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Robert Gilland

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  1. I have a ALL.groupproj file, and I want to rearrage the order of the projects contained within, how do I do that? Using Delpho 10.2
  2. Robert Gilland

    Indy & OpenSSL 1.1.1 & TLS 1.3

    I cannot understate the necessity to handle TLS1.3!
  3. Robert Gilland

    Android Create SQLLite Database at Runtime.

    Previous code was procedure Tdtmdl.CheckDatabaseExists; var EmptyDB: string; begin if not FileExists(DBPath) then begin EmptyDB := DocumentsFolderPath + 'empty.sqlite'; TFile.Copy(EmptyDB, DBPath); end; end; procedure Tdtmdl.ConfigureDatabaseAndTable; var SQL: string; SL: TStringList; begin // if fActiveApp = TActiveApp.aaNone then exit; cnctnDB.Params.Values['Database'] := DBPath; CheckDatabaseExists; try cnctnDB.Connected := true; except on e:Exception do begin end; end;
  4. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    We are trying to run this code as a linux service and the service is freezing. Can this code work under linux service conditions?
  5. Robert Gilland

    Android Create SQLLite Database at Runtime.

    Victory: I created an empty file fist by this method and then all good: lsDBPath := DBPath; if( not FileExists(lsDBPAth))then begin lhandle := System.SysUtils.FileCreate(lsDBPath); System.SysUtils.FileClose(lhandle); end; cnctnDB.Params.Values['Database'] := lsDBPath; cnctnDB.Params.Values['SQLiteAdvanced'] := 'page_size=4096'; cnctnDB.Params.Values['OpenMode'] := 'ReadWrite';
  6. I am having real trouble trying to create an SQLLite Database at runtime in Android. Does anyone know how to do this?
  7. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    It seems to me that this library requires gnome or kde installed is that correct? I am getting an access violation when the GtkWindowNew function is called, so I am guessing the Linux box needs a GUI installed to run this code. Is that right? LibGDKHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(LIB_GDK)); if LibGDKHandle = 0 then raise Exception.Create('libgdk-3 not found.'); GdkAtomIntern := GetProcAddress(LibGDKHandle, 'gdk_atom_intern'); LibGLibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(LIB_GLIB)); if LibGLibHandle = 0 then raise Exception.Create('GLIB 2 is required to be installed.'); GFree := GetProcAddress(LibGLibHandle, 'g_free'); IntClipboardOwner := GtkWindowNew(0);
  8. Robert Gilland

    Use testflight with Delphi

    Okay, but where do you deploy it to, what target platform? ie, how to get the built apk to the MacOS Transporter from Delphi 11.3?
  9. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    After all this, The SynPDF library is not compiling under Linux (ALexandria 11.3)
  10. I am using Delphi 11.3 I type a single quote in my IDE editing a pascal unit, and the quote does not appear until I press the space character. What is happening? More than this if I press a capital C after the single quote, I get a C with a tail underneath it. Very strange.
  11. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    Thanks Alexander, This code is windows specific. I am attempting to convert it to firemonkey code so it can run under linux. This is what I have so far. O don't know how to replace TGPBitmap to a firemonkey equivalent. var PrintDoc : THtDocument; li, liPageCount : Integer; locanvas : THtCanvasFMX; loBitMap : TBitmap; loScene : THtCanvasScene; loRect : TRect; loImage : TGPBitmap; begin PrintDoc := THtDocument.Create(THtCanvasFMX.PrintCanvasClass); // Convert PDF to HTML and parse result PrintDoc.Parse(THtDocumentConverter.FiletoHTML(psPDFFile)); // Make paged layout if( LandScape )then PrintDoc.GeneratePagesForPrint(297,210) else PrintDoc.GeneratePagesForPrint(210, 297); // SetLength(PNG, D.Surface.PageCount); FLoadPNGs.Clear; for li := 0 to PrintDoc.Surface.PageCount - 1 do begin locanvas := THtCanvasFMX.Create; try loBitMap := TBitmap.Create(PrintDoc.Surface.Pages[li].WidthPx ,PrintDoc.Surface.Pages[li].HeightPx); try // Render page loRect.Create(0,0,PrintDoc.Surface.Pages[li].WidthPx ,PrintDoc.Surface.Pages[li].HeightPx); loScene.Init(loRect, loBitMap.Canvas); locanvas.BeginScene(loScene); THtPageMeta(PrintDoc.Surface.Pages[li]).Meta.Play(locanvas); locanvas.EndScene; // Save to PNG loImage := TGPBitmap.Create(loBitMap.Handle, loBitMap.Palette); try GetEncoderClsid('image/png', PNGEncoder); BS := TBytesStream.Create(nil); SA := TStreamAdapterFix.Create(BS, soOwned) as IStream; Image.Save(SA, PNGEncoder); PNG[i] := Copy(BS.Bytes, 0, BS.Size); finally Image.Free end; finally B.Free end; finally C.Free end
  12. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    I have now received the latest html components library, and have successfully generated a PDF from a list of PNG files (thank you). However, I cannot find anything within the html component library that will export PDF file to PNG Files.
  13. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/office.html looks like it's task is to covert to HTML. It doesn't say it can convert PDF to PNG or PNG to PDF.
  14. Robert Gilland

    PDF to PNG and PNG to PDF

    I cannot find any component that converts pdf to png, or png to pdf, that in not .NET. Has anyone found any?
  15. Robert Gilland

    How to even start? WSDL to REST

    That sounds great. My current plan is to see if I can use the OpenAPI demo as a basis and see if I can get something actually working. I am a bit lost as to how to GET a large binary file (5MB) with MARS. Everything right now is explorative. As I already have implemented all this functionality in WSDL.