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Posts posted by KenR

  1. From what I remember when playing around with Miletus the settings do not work at design time. Add the fields you want to the grid, you will get an error but ignore it. In the OnCreate event of the form do something like:

      MiletusMSSQLDBDriver1.Server:='Server Name';
      MiletusMSSQLDBDriver1.DataBase:='Database Name';
      //If OSAuthent is False, you'll need to set UserName and Password:
      MiletusClientDataSet1.QueryText:='select * from Whatever;';
      MiletusClientDataSet1.IndexName:='Index Name';

    Add a TWebButton and in the OnClick Event add:




  2. I have been installing packages all morning with no problems. The last thing I did was install the experimental version of GExperts. After doing so the filepath cannot be edited and the ... button on the right is missing. I have uninstalled GExperts but still cannot add any packages. I have rebooted but still the same.


    Any ideas?




  3. On 9/14/2022 at 5:33 PM, Remy Lebeau said:

    There is currently a sasl-oauth branch in Indy's GitHub repo which adds new SASL components for using OAuth tokens with the POP3/IMAP4/SMTP clients. 

    Yes, because each service provides their OAuth tokens in their own ways.  So, outside of POP3/IMAP4/SMTP, you have to first obtain the tokens for the particular services you want to talk to, and then you can give those tokens to Indy for POP3/IMAP4/SMTP authentication.

    I have an application which sends mail-merged emails on behalf of multiple users per installation. They configure the email server thereselves via options in the application and I know some are using Outlook 365. This is not the main function of the software but is very important as, besides sending emails in the application, a service also sends reminder emails during the night. I have always used Indy for this but looks like I am going to have problems come 22nd October and am looking for the best way forward. I really do not want to switch away from Indy as it has been very reliable for many years. Can you please give any further information on how I can do this using the sasl-auth branch?

  4. 1 hour ago, David Schwartz said:

    As it happens, there are a bunch of properties in both the WebCore and FNC UI components that let you insert HTML tags to fiddle with things inside the DOM. I don't have a good understand of that side of things, and I'm not sure how many Delphi devs do either. But folks who work with JS know this stuff cold. 

    Please be aware that the FNC components do not have the ElementID property.

    • Thanks 1

  5. I have been doing my own replication using NexusDB for years. Basically in the application there are triggers for each table that needs to be synchronised which inserts a record for every field changed into a simgle table, the data itself is not recorded at this time. There is a flag for the type of opertation e.g. update, delete, etc. There is a service running at each site that every minute, if there are any entries in the table, processes the records into a new table with the data, zips the table and uploads it by FTP to a central site. The same service, running at another site downloads the zip and applies the changes. Obviously there are many safeguards that need to be applied during each stage. This may seem rather Heath Robinson but it has been working flawlessly for a long time.
