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George Birbilis

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Posts posted by George Birbilis

  1. Rename your AndroidManifest.tempate.xml to .old and do the same for other *tempate* files there (there are for Windows and iOS too)

    Rebuild for the target platform

    Deploy again from Project menu


    then compare the .old files with the new ones created and see if you had any custom changes to the old tempates that you may wish to copy/adapt into the new ones (as said above can't go below Android SDK 21 for min target [haven't checked myself] though if you wanted to target much older devices [could build with older Delphi for them and deploy as .apk for sideloading])


    update: maybe you can have min version <21 too with use of a library, see https://developer.android.com/build/multidex#mdex-gradle - not sure how easy is to adapt those instructions for Delphi though


    if you change the templates try build+deploy again

  2. Is there any chance the output file is locked (or not locked but the filesystem eventually fails to write to it)? I think I had seen OneDrive cause issues when trying to save too often onto the same filename (replace a file it was trying to sync to the cloud)


    There is a free tool from SysInternals (now Microsoft) called ProcMon that may be helpful to see what is happening

  3. Has anyone implemented a really cross-platform solution that works under Windows and OS-X too? (maybe under Linux too)

    I know though it's much harder in recent Windows versions to register a custom protocol.


    update: now that I checked what universal links are (links not starting with a custom protocol, but pointing to one's website), probably Win10/11 already have support for such concept (not sure about Win8), but wonder if it hijacks it before the url is passed to default browser, or if there maybe browsers that don't support it (say Firefox for example)


    I mean the "Apps for websites" under Settings/Apps




    Then there's also Windows 7 support issue, but maybe one could use ClickOnce launching of the app from the site page for browsers that support it
