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Everything posted by Vandrovnik

  1. Vandrovnik

    Strange behavior for literals

    Delphi's "Shifting a 1 63 places to the left in a 32-bit variable" is the same as "Shifting a 1 31 places to the left in a 32-bit variable", so you will get $80000000. In the example above, shifting is done in 64bit variable and the result $8000000000000000 is assigned to 32bit typed constant - lower 32bits are used (0) and a warning is generated.
  2. Vandrovnik

    Strange behavior for literals

    Also note this in help: The operations x shl y and x shr y shift the value of x to the left or right by y bits, which (if x is an unsigned integer) is equivalent to multiplying or dividing x by 2^y; the result is of the same type as x. For example, if N stores the value 01101 (decimal 13), then N shl 1 returns 11010 (decimal 26). Note that the value of y is interpreted modulo the size of the type of x. Thus for example, if x is an integer, x shl 40 is interpreted as x shl 8 because an integer is 32 bits and 40 mod 32 is 8. So we have: const P: UInt32 = UInt32(1) shl 63; // contains 2147483648
  3. Vandrovnik

    Strange behavior for literals

    In help, they write: "If constantExpression is a real, its type is Extended." I believe F1 and F2 are both extended. const F1 = 0.2; F2 = Single(0.2); writeln(F1); writeln(F2); 2.00000000000000E-0001 2.00000002980232E-0001 If F1 was comp, it could save only integer values.
  4. But TDirectory.GetFiles (System.IOUtils) internally uses FindFirst/FindNext too...
  5. Vandrovnik

    Can Rio and Sydney co-exist?

    When I had 10.2 and 10.3 on my PC and uninstalled 10.2 later, help in 10.3 stop working and must be reinstalled.
  6. Have you tried to use lower resolution and turn the light on?
  7. I have seen the same problem and have "solved" it this way: Kamera.Quality := FMX.Media.TVideoCaptureQuality.LowQuality; Kamera.Quality := FMX.Media.TVideoCaptureQuality.MediumQuality;
  8. Vandrovnik

    Detect Windows shutdown?

    The declaration must be outside of the form...
  9. Vandrovnik

    Detect Windows shutdown?

    Did you read, what Cristian Peța linked? function ShutdownBlockReasonCreate(hWnd: HWND; Reason: LPCWSTR): Bool; stdcall; external user32; function ShutdownBlockReasonDestroy(hWnd: HWND): Bool; stdcall; external user32;
  10. I believe Anders is right. Class reference is just a pointer - its size is known. When you use this class as a member of another class (fChild: tChild, where tChild is a class), you cannot reference its members in properties (property x: integer read fChild.x). If fChild is a record (fChild: tChild, where tChild is a record), you can reference its members in properties, like in Anders' example (property x: integer read fChild.x).
  11. If size was the only problem, I can imagine something like this ("human preprocessor"): type tRecordA = record of size 8; tRecordB = record ... function Test: tRecordA; end; tRecordA = record x, y: integer; end;
  12. Something like a record helper 🙂 I always wonder why there can be just one class/record helper...
  13. Vandrovnik

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    Or NativeInt(pointer(... or NativeUInt(pointer(... Just when I see this typecasting pointer to integer, I can't help thinking that 64 bit IDE is far away 🙂
  14. Vandrovnik

    Delphi Rio IDE hangs again and again

    64 bit IDE would probably require all design time packages to be 64 bit, too... I was surprised to see typecast "integer(pointer(..." in https://blog.marcocantu.com/blog/2020-may-custom-managed-records.html ...
  15. Vandrovnik

    Function with just underscore _() seems to be valid

    With this info in mind, for bad customers you can start programming like that: const _ = 1; _____ = 2; x = _____ + (_-_-_) + 0 + _+0-0+_ ;
  16. Vandrovnik

    Parallel for 32 vrs 64bits

    May be https://github.com/neslib/FastMath and/or http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Floating_point_precision_control_(Delphi_for_x64) can help.
  17. tDictionary alone will not allow you to store more values for the same key (it seems you need it: "I get all values of (TKey1 = 1) for the data. "). You could use two dictionaries: tDictionary<tKey1, tObjectList> tDictionary<tKey2, tObjectList> In these object lists, there will be all objects with corresponding values of the tKey1, resp. tKey2.
  18. Vandrovnik

    Delphi Closedown Error

    It happens to me +- once every two weeks, too.
  19. Vandrovnik

    TListBox, TListView how to use Sort(Compare) ?

    Sorry, I did not read carrefully the title.
  20. Vandrovnik

    TListBox, TListView how to use Sort(Compare) ?

    You mean something like this? type tSledovaniVykonuSeznamVysledku=class(tObjectList<tSledovaniVykonuVysledky>) ... var Cmp: IComparer<tSledovaniVykonuVysledky>; begin Cmp:=tDelegatedComparer<tSledovaniVykonuVysledky>.Create( function(const Left, Right: tSledovaniVykonuVysledky): Integer begin result:=CompareStr(Left.Nazev, Right.Nazev); end); Sort(Cmp);
  21. Vandrovnik

    Profiler for Delphi

    Thank you, AsmProfiler suites the best.
  22. I have just tried to download it using Chrome (Czech version 81.0.4044.122 (Oficiální sestavení) (64bitový) ), downloaded without problems, browser allowed me to start the downloaded .exe.
  23. Vandrovnik

    Threading question

    What about remote debugging?
  24. Vandrovnik

    Variant to generic T, how?

    This compiles, but I have not tested, whether it works as expected 🙂 ToField<T> = class(tObject) private fData : T; protected procedure SetFromVariant(const aValue : Variant); end; procedure ToField<T>.SetFromVariant(const aValue: Variant); var val: TValue; begin val := TValue.FromVariant(aValue); fData := val.AsType<T>; end;
  25. Do you have an idea, how many users really need new functions for old versions of Delphi? If there are not many of them, I would suggest to drop support for old versions - you can probably spend your time better than keeping code compatible with old Delphi...