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Remy Lebeau

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Everything posted by Remy Lebeau

  1. Remy Lebeau

    Save tpaintbox to bitmap

    You can't, as TPaintBox is painted dynamically on an as-needed basis, so there is no persistent image to "capture". You need to change your drawing code to draw onto a TBitmap (or any arbitrary TCanvas) instead, and wrap that code into a function that you can call whenever needed. That way, when the TPaintBox needs to be painted, create a temp TBitmap, have the function draw onto it, and then draw that TBitmap onto the TPaintBox. When you want to do the "capture", create another temp TBitmap, have the function draw onto it, and then use the TBitmap as needed. This applies to both VCL and FMX, BTW.
  2. Remy Lebeau

    TIdMessageBuilderHtml add background color

    That has nothing to do with Indy, and everything to do with your particular HTML/CSS, and whether the receiver supports what you are trying (for instance, not all email readers support background images - see The Ultimate Guide to Background Images in Email ). Indy does not care about the particular content of your HTML, it gets sent as-is (other than to encode it for transmission purposes only). I will say this, though: - in your 1st case, 'url("back,png")' is wrong for an embedded image, you need to use 'url("cid:back.png")' instead since "back.png" is the Content-ID you assigned to the attachment. - in your 2nd case, the 3rd call to Html.Add() appears to be broken.
  3. Remy Lebeau


    I'm here!
  4. There is nothing wrong with using threads in general, you just have to understand WHEN and HOW to use them effectively. You can't write really high performant software without them. Especially on mobile platforms. I've been writing commercial software for 20 years as well, and have written many multi-threaded applications, just using Delphi's 'TThread' class. I don't use a version that has Embarcadero's "Parallel Processing Library" available (I would never trust it anyway, it has had too many bugs over the years!), and I don't use 3rd party threading libraries, like OmniThreadLibrary, etc (not that there is anything wrong with them, I just never got into them).
  5. Actually, since Delphi 6+, the preferred method is to use $IF with the CompilerVersion and/or RTLVersion constants, instead of using $IFDEF with the VERxxx conditionals.
  6. Remy Lebeau

    What is the fastest way to check if a file exists?

    Why is GetFileAttributes the way old-timers test file existence?
  7. Remy Lebeau

    Shellexecute cmd.exe with spaces

    And even that is not needed if you use CreateProcessElevated() instead.
  8. Remy Lebeau

    How To HTTP POST in Delphi?

    Your TIdHTTP code is all wrong for this kind of POST request. Try something more like this instead: uses ..., IdGlobalProtocols, IdHTTP, IdSSLOpenSSL; procedure TForm3.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var SoapMsg: string; PostData, ResponseData: TStream; begin // buid up this string however you want (XML library, etc) ... SoapMsg := '<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">' + ' <soapenv:Header/>' + ' <soapenv:Body>' + ' <tem:Consulta>' + ' <!--Optional:-->' + ' <tem:expresionImpresa><![CDATA[?re=LSO1306189R5&rr=GACJ940911ASA&tt=4999.99&id=e7df3047-f8de-425d-b469-37abe5b4dabb]]></tem:expresionImpresa>' + ' </tem:Consulta>' + ' </soapenv:Body>' + '</soapenv:Envelope>'; ResponseData := TMemoryStream.Create; try PostData := TStringStream.Create(SoapMsg, TEncoding.UTF8); try IdHTTP1.IOHandler := IdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL1; IdHTTP1.HTTPOptions := IdHTTP1.HTTPOptions + [hoNoProtocolErrorException, hoWantProtocolErrorContent]; IdHTTP1.Request.ContentType := 'text/xml'; IdHTTP1.Request.Charset := 'utf-8'; IdHTTP1.Request.Accept := 'text/xml'; IdHTTP1.Request.CacheControl := 'no-cache'; IdHTTP1.Request.CustomHeaders.Values['SOAPAction'] := 'http://tempuri.org/IConsultaCFDIService/Consulta'; IdHTTP1.Post('https://consultaqr.facturaelectronica.sat.gob.mx/ConsultaCFDIService.svc?wsdl', PostData, ResponseData); finally PostData.Free; end; Memo1.Lines.BeginUpdate; try Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Response Code: %d', [IdHTTP1.ResponseCode])); Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('Response Text: %s', [IdHTTP1.ResponseText])); ResponseData.Position := 0; ReadStringsAsCharset(ResponseData, Memo1.Lines, IdHTTP1.Response.Charset); finally Memo1.Lines.EndUpdate; end; finally ResponseData.Free; end; end;
  9. Remember that a pointer-to-class-method, such as TWndMethod, is represented by the RTL's TMethod record, which contains 2 pointers - a pointer to an object instance, and a pointer to the method code. TValue.AsUInt64 fails for a TWndMethod value because TValue supports only conversions that the compiler natively supports implicitly, and you can't implicitly assign a TMethod to a UInt64 and vice versa. That also explains why the TValue.GetReferenceToRawData() approach works - it is just returning a raw pointer to the actual TControl.FWndMethod instance member, which is then dereferenced when being assigned to the local TWndMethod variable. So, no conversion occurs. Now, why TValue.AsType<TWndMethod> fails to compile, I don't know. Sounds like a bug.
  10. Remy Lebeau

    VCL Support for Per Monitor v2 and GetSystemMetrics Coming in 10.3

    The VCL has a GetParentForm() function in the Vcl.Forms unit for this very purpose.
  11. I would probably take it a step further, to avoid repeatedly indexing into the array: var Idx: integer; Rec: ^TSomeRec; // [...] Idx := CountInMyArr; SetLength(MyArr, Idx + SomeDelta); Rec := @MyArr[Idx]; Rec.SomeField := SomeValue; // and repeated for each field in TSomeRec Inc(CountInMyArr);