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Everything posted by direktor05

  1. Hello, Does anybody know of a Grid or ListView component that has both checkbox and combobox? I'm trying to get rid of LMD treelist. Should support x64. Regards
  2. direktor05


    I'm getting a ton of issues converting from x32 to x64. First one: var Size: Cardinal; Handle: Cardinal; FileName: String; begin if ModuleName = '' then FileName := OAExeName else FileName := ModuleName; Size := GetFileVersionInfoSize(PWideChar(FileName), Handle); Size returned is 0 and the error is: VerQueryValue (Language in Project Settings/Version Info has to be set to English (United Kingdom)) var SubBlock: String; ValuePointer: Pointer; ValueLen: Cardinal; begin SubBlock := '\StringFileInfo\080904E4\' + ValueName; TestGetLastError(VerQueryValue(@FBuffer[0], PWideChar(SubBlock), ValuePointer, ValueLen), 'VerQueryValue (Language in Project Settings/Version Info has to be set to English (United Kingdom))'); Result := PChar(ValuePointer); So what is wrong? I assume it's the variable (un)signed-ness again. GetFileVersionInfoSize(PWideChar(FileName), Handle) - Handle must be Cardinal according to API definition. How can I fix this? Another one is array of Byte variable is causing AV error.
  3. Does anyone know why this cxTreeList does not display text in front of checkbox? There is space but characters are not seen. I tried setting styles and font color it doesn't work.
  4. direktor05

    cxTreeList won't display text in front of checkbox

    Also how to get column property values? cxTreeList.Columns[0].Properties.Items[1].Text does not work.
  5. direktor05

    Grid or ListView with checkbox and combobox

    You mean because I'm too poor from Africa? 🙂
  6. direktor05


    The error I get is 1813 - resource not found
  7. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    Hello, I want to do drag drop from Windows Explorer to my app via OLE interface IDropTarget. Question is how do I detect if OLE communication is working well. For now RegisterDragDrop function is working fine. But I can't get a call to DragEnter function when dragging starts. How can I check that OLE is working fine and that dragging somehow starts? But why I can't get DragEnter function to run? Here is some nice theory: https://delphidabbler.com/articles/article-24 I can't get any of this functions to work or be called. What is wrong? And how do I check if OLE can detect drag-drop in the first place? function DragEnter(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function DragOver(grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall; function DragLeave: HResult; stdcall; function Drop(const dataObj: IDataObject; grfKeyState: Longint; pt: TPoint; var dwEffect: Longint): HResult; stdcall;
  8. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

  9. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    ha ha, ok I'll bite you
  10. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    In my code the file list is not filled: FileName := PWideChar(Cardinal(DropFiles) + DropFiles.pFiles); where DropFiles comes from WinApi.ShlObj - which means the file list is not being transferred from Windows on IDropTarget.DragEnter IDropTarget.DragEnter is called but the file list is empty.
  11. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    You could also tell me your idea of "example of working around the UAC restrictions " so I don't have to go through your non-working code.
  12. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    Not very professional! Doesn't work at all!
  13. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    Is this component made only for Delphi up to 2011? How about Delphi 11?
  14. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    Remy you are genius!
  15. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    Anders your component probably does diagnostic according to your component functions not in general. I need a solution how do you check if a procedure of function is executed/called inside OLE/ActiveX dll, better yet specifically inside shell drag drop dll? Any hero here?
  16. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    How can I check if OLE is called? CoInitialize works OK. RegisterDragDrop also OK. There is no error anywhere but the thing does not work. How can I test a call to OLE dll?
  17. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    procedure TForm1.Create(Sender: TObject); begin RegisterDropTarget(TFileDropTarget.Create(FileDragEnter, FileDragOver, FileDragDrop, FileDragLeave)); end; procedure TForm1.RegisterDropTarget(Handler: IDropTarget); begin RegisterDragDrop(Handle, Handler); FDragDropHandle := Handle; end; procedure TForm1.FileDragEnter(Sender: TObject; FileList: TStrings; Point: TPoint; Shift: TShiftState; var Action: TFileDropAction); begin IT NEVER ENTERS HERE FDragFromWindows := True; Point := ScreenToClient(Point); UpdateFileDragAction(FileList, Point, Action); end;
  18. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    But there still is a question why my DragEnter code is not executed? And how can I find the answer?
  19. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

  20. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    RegisterDropTarget(TFileDropTarget.Create(FileDragEnter, FileDragOver, FileDragDrop, FileDragLeave));
  21. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    RegisterDragDrop(Handle, Handler); Handle: 722688 Handler: TFileDropTarget($23747B02490) as IDropTarget So I have a pointer to IDropTarget, but it does not call IDropTarget.DropEnter function when I start the drag operation. Why not? And how can I check this?
  22. direktor05

    Drag Drop via Ole

    https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/shell/dragdrop I'm stopped at point 1 or 2.
  23. Hello, I have a list that is running procedures and functions all the time, based on timers. Like Load List, Do Something, Check Something, Do Next Thing.... How would I check when certain event happens on one line in the list. If I go through debugging it would be a night mare to go through 100s of procedures just to see whats happening in 1 line of list. I'd need some kind of event listener or something that would be triggered only when certain conditions are met or certain action happens on the list. To log events that happen after that. How would I make such an event listener. However this is not event listener based on component - like click or something. But when certain data would come into the list or when certain time would come when process would jump to specific line in the list.
  24. direktor05

    detecting events

    Uwe you are always full of good ideas. Yes this possible methods are many. A few 10. The condition I don't know exactly, if I'd know the triggering condition I'd know where to find the right procedure. That is the catch. I need to know what is triggering the procedures that are executed on timer Track 2 and which methods are triggered.