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  1. Added embt quality https://embt.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/RSS-1922
  2. Ok, thanks. I needed a confirmation. Same exact behaviour is for inline variables inside anon method... no way to evaluate them during debug. It's frustrating if you are working with Spring4d or other modern libraries.
  3. Hello, I hope to be in the right place. Also, I don't find this behaviour in forum neither in embt quality. I am in debug with a breakpoint inside an anon method and when I try to evaluate a variable (CTRL + F7, mouse over, watches, etc. ) I get a "undeclared identifier" if I use a class field. Example: TmyDM = class(TDataModule) Comp: TADOQuery; ... end; ... procedure ...blabla...; var CompForDebug: TADOQuery; begin Comp.Close; Comp.Parameters.ParamByName('test').Value := 100; Comp.Open; // <-- Here evaluate "Comp". I get the right thing FmyList.ForEach( procedure(const obj: IMyThing) var CompForDebugLocal: TADOQuery; begin Comp.Close; Comp.Parameters.ParamByName('test').Value := 100; Comp.Open; // <-- Here evaluate "Comp". I get "Undeclared identifier" // This doesn't work: CompForDebugLocal := Comp; CompForDebugLocal.Close; CompForDebugLocal.Parameters.ParamByName('test').Value := 100; CompForDebugLocal.Open; // <-- Here evaluate "Comp". I get "Undeclared identifier" // This doesn't work: CompForDebug := Comp; CompForDebug.Close; CompForDebug.Parameters.ParamByName('test').Value := 100; CompForDebug.Open; // <-- Here evaluate "Comp". I get the right thing end ); end;
  4. Same problem here I will promote RSS-1834
  5. Sonjli

    PAServer docker output

    I think I have to give up... 😭
  6. Sonjli

    THttpClient vs TIdHttp in Linux

    Non for now. Can you recommend me a simple sniffer? (wireshark is too much for me...) Or is there any other way to capture the raw request?
  7. Sonjli

    THttpClient vs TIdHttp in Linux

    I am using keycloak for oauth2. The POST to retrieve the jwt token works perfectly with indy in linux container. Keycloak gives me a "java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException" when I use THttpClient. If I compile under Windows and do the POST from windows to keycloak both works. If I compile my app for Linux: Indy works, THttpClient doesn't work If I compile my app for Windows: Indy works, THttpClient works
  8. Hello, I found an issue using the rtl THTTPClient.Post method in Linux. If I use a windows client that makes the post to Linux server, all working like a charm. If I use a linux client (paserver via docker container) the post works but the server doesn't understand tha call. If I use TIdHTTP instead, all keep working like a charm. Any idea about this? Isn't the standard RTL completely cross platform?
  9. Sonjli

    PAServer docker output

    Anyone out there ? Tell me if you need more infos. I'm a little messed up...
  10. Sonjli

    PAServer docker output

    Hi, do you know what is this output for PAServer on Linux (Ubuntu 22.04)? The CPU is very high. I don't know what's happening.
  11. Sonjli

    REST api: too much data

    Sorry, you're right. Mine is JSON data and still compressed, not XML. Thanks!
  12. Sonjli

    REST api: too much data

    Thanks. Another good one. Small sqlite db loaded with "batch night", yes.
  13. Sonjli

    REST api: too much data

    Hi. It is a monolithic json. Parallel consumers can be an option (one day per task, for example), yes. I have to plan correct boundaries (day, week, etc.), but yes, good one.
  14. Hello, I have to use an external (horrible... 🤮) REST api that gives me a lot of data. In one case I have over 60.000 json records by day, so for one year it starts from 60k x 365. And the customer need all that data. For now I work day by day, but it is not an option. I would like to "stream" the data coming from webservice and use an async thread to "eat" the json while streaming. How can I get it in Delphi? Is it possible? (Other ideas are welcome! ) Thanks!