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Everything posted by KenR

  1. KenR

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    Several packages would not load e.g. Devex, Had to reinstall, UniDac & Eureka log resimstalling does not help.
  2. KenR

    Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

    Totally agree. So instead of downloading a larger patch I have to download a 7Gb iso and then have to re-install most of my components.
  3. KenR

    ICS V9.3 announced

    Zipped version installs ok but I had same problem with GetIt version.
  4. I need to deploy a mac OS Arm-64 pkg to the app store. I have previously only ever submitted a 64 bit one before. I have turned on Generate Mac OS Universal Binary option in compiler options. The project entitlements file seems to be generated correctly: .. <dict> <key>com.apple.security.app-sandbox</key> <true/> <key>com.apple.security.cs.allow-unsigned-executable-memory</key> <true/> </dict> When I user Transporter to upload the pkg I get the error regarding the app sandbox not being enabled. This is driving me crazy. What do I have to do to get Delphi 12.1 to correctly generate a mac OS Arm-64 pkg? Thanks in advance
  5. KenR

    EurekaLog installation

    I did download a new key in the same folder as the install but didn't have to do anything with it.
  6. KenR

    EurekaLog installation

    I have the same problem. It just exits with no error message. Just ran it again for about the 5th time and it installed ok.
  7. I have problems but only with very large projects!
  8. KenR


    This will be such a pain in the **** - I also renewed early for 3 years to avoid it for now!
  9. KenR

    TestFlight problems

    I've started having problems again with TestFlight/OSX in 11.3.1. Can anyone confirm what the requirements are now for this?
  10. KenR

    TWebBrowser: Remove Scrollbars not working

    Only some browsers, like FireFox, allow you to remove the scrollbars!
  11. Projects were recreated, and have different folders for DCU's. If I re-open Delphi the project compiles fine. The problem only exists when switching between 32 and 64 bit.
  12. With very large projects I find that compiling it in 32 bit mode then compiling it in 64 bit mode crashes Delphi. This happens every time with multiple projects!
  13. I have also struggled with this concept. I am currently using TMS Web Core with the db server created by using TMS XData. For most visual components I am using DevExtreme. This seems to work very well. The main advice I can give is to retrieve the absolute minimum amont of data with each request.
  14. KenR

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    I can't currently work out why but some of my FMX forms won't open even if just using Windows. Delphi just crashes can anyone think what would cause thsi?
  15. KenR

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    Opening an existing FMX package crashes Delphi and it completely closes with no error message!
  16. KenR

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    Lost all my library paths again except Win32!
  17. KenR

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    Getting a 500 internal error when trying to re-install GetIt packages.
  18. KenR

    Delphi 11.3 is available now!

    In this day and age isn't it about time that an update can be done without having to uninstall itself!
  19. Five stars for the TMS version. This has worked perfectly for me for a number of years!
  20. KenR

    TestFlight problems

    Not quite all roses. Need to leave the changes our of the entitlements for the debug version. What's the best way of doing this?
  21. KenR

    TestFlight problems

    Yes, it did.
  22. KenR

    TestFlight problems

    Thanks Dave but that didn't make any difference. What did is editing the Entitlement.TemplateOSX.xml file and adding: <key>com.apple.application-identifier</key> <string>XXXXXX.YYYYYY</string> <key>com.apple.developer.team-identifier</key> <string>XXXXXX</string> Where XXXXXX is your Team ID and YYYYYY is your Aplication ID. I have left all of the other stuff in but will experiment with removing it. Regards, Ken
  23. KenR

    TestFlight problems

    I followed the instructions above and now Transporter uploads the package with no problems but the TestFlight tab is still showing it as "Not Available for Testing. Is there anything else I need to do? Ken
  24. KenR

    Delphi 11.2 unofficial LSP patch

    Very strange. I take it that you just copied the contents of both zips to the bin folder!
  25. KenR

    Delphi 11.2 unofficial LSP patch

    Debugging works fine for 32-bit but not 64-bit.