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  1. CRO_Tomislav

    Android app - reading barcodes/QR codes

    As I am new to FireMonky and Android development, can You send me a modificated project aTestApp.? It will be a much easier for me to understand it so I can try to make my own... THX in advance Tomislav
  2. CRO_Tomislav

    Android app - reading barcodes/QR codes

    It doesn't work on android, It keeps crashing up on app. start...
  3. CRO_Tomislav

    Android app - reading barcodes/QR codes

    Dear all. I am looking for a way to read barcodes/QR codes with android phones. I search a web, looking on a zlib, TMS component, WinSoft component... Is it a good way to go with a zlib or should I buy some commercial component for reading a codes? Any suggestion? Is it some willing to share a simple working example/project of using a ZLib for Android phone? THX in advance Tom
  4. CRO_Tomislav

    Transfer variable or fixed tekst to FastReport

    Hello. It still didn't trasfer all varaibles fo frxReport1... When I rename variable OSKAR_Month in report... - it works! Thanks for help Tomislav
  5. Dear all. I am new to FastReport and I have some basic issue with him… On a Delphi Form with others components I have a frxReport1. In that report, in a section of variables I create a new group of variables named MyVar. In that group I create 4 variables named: OSKAR_Month, OSKAR_Year, OSKAR_Days, OSKAR_Hours with default expressions. On a vcl form I have a button which has for test next code: with frxRbeport1 do begin Variables.Variables['OSKAR_Year']:= QuotedStr(IntToStr(YearOf(MonthCalendar1.Date))); Variables.Variables['OSKAR_Month']:= QuotedStr(FormatDateTime('mmmm',MonthCalendar1.Date)); Variables.Variables['OSKAR_Days']:= LabelData3.Caption; Variables.Variables['OSKAR_Hours']:= LabelData4.Caption; end; frxReport1.ShowReport(True); I am trying to transfer some simple variables or fixed tekst to report but this code doesn't work. Only OSKAR_Year is transferred. How to transfer this data to report? THX in advance Tomislav
  6. CRO_Tomislav

    Summary row at the end of select

    Hi. Yes, I am using MasterSource porperty to connect Query2 to Query1. I inherited some Delphi projects and in those project’s I found a many Delphi forms where solutions of summarize columns is solved on that way which You describe... The SQL in Query2 I was recently found on a net and I get idea to reduce some things on a forms in project. As a Query2 didn't work in MasterSource property connected Query's - I was wonder what is the reason...
  7. CRO_Tomislav

    Summary row at the end of select

    Programerdelphi2k: Thanks on replay but this is not what I am looking for: The result of Query2 for employee wizh id=1 shuld look like: id fk_id_emplyee date payment _____________________________________________ 1 1 2023-01-07 20,00 2 1 2023-01-14 15,00 TOTAL 35,00 Query1 and Query2 are parent-child related The SQL code works OK on a single table, if I try to use it on a child table - it does not. THX
  8. CRO_Tomislav

    Summary row at the end of select

    Hi. Stano, I am try to learn... Please, can You please modify a Query2? THX
  9. CRO_Tomislav

    Summary row at the end of select

    Hello. If I do not use GROUP BY id, I get listed all records from table payments. If I change Query2 in: SELECT id, fk_id_employee, date, payment FROM payment GROUP BY id UNION SELECT 'TOTAL', '','', sum(payment) as total_payment FROM payment WHERE fk_id_employee =mDBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.FieldByName('id').AsString ORDER BY date I receive data from table payment for each active record in DBGrid1 (employee) related on parent-child but without totals. There is row which should be include TOTAL but a sum fileds are empty...
  10. CRO_Tomislav

    Summary row at the end of select

    Dear all. I have two query in relation parent (Query1) - child (Query2) First query get data about of employees from table employees: id emply_name location _________________________ 1 Martin London 2 Matija Paris 3 Ana Ljubljana 4 Nikola Stuttgart Second query get data about weekly payments for each employee from table payment: id fk_id_emplyee date payment _____________________________________________ 1 1 2023-01-07 20,00 2 1 2023-01-14 15,00 3 1 2023-01-23 22,00 4 2 2023-01-07 18,00 5 3 2023-01-23 25,00 I am trying to in Query2 get summary record of payments for currently active record (employee) in DBGrid1 (Query1). Query1 SQL code: SELECT * FROM employees Query2 SQL code: SELECT id, fk_id_employee, date, payment FROM payment GROUP BY id UNION SELECT 'TOTAL', '','', sum(payment) as total_payment FROM payment ORDER BY date Problem is that which ever employee I select in DBGrid1, I always get total for all records in a tables payment. I need total only for currently active record (employee). THX in advance
  11. Hello. In VCL I used a dynamic loaded .bpl packages and open a forms inside this packages as a child forms. How to to that in Firemonky metropolis application? I have a project with a main form and a package. I can load dynamically needed package but in Firemonky there is no chid form type. In FireMonky I suppose that I can show a „chiled form” from a package in a layout of a MainForm (Master). With best regards Tomislav
  12. CRO_Tomislav

    FMX Show and Hide MainMenu from code

    Hi. I achieve the same effect by replacing MainMenu with MenuBar and set a Menubr.Visible := False and True. Is this OK or there is some elegant non complicated solution? 8) With best regards Tomislav
  13. CRO_Tomislav

    FMX Show and Hide MainMenu from code

    Dear all. I am trying to migrate from Delphi VCL to Delphi Firemonky application. In VCL I am using several ManiMenus. In VCL form, on Show I have: Form_main.Menu := nil; Also in VCL, depending on which button is pressed I load certain MainMenu Form_main.Menu := MainMenu_Parts; I stuck in FMX with this because it handle MainMenu totally different. How I can do the same in FMX? Thanks in advance Tomislav
  14. Dear all. I create one multi-device application, exactly for android phone. It is working and form is properly created for a specific model (Style: Android, View: Master) I would like to add a customized View for another device so I can adjust designe of app. forms and there is a problem. I can not do it. I try with a project – new custom view is not listed (tutorial on a net). I try by editing a DevicePersets.xml – also new custom view is not listed (tutorial on a net). After each method I restarted IDE but no results. When I do a second method, I check: Tools→ Options→ User interface → Form Designer → Device Manager; and I get listed a new device but when I open my project, on list of views not showed How to add customized device view? I need it for android device; Alcatel 5033f (480x960, ppi 215) Thx in advance Tomislav
  15. CRO_Tomislav

    UniDac - UniConnection character set problem

    Hello. Yes, table it has as charset and I use delphi 10.3.3. I make a clon of table and set it to cp1250 and now is ok... With best regards Tomislav