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Everything posted by FGAIL87

  1. Hello, I have a program in Delphi that gets the stream from a camera managed in Python. I get the camera image using the following function GetPythonEngine.PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(camera.ValueObject,P,Len); And I notice that there is a memory leak every time this function is called. Specifically with the function GetPythonEngine.PyBytes_Check(camera.ValueObject); which is used by PyBytes_AsStringAndSize Is anyone observing the same thing? How can I solve the problem? Is there any other way to get the address and size of the camera variable?
  2. FGAIL87

    Memory leak with PyBytes_AsStringAndSize

    My TPythonDelphiVar and TPythonEngine variables are only destroyed when the program is closed. So there is no problem on this side. The memory leak happens every time the PyBytes_Check function is called. I see the program's memory increasing on the simple call of this function. I'll try to use the solution with PIL mentioned below, which I had left aside.