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  1. M.e.l

    New OpenSSL release 3.1.0

    It can happen. Thanks fixing that as well as for your time and component suite.
  2. M.e.l

    New OpenSSL release 3.1.0

    http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download is also dead from my side... 😞
  3. Yes, I can imagine how that can be a nightmare... But I am afraid I will not be able to provide any access to that proxy server, as this happens by a customer. The problem is solved by patching back that part of code ! But I will try to investigate further. Mel
  4. Hi, After updating from v8.57 to 8.68, the proxy setting in my TsslHttpCli component did not work anymore. Proxy: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080/wpad.dat Port: 8080 ProxyUsername / ProxyPassword are also set In unit OverbyteIcsHttpProt, function THttpCli.PrepareNTLMAuth(var FlgClean : Boolean) : Boolean; I did revert that part: 8.68 code: { this flag can tell if we proceed with OnRequestDone or will try } { to authenticate } Result := FALSE; if (httpoNoNTLMAuth in FOptions) and (((FStatusCode = 401) and (FServerAuth = httpAuthNtlm)) or ((FStatusCode = 407) and (FProxyAuth = httpAuthNtlm))) then Exit else if (FStatusCode = 407) and (FDoAuthor.Count > 0) and (FProxyAuthBasicState = basicNone) {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication} and (FProxyAuthDigestState = digestNone) {$ENDIF} then begin // V8.61 OAS : remove case where user and PW are empty because used for User credentials { We can handle authorization } TmpInt := FDoAuthor.Count - 1; while TmpInt >= 0 do begin if CompareText(Copy(FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], 1, 4), 'NTLM') = 0 then begin Result := TRUE; if Assigned(FOnBeforeAuth) then FOnBeforeAuth(Self, httpAuthNtlm, FALSE, FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], Result); if Result then begin if (FProxyUsername = '') and (FProxyPassword = '') and not Assigned(FAuthNtlmSession) then // V8.61 FAuthNtlmSession := TNtlmAuthSession.Create (cuOutbound) ; // Create session for proxy NTLM StartAuthNTLM; if FAuthNTLMState in [ntlmMsg1, ntlmMsg3] then FlgClean := True; Break; end; end; Dec(TmpInt); end; end reverted to 8.57 code: { this flag can tell if we proceed with OnRequestDone or will try } { to authenticate } Result := FALSE; if (httpoNoNTLMAuth in FOptions) and (((FStatusCode = 401) and (FServerAuth = httpAuthNtlm)) or ((FStatusCode = 407) and (FProxyAuth = httpAuthNtlm))) then Exit; if (FStatusCode = 401) and (FDoAuthor.Count > 0) and (FAuthBasicState = basicNone) and {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication} (FAuthDigestState = digestNone) and {$ENDIF} (FCurrUserName <> '') and (FCurrPassword <> '') then begin { We can handle authorization } TmpInt := FDoAuthor.Count - 1; while TmpInt >= 0 do begin if CompareText(Copy(FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], 1, 4), 'NTLM') = 0 then begin Result := TRUE; if Assigned(FOnBeforeAuth) then FOnBeforeAuth(Self, httpAuthNtlm, FALSE, FDoAuthor.Strings[TmpInt], Result); if Result then begin StartAuthNTLM; if FAuthNTLMState in [ntlmMsg1, ntlmMsg3] then FlgClean := True; Break; end; end; Dec(TmpInt); end; end and... miracle: it did work again !! (with everything else from v8.68).... I am NOT sure that is a bug: I might have something wrong in my code leading to that and need to set some properties to my TSslHttpCli to avoid that... But I don't know what... if somebody can help, thanks in advance Mel