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Everything posted by rihar

  1. My App Compiles with Iphone OSSDK 15.4. IPA file is created, but installation fails. [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E4872 '"/Applications/PAServer-22.0.app/Contents/MacOS/iosinstall" -i 9889d1e5aa84af1c42b0a9803fe13d077c3740c2 -q -b "/Users/richardharing/PAServer/scratch-dir/micro-IOSSDK/zemobileV31.ipa"' kann nicht ausgef�hrt werden (Fehler 253) [PAClient Fehler] Fehler: E4872 err=Error 0xe8000051: Could not inspect the application package. AMDeviceSecureInstallApplication(0, device, url, options, install_callback, 0) the provisoning adhoc profile seems ok, since i can upload it to my phone with <apple configurator> without error. any suggestion will be hihly appreciated... i am using delphi 11.0 hr
  2. i updated to delphi 11.1 and installed SDK 15.5. Now at least the testapp ( 1 button, 1 label) compiles, installs and runs without error..
  3. thx for your answer. it will cost me about 2000€... ...thats the reason i am a long term delphi user, since 20 yrs. but it is getting too expencive these days.
  4. Has anyone here an IOS App running compiled using delphi 11.0 and IOS SDK 15.4. and paserver 22 ??
  5. i use delphi 11.0 and IOS SDK 15.4. in fact, i hve no idea, why it doesnt work. i tested my provisioning Profie with Apple Configurator. it loads on my iphone without problem. i think, i'll just give up..
  6. Thx, but the hello World app has no database, or anything else to read or write to the device... has somebody (anyone) running an IOS app created with Delphi11 and IOSSdk15. sdk??
  7. Now i made an Hello World App, it copmpiles and installs on the iphone without error. So i think my provisioning file is OK. when starting it on the phone (iPhone SE 15.4.1) ist starts but closes immediately. Sdk is IPhone OS 15.4 help needed :))