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  1. Behdadsoft

    Load Binary Image From Access DB and show in TImage

    Thank you Remy Lebeau. The problem was how to store the images in the database. while I added many values in database with my own code before. But It seams not working for OLE Object.
  2. Behdadsoft

    Load Binary Image From Access DB and show in TImage

    I Initialized Stream variable before first Try-Finally and now it give me new error: JPEG error #53. Stream := nil; I searched in the web and couldn't fix this error and tested many solution for this error but none of them worked.
  3. Hi. I added many images into Access Database as binary. Now I want to load them form database and put in TImage. I wrote code below but it doesn't work and give me an error (Attached). I compound my code with this example: Streaming Bitmaps and other Binary Data to BLOB Fields procedure LoadImageFromBinary; var Image : TJpegImage; Stream: TStream; query : string; Blobfield: TField; Begin query := 'Select JPEG From Table Where Name=MyName'; Try Image := TJpegImage.Create; With ADOQuery do Begin Try SQL.Clear; SQL.Add(query); Open; Blobfield := FieldbyName('JPEG'); Stream := CreateBlobStream(Blobfield,bmReadWrite); Image.LoadFromStream(Stream); TImage1.Picture.Assign(Image); Finally Close; End; End; Finally Stream.Free; Image.Free; End; End;
  4. Behdadsoft

    Fix DBGrid Scrollbar Problem

    I found a solution for this issue. NextDBGrid6 Component form bergsoft is working like C# DataGridView.
  5. Behdadsoft

    Fix DBGrid Scrollbar Problem

    If you select a row in DBGrid and with moving scrollbar selected row changes it's normal? it should only scroll page to up or down and not change selection. Something that happens in C# and other.
  6. Behdadsoft

    Fix DBGrid Scrollbar Problem

    Hi. I have a DBGrid on my form that contain many rows. the problem is that, scrollbar don't work normally like other programming language. I searched in google for find a solution for this issue but I couldn't find anything. for better understanding, I captured a video from C# DataGridView and Delphi DBGrid that the problem is obvious. Also I Use Delphi 11.1. Video: Compare C# and Delphi Scrollbar