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Everything posted by superc

  1. Hello, I want use with Python4Delphi the Matplotlib Package; I use miniconda for install all packet with Python 3.10.8 and package numpy, matplotlib for run a example program in VisualStudioCode and works fine. I Download embeddable version of Python 3.10.8 and copy *.dll and python310.zip in example project Demo01; if I try to run 'import numpy' I receive an error like "no module named 'numpy'"; What is the correct way to display packages in Python4Delphi? Thanks in advance.
  2. superc

    Python package in Python4Delphi

    Works all well: Error of previous post it was provocated from an error in conda. Great product Python4Delphi!!!!!
  3. superc

    Python package in Python4Delphi

    Thank you, I setted my test program as 'unregistered version' and inserted "MaskFPUExceptions(True);" statement on BeforeLoad of PythonEngine; when I'm try to import numpy I receive this error: "Project Demo01.exe raised exception class EPyValueError with message 'ValueError: failed to parse CPython sys.version: '3.10.8 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Nov 24 2022, 14:07:00) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]''." PythonEnviroments seems a very interesting project, on near future I will definitely use it.
  4. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Hello, I'm installed Delphi 11.2 and I want to install Zeos: on package downloaded from https://sourceforge.net/projects/zeoslib/ not seem possible to install why on package directory the relative folder for Delphi 11 is not present; Looking around I found this repository https://github.com/frones; I was wondering if anyone has installed these components or if in general anyone uses Zeos with Delphi 11, Thanks in advance.
  5. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Sometimes they come back
  6. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Yes, but it's all clear, because in the ide if I compile for 32 bit App and I want to open zConnection and query I must set LibraryLocation with libpq.dll for 32 bit; if I want compile a 64 bit I must set LibraryLocation in the code or put the dll in the directory of executable.
  7. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Resolved! I not set LibraryLocation and I moved 32bit dll into directory of executable of 32 bit and the same thing with the 64 bit dll .... Thanks to All.
  8. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Hello, I patched Delphi11 and set correctly Ide for work with 64 bit, infact directory "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\22.0\Dcp\Win64" has dcp compiled for 64 bit; When compile Zeos for 64 bit ZComponentDesign not compile for 64 bit with error: [dcc64 Fatal Error] ZComponentDesign.dpk(36): E2202 Required package 'designide' not found. It's normal? Where i can download it? Thanks in advance.
  9. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    I'm tryied now to set LibraryLocation on runtime but I'm obtain same error, it's so frustating. But the question is, on Delphi 11.2 someone use Zeos on 64 bit?
  10. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    for testing I compiled in 32 bit with the dll which should be in 64 bit on a different path and it gives me the error; I set the correct libpq path for 32bit and the 32bit application works, so I guess that's not the problem.
  11. superc

    Zeos on Delphi 11.2

    Thanks to all, I'm installed version 7.2.14 correctly for Win32, but for Win64 I'm receive an error like in photo: it seems to be a known bug https://blogs.embarcadero.com/rad-studio-11-2-alexandria-patch-1-available/ however I still haven't been able to get them to work in 64bit; the same error is obtained by not loading the correct dlls for the platform, but I'm sure they are fine, because I got them from the 64bit PGAdmin installation. Thanks in advance.