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Everything posted by Sonjli

  1. Yes. It is. I hadn't noticed before. Thanks
  2. Sonjli

    Formatting method

    Ok Uwe. If you don't want to want to solve this simple issue for a poor, poor programmer, I'll do it myself Seriously, I understand. So I found a configuration for the standard formatter I share for others if they find it useful: This solve my terrible () problem wtih MMX. Thanks Uwe
  3. Sonjli

    Introducing Delphi Uses Helper

    UsesHelper is a drug 🙂 Please, I miss it in D11. Sources at least?
  4. Hello, I have a task with three nested loops using an XML library to read some parts of a big XML. This loop is too tight and processor works between 20% and 30% only for this process. The "sleep" is not a solution because the XML must be read very quickly. Is there any other solution to avoid the use of so much processor? Thanks, Eddy
  5. Sonjli

    Problem expert 18

    I don't know if this is the right place. Sorry in advance if I did a mistake. - Delphi 10.4.1 - GExperts 1.3.18 - Always when close appear an error similar "Error in expert 18". It is favorites file - After this error, Delphi never closes and a lot of AV comes from hell 🙂 - Tried to disable the expert with no success - I have never used this expert - I removed from DPR of the last SVN commit all the uses about favorites and recompile - No more errors
  6. Hello, I don't know how I can pass an anonymous function inside a omniTask. Example: type TMyObject = class [...] end; TMyFunction = reference to function(const Arg1: string): TMyObject; var lFunc: TMyFunction; procedure Something; begin lFunc := function(const Arg1: string): TMyObject begin result := TMyObject.Create(Arg1); end; CreateTask( procedure(Task: IOmniTask) var lthdFunc: TMyFunction; lResult: TMyObject; begin lthdFunc := Task.Params['MyRefFunction'].As???; // <-- What here? lResult := lthdFunc('dummy'); [...] end ) .SetParameter('MyRefFunction', lFunc) .Run; end; Thanks in advance, Eddy.
  7. The marvel: if ThereIsAnError then begin ShowMessage('This is the error'); Abort; end; All exceptions in a big project with this simple, magic trick... I had to work 2 weeks to change all the exception handling system.
  8. Sonjli

    Dashboard for Firebird

    Hello, I hope this is the right topic. I am looking for a tool for creating web dashboards starting from Firebird databases. I used some time ago Grafana (https://grafana.com/) but it has not driver for Firebird\Interbase and similar. Do you know any tool that permits the user creation of a query and customization of result data? I don't need a compelete BI, just a web tool to custom-create data analytics (pies, linears, etc) with Firebird. Thanks. Eddy
  9. Sonjli

    Dashboard for Firebird

    Thank you for Superset, it looks amazing!
  10. Sonjli

    Tasks communication

    Hi, I hardly use tasks comm. A very simple question: is this code right? if lTask.Comm.Writer.IsFull then begin lLocalLogger.Debug(Format('Task Queue is FULL %s...', [lTask.Name]), lSenderLogTagMain); Sleep(1000); ... end else lTask.Comm.Send(WM_RECEIVE_DO, TOmniValue.CastFrom < IBroadcastMessage < TDataPacketBody >>(ABroadcastMessage)); ...
  11. Sonjli

    Tasks communication

    I try to better explain my problem. I understand the last question was a bit (lot...) stupid 😉 I need to know if the receiver task is alive. In some cases the receiver task has gone so I continue to send messages to it and I receive this error: "TOmniCommunicationEndpoint.Send: Queue is full" How can I avoid this problem? I would like to do something like this: if not MyTask.IsDead then MyTask.Comm.Send(...) // or if WatchDog(MyTask) <> Dead then MyTask.Comm.Send(...) // where WatchDog can check the healty of the Task and the MyTask.Comm.Writer.IsFull Thanks in advance, Eddy
  12. Sonjli

    Build to deploy process

    Hello, I have an automation system to deploy a big application. In this automation system I build some projects in Delphi. I use the "Set Component Properties" of GExperts to update some properties before the build process. I do this "by hand" setting this: Is it possible to use a command line for any tool of GExperts? Or an sdk to implements this? Thanks, Eddy
  13. Sonjli

    Build to deploy process

    Hi, yes I'd prefer this. How do you do this? GExperts does this before compiling or building.
  14. Sonjli

    Build to deploy process

    Hi, ok, I set my mind in ease...
  15. Hello, I will always repeat that without mmx my team could be 5 times slower... thanks for this diamond 🙂 I only have a small glitch: when I drag a generic Interface (i.e.: IMyInterface<TDummyType>) over a concrete class that I want to implement that generic Interface, then mmx don't work. It says that it can't parse the class. Can this be solved? Thanks again, Eddy
  16. Sonjli

    High processor due to internal loop

    I need strongest drugs... but also for me a coffee is enough for now 😅
  17. Sonjli

    High processor due to internal loop

    I need to read the XML quickly. But the server administrator warn me often about high cpu. I understand your axiom. I use Neslib.Xml and it seems well done both in performance and resource utilization. So you recommend me to say to sa to "put his heart in peace"... I can publish the problematic loops but, as you write, the "problem" is implicitly the XML library. Thanks guys.
  18. Sonjli

    Glitch in properties

    Hi, I hope this is not duplicate... but I can't find anyone with this behaviour. I don't know how to describe this, a glitch? Sorry, look at the attachment. Thanks Eddy
  19. Sonjli

    Glitch in properties

    What kind of infos do you need to reproduce?
  20. Hello, from this morning IDEFixPack 6.4.4 stop working on my IDE. I don't know what's changed. It's weird. Since today I never reinstall the expert, and never had any issue. The error is in attachments. Infos: - Windows 10 professional - 2004 (May updates) - Delphi 10.3.3 full patched - I always install with ISO, NOT Webinstaller. I NEVER used webinstaller in my life - I start the IDE "as administrator". - I restarted the pc but nothing changes - More weird: I uninstalled and reinstalled the 6.4.4 and from there the errors multiplied (more attachments). - The DLLs BPLs and everything are in their right place (C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\20.0\Experts\). Checked also with GExperts "Expert Manager" and in registry - If I start the IDE NOT "as administrator" the problem with DLLs CompilerSpeedPack remains, but IDEFixPack starts correctly What's going on? Anyone knows this behaviour? Thanks, Eddy
  21. Sonjli

    IDEFixPack 6.4.4 stop working

    Hi, sorry for the late... No, it's not related with virus-scanner. I don't know... I'll try to clean "something" again.
  22. Sonjli

    IDEFixPack 6.4.4 stop working

    Thank you very much. IDEFixPack is a must have. Problem solved. I will pay attention about instability. The problem with the CompilerSpeedPack dlls remains... I disabled them as I don't use. What can be the problem? Eddy
  23. Sonjli

    IDEFixPack 6.4.4 stop working

    Hi guys, no one experiences this? @jbg any suggestion? Thanks, Eddy
  24. Sonjli

    COM: OleCheck() in polling

    I DO use COM events... so, should I change COINIT_MULTITHREADED in COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED? Can this make server unstable? Remark: the server is no more reachable from other clients until I close my "buggy" ntservice. When this issue happens, I stop my ntservice and the other clients connects correctly. I doubt it is a server issue, I am barely sure I am doing something wrong.