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  1. direktor05

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

    DAMN, I just discovered there is also TJsonTreeView component. Delphi 10.4. A nono, its a component I installed. Made by some Polish guy at Embarcadero.
  2. direktor05

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

  3. direktor05

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

    No I want to make a tool to create HTML menus. So I want a treeview that will be just like a website menu then export to json and read with javascript. The menu must not only have name, but also link url, onclick event description and parent/child id, stored in tTreeview1.items.data pointer.
  4. direktor05

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

    Or give me some code snippet to parse TTreeView, then will make json manually
  5. direktor05

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

    Hello, Is there a TTreeview component that can export items to JSON? Probably not or is very simple, because I also need to export data associated with a node which is in Pointer to Json. Any suggestion welcome.
  6. direktor05

    TTreeview to JSON VCL?

    Hello, Is there a TTreeview component that can export items to JSON? Probably not or is very simple, because I also need to export data associated with a node which is in Pointer to Json. Any suggestion welcome.
  7. direktor05

    Parse Json again, complicated

    Full Json: {"result": [{ "animals": [{ "id":1, "name":"pig", } ] } ] }
  8. Hello, How do I parse this Json: {"result": [{ "animals": [{ "id":1, "name": So.... I parse Json first: jsonobject := TJsonObject.ParseJSONValue(RestResponse.Content) as TJsonObject; Then I get to "animals":[{"id".... now here gets complicated. How do I parse further to get ID and name? Parse Json further or parse Json Array? Can someone help with some example code please?
  9. Ok Ladies and G... Ladies, here is the macho man solution for the brave. FileCrypt2.zip
  10. Ok boss, got it. When I solve the problem of shooting myself Ill post it here. 🙂
  11. Ah you used LockBox component... what a shame! Real professionals don't use other people's components they make their own. But it's OK, it works.
  12. Should not use FileStream or MemoryStream, no stream at all, just readblock - encrypt block - write block
  13. Ok thanks I think the problem with the above code is that it gives whole file buffer as input while only 16 B is acceptable. Thats why it takes first 16 B and the rest throws away. The right way should be ReadBlock 16 by 16 B until EOF and perform readblock 16B - encrypt 16B - write 16 B until EOF.
  14. This doesnt work: var Source, Dest: TFileStream; SrcFile, DestFile: string; Start, Stop: cardinal; Size: integer; SourceKey,NewKey: AESBlock; Key: AES128Key; SrcBuf, DstBuf: array [0..16383] of byte; SrcSize, DstSize: integer; MyInBlock, MyOutBlock: AESBlock; begin Source := TFileStream.Create(txtFile.Text, fmOpenRead); DestFile := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) + 'aestemp.enc'; Dest := TFileStream.Create(DestFile, fmCreate); try Size:=Source.Read(SourceKey,SizeOf(SourceKey)); if Size<>SizeOf(SourceKey) then raise Exception.Create('Unable to read SourceKey from file.'); FillChar( Key, SizeOf(Key), 0 ); Move( PAnsiChar(AnsiString(txtPassword.Text))^, Key, Min( SizeOf( Key ), Length( txtPassword.Text ) )); //FillChar( MyInBlock, SizeOf(MyInBlock), 0 ); //Move(Source.ReadBuffer(SrcBuf,Size), MyInBlock, Min( SizeOf( MyInBLock ), Size )); NewKey:=AES128Cipher(SourceKey,Key); Dest.WriteBuffer(NewKey,SizeOf(NewKey)); //AES128Cipher(Source,Key) //Dest.WriteBuffer(AES128Cipher(Source,Key),Size); finally Dest.Free; Source.Free; end; showmessage('Finished');