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Everything posted by johnnydp

  1. johnnydp

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    LOL, I don't know how to comment on this, here it is a waste of time to go into individual cases of absurdity. We are in 2024, the explosion and development of good affordable pricing and even very good free open source applications, high costs can no longer be an excuse. as for JIRA I would not use it even for free(expect it's very expensive) there are much better commercial systems for issues tracking(also complex advanced and very stable) What is wrong with this company - looks to me like they do not respect their customers in my opinion. People take the time to report bugs to do descriptions, validations, create ready made examples and then something just gets lost like with this change. Or some quite serious ones hang unfixed around for several years(!). I no longer have faith in the current team in charge of management, it has to be completely new people with a fresh approach.
  2. johnnydp

    Quality Portal going to be moved

    LOL, what kind of joke is that?? 1) I've sorted issues by date (created) and the last are from January24, where are tickets from the last 5 months? Delphi is a great concept. The companies behind their development, especially in the last 5 years not so much. New system is so poor, there are many better open source projects than jira service management (if costs saving was the main reason I suppose) I can't see order by date in new one, select type (c++, delphi, ide, rtl IDE) etc.
  3. KeyUp sample code does not handle dead keys correctly
  4. How to draw messages like similar style, non std dialogs? What functions are used there and if official method even exist to raise custom msg like that? https://i.imgur.com/iezNLGa.png
  5. johnnydp

    draw special messages using winapi

    Nothing, but need that style/method.
  6. johnnydp

    delphi version

    Anybody knows where to look for version in binary exe/dll? I mean to determine if file was builded in version 11 or 12 etc.(I do not mean edition but version)
  7. johnnydp

    delphi version

    Thank you Remy
  8. Hello, I need to fire some action very precisely AFAIK I cannot fully trust to Ttimer(accuracy) Maybe question is stupid or trivial but how get something similar like below but using the most precise method(TStopwatch) procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin // Do something every 1 second(timer interval set to 1000ms) end;
  9. johnnydp

    More precise countdown

    @KodeZwerg Thanks, yes it's useful as for crashing I meant your previous code(Multimedia Timer) when set to very low interval. Thanks it's really alpha and ver(lack of Period and some checks) anyway great start. Thank you
  10. johnnydp

    More precise countdown

    Apologize delay(illness) Thank you guys for all of your input and comments, CreateTimerQueueTimer seems to be the best method (cpu time vs accuracy) @KodeZwerg Multimedia timer(your first code posted) works very precise too, however I'm getting AV on form close(with low intervals <=50ms) - not always. As for the latest method, Can you show some basic implementatio like for the first one? Fire action every interval set mean for unit kz.Windows.Timer ; Probably it would be good to add procedures and properties for Period and DueTime(SetPeriod, SetDueTime) QFP, QPC seems to be non go for such usage like I first wanted, it's very good for meassure execution time for some portion of code e.g. for profiling/optimizations. But for other purposes CreateTimerQueueTimer seems to be the king. @Lars Fosdal Fire and run until app will be closed/destroyed (launch tasks every X time with precision where ttimer is too weak)
  11. johnnydp

    More precise countdown

    This was my initial question...;) Still don't know how to know do effecient check if X time was passed to fire action using stopwatch
  12. johnnydp

    More precise countdown

    Thanks for your input, I doubt I will do that better than anyone did already, I do not feel much strong to make it good enough. so after only quick initial research seems that topic with meassuring time is definetely not trivial.
  13. johnnydp

    Parallel Resampling of (VCL-) Bitmaps

    @Renate SchaafInteresting stuff, can you post this with all latest fixex? Have you got own repo with your projects?
  14. You need to build TDI driver then, but as Brian @Brian Evans said better way is use Windows API and proven technology, you can focus on UI things rather than much more complicated kernel driver part. Driver will be needed in both cases but WFP is much much simpler.
  15. johnnydp

    Are we just "Cash Cows"?

    I've just read that: https://community.idera.com/developer-tools/b/blog/posts/c-builder-and-platforms-support Yes IMO we are just cash cows. Many problems with quality and speed of development new things, modern tech. When I first heard many years ago about FMX and mobile, I just knew it that it going just nowhere. Delphi should stay mainly (and only) Windows desktop development tool (without mobile devices support) Programmers could have stable powerful absolute king of Windows desktop dev solution. Of cours full Rad studio with C++ as well. More features/platform = more mess, lower quality if you are not as big company as Microsoft or Alphabet, Apple, Oracle. Quick patches (Especially semi automatic from Getit) instead of waiting for major/minor release is very good step forward. So I see one small step in good direction in last years. Just unreal wishful thinking, going back to reality, waiting for 10.4.1 ; )
  16. Hi, Anyone has similar issues with 10.3.3 - Win64 Target? Empty VCL project Debug Run - mouse round cursor spinning it started 10 minutes ago while I'm writing this still freezed. Clean Win10 install, no AV installed no other security app, even Windows Defender totally disabled for paranoid mode. No problems with 32 bit.
  17. johnnydp

    Delphi 10.3.3 Problems with x64-Debugger

    Nothing tuned, std install computer perfectly stable, minimal install of 3rd party programs, I don't like to have oveloaded OS. Minute ago tried with IDE Fix Pack latest, also not helped, reboot either did not change anything. 100% frustrated like never before.
  18. Is there any official or less official info about that? 10.3.2 as next or long wait for 10.4 ?
  19. Hi, Looking for some realiable method of making screenshot BitBlt give sometimes blank screen of desktop Can anyone post working code of other method Speed is also important, I realize it might be little slower
  20. johnnydp

    screen shot - reliable method

    Thanks for all, @PeterBelow this method is preety cool but with big problem it will overwrite current potenrial image in clipboard...
  21. johnnydp

    screen shot - reliable method

    @Larry Hengen This does not work with full desktop and form independent @M.JoosThis could work, one disadvantage: Really modern only, for me wored from 8.1 (not 7) Thanks for input guys.
  22. johnnydp

    10.3.1 has been released

    Actually it's "EMB" text compression, probably they should patent it and proudly add in About product information. Much better than LZ4, LZO or LZMA, because it's 3d multilayer
  23. johnnydp

    10.3.1 has been released

    New Delphi, old bugs, including serious: I think I’m slowly starting to Understand Delphi Hater's blog... RSP-23466 RSP-23320 + hundreds of others.... I wonder if this will ever happen, to manage this product properly, why do they think that developers needs tons of new usless features instead of making fast and solid current functionality.
  24. Std func does not work in Windows 10 for certain apps like Calculator, when Window is focused it's detected as 'ApplicationFrameHost.exe'
  25. Sorry I mean that code: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22002120/how-to-get-path-of-current-active-application-window Thanks. Yes mentioned URLs to stackoverflow contain the same problem asking, but there are many answers and comments I don't know which one is realiable. Has anyone had something similar in Delphi which works ?