestFlight problems

    I've started having problems again with TestFlight/OSX in 11.3.1. Can anyone confirm what the requirements are now for this?
  14. KenR

    TWebBrowser: Remove Scrollbars not working

    Only some browsers, like FireFox, allow you to remove the scrollbars!
  15. Projects were recreated, and have different folders for DCU's. If I re-open Delphi the project compiles fine. The problem only exists when switching between 32 and 64 bit.