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  1. Dumpfbacke

    Unigui and TShape

    Hello everyone here. I have a VCL program which I would now like to convert to UniGui. It's an easy part here, at least I thought so in the beginning. There is a TImage in which I want to draw a rectangle, which is transparent as a TShape. I do my program like this Shape is a TShape; OnMouseDown Shape.Left := X; Shape.Top := Y; Shape.Width := 0; Shape.Height := 0; OnMouseMove Shape.Width := X - Shape.Left; Shape.Height := Y - Shape.Top; OnMouseUP Shape.Width := X - Shape.Left; Shape.Height := Y - Shape.Top; repaint; At the end I would also like to have the coordinates of the shape. There is no onMouseMove in TUniImage, but that wouldn't be so bad because the rectangle is mainly drawn at the end. Can someone help me here? Is there an alternative to TShape for UniGui? Thanks in advance for your help. Tanja