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Der schöne Günther

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Everything posted by Der schöne Günther

  1. Der schöne Günther

    Is it possible to see Git current working branch in IDE?

    Sure. You can also click it to quickly check out some other branch/tag. I haven't tried the VS Code integration in Delphi 11 yet, maybe that makes it even more appealing.
  2. Der schöne Günther

    Is it possible to see Git current working branch in IDE?

    VS Code and two plug-ins (Git Graph & Gitlens) lead to a fantastic git experience, in my view. The branch name is always visible at the bottom
  3. Der schöne Günther

    TWebBrowser Edge Engine Unavailable

    I never had the use case for the fixed version - Can you get it working in the VCL?
  4. Der schöne Günther

    TWebBrowser Edge Engine Unavailable

    The way of deployment you have selected (local, non-updating files) is not the most common. I'd recommend to spend the five minutes to read about the different deployment options here: Distribute a WebView2 app and the WebView2 Runtime - Microsoft Edge Development | Microsoft Docs (Strongly recommended to read the full page) For setting the path you have placed the files in, you can use CreateCoreebView2EnvironmentWithOptions(..), but you may also use simple environment variables (see link). As as third way, there already appear to be handy wrappers like the one you have found, but unfortunately, they haven't even written documentation for the VCL version that already exists since 10.4 https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/en/Vcl.Edge.TEdgeBrowserHelper.BrowserExecutableFolder
  5. Der schöne Günther

    Delphi 11 Windows XP compatibility tweak

    There's too many "should run" in there. Neither the IDE, nor the produced Win32 binaries are intended to be run on Windows XP, MS-DOS or Enigma. Is there a guarantee it will run on those platforms, just by not importing GetTickCount64? That just doesn't sound safe enough to promise my customers the same.
  6. Der schöne Günther

    WinInet API 4095 How can I remove this limit?

    You're welcome.
  7. Der schöne Günther

    RAD Studio 11 Alexandria is now available

    Really looking forward to this one 😊 Not sure why they're so hyped about those TreeView checkboxes, I care much more for Remote Desktop improvements and High DPI 👍
  8. Der schöne Günther

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Many thanks for your analysis. These extremely narrow highlights were often thought to be a bug, but Microsoft has confirmed it is intentional. Really puzzling decision to me.
  9. Der schöne Günther

    Touch Screen VCL

    How is your screen performing this? There are basically two options It's using "true" touch functionality, like on a regular Tablet (like Surface) It is emulating a regular mouse. Which means a mouse pointer will always be stuck on screen. Right-clicking is usually done by long-pressing It sounds like your screen is using option 2. If possible, see if it can be configured to use option one. If not, you have to have to disable the "long-press to right-click" functionality, if you don't need it. If that's not an option, it can be adjusted in the VCL itself, every TControl has a TabletOption where the long-press behaviour can be adjusted. That's how I remember it, I could be wrong.
  10. Suggestion: Throw the ENoConstructException from System.SysUtils, not a regular Exception 😉
  11. Der schöne Günther

    Better context menu

    That's just a form with buttons on it, and occasionally half-transparent. That's really not rocket-science.
  12. Der schöne Günther

    We use DUnitX and it discovers all our silly mistakes before release

    Excessively writing unit tests for new parts, but not using code coverage tools for the whole project. More than 50% of our code is 10-20 years old and simply cannot be tested. Yes, I have read Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael C. Feathers (goodreads.com), how to get out of this. But ain't nobody got time for that.
  13. Der schöne Günther

    What it's like to be a Delphi Developer

    I'm not very good with words, but I honestly can't find that he claims VS is terrible. "He says Visual Studio is terrible" is a really delusive distortion of words. 👎 RAD Studio definitively has its issues (for example, I'd never call it responsive, as he does), but so does VS. I don't particularly enjoy working in VS either, it's far from perfect. But I do love Visual Studio Code, that's for sure.
  14. Der schöne Günther

    10.4.1+ Custom Managed Records usable?

    Also known as Elvis operator - Wikipedia 😉
  15. I have been shipping one of our Delphi applications with the WebView2 runtime for months now. It really does work fine. The easiest mistakes are Forgetting to ship the needed dll Forgetting to install (or ship) the runtime or needed beta browser version Putting the application in a write-protected folder without telling the runtime where it can write What exactly is your problem?
  16. Der schöne Günther

    No StringHelper for saving to file?

    Saving to file has nothing to do with the string itself. What's next, myString.SendOverNetworkByUDP(..)? You have TFile.WriteAllText(filePath, fileContent) from System.IoUtils, that should be enough for everybody 😉
  17. Der schöne Günther

    Delphi on virtual machine and licence

    It makes no difference whether Delphi is installed on a virtual or real machine. One installation takes one activation. If you run out of activations, you have to contact Embarcadero and ask for a "bump". I don't use Delphi on real machines anymore, only virtual machines.
  18. Der schöne Günther

    eDP: Fluid Display showing recent topics broken?

    You can achieve this by ctrl+clicking, or middle-clicking, or whatever you usually do to "Open In New Tab" on the headings, when in fluid view. It should not be possible.
  19. Der schöne Günther

    eDP: Fluid Display showing recent topics broken?

    Works for me. Have you tried ticking on the boxes, and then unticking it? Or logging out/in again?
  20. Der schöne Günther

    TJSONObject.Format bug

    I don't know how to reproduce. This here runs fine: program Project1; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses System.JSON; const the_resp = '{"msg": "you get ... 100 % satisfaction"}'; the_resp2 = '{"msg": "you get \"... 100 % satisfaction\""}'; DEF_INDENT = 2; var doc: TJSONObject; formatted: String; begin doc := TJsonObject.ParseJSONValue(the_resp) as TJSONObject; formatted := doc.Format(DEF_INDENT); WriteLn(formatted); doc := TJsonObject.ParseJSONValue(the_resp2) as TJSONObject; formatted := doc.Format(DEF_INDENT); WriteLn(formatted); end.
  21. Der schöne Günther

    Create hyperlink inside code

    I remember it did work by using DocumentationInsight XML comments, you had something like <remarks> See the <see cref="App.Fizz.Buzz.pas|TFizzBuzz.init">init() method of TFizzBuzz</see> for more info </remarks> where you could then click on init() method of TFizzBuzz and the IDE would take you directly there. If I recall correctly, that was removed in either XE5 or XE7 and Documentation Insight has to be purchased separately. These days, the IDE still offers you to click on it, but clicking will do nothing except freeze the IDE for a few seconds 😪 A possible workaround is to specify the absolute path (including Unit & class name) so to make the references work. Of course, they stop working if you rename either unit or class: 2021-07-09-08-49-29.mp4
  22. Der schöne Günther

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Not saying that this site is not reliable, but I would always refrain from 3rd party magazines in that case. The official CPU support list from Microsoft can be found at http://aka.ms/CPUlist
  23. Der schöne Günther

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Stupid question: Is it running inside a VM or directly on real hardware? When I installed it inside a Hyper-V machine, it lacked 3D acceleration and a lot of effects (transparency, animations, rounded corners) were missing.
  24. I can only speak from very positive experience, and the fact that I'm doing HMI software that runs 24/7, for months. So leaks (of all kind) are a big concern to me. For sure you can have memory, handle or GDI leaks in, for example, 3rd party GUI libraries from DLLs. But on the other side, that ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown also just registers things at ... shutdown. It's not going to help you either when you pile dead and unused objects on top of each other, just to tediously free them when the application ends.
  25. I'm used to closing the debugging session with [Ctrl]+[F2] 😎 Memory leaks are taken care of in unit tests, DUnit can let a test fail when there's a memory leak.