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What color banner does it show then if you start up those programs? I'm sure it's not this (below) blue banner because there is no verified producer name. So it will still show you the other yellow banner. It won't prompt smartscreen because that's something different. But it will probably you that install screen with yellow banner and no certificate warning. But yes, you need to adjust your workflow now to incorporate the new certificate
Maybe that's true for the full blue screen (where you need to tap more info). I don't think it's true for the install screens you showed in that article (blue banner for valid and yellow for invalid or not present). At least it shouldn't because that screen shouldn't get the info from smartscreen but directly from the certificate in the executable.
Not if used on a new computer. I don't know what happens on existing computers. But it's never wise to not sign with a timeserver. And maybe it passes smartscreen during download but it will not give you the blue screen when installing but a yellow screen promoting the expired certificate.
Yep. Then you can take that article down because it's based on old information. You can't do it like that anymore with new issued certificates. And you signed with the old certificate in that article. Also... all you previously signed exes will complain after that date. That's why you need to sign with a timeserver so those exes will keep working, even after the date of expiration of the certificate with which you signed.
O wow, then you didn't even signed with a timeserver with timestamp (which means the signed exe will complain when the certificate expires). Normally you sign with the timeserver so the exe will be usable also after your certificate expires. You just can't sign new exe anymore with an expired certificate. Because you didn't, and don't seem to be able to go to the real certificate, it leads me te believe you didn't even check things. Now do the same as before (right click exe, properties, certificate tab) but now click a SHA256 and click Details. Then click View certificate. There you have "Issued to", "Issued by" but also "Valid from/to". What are the dates there?
No, you need to right click the file and go to properties. Choose the certificate tab and see if it had the new certificate. That command just shows you still have a valid verificatie but that could still be the certificate which you can't use anymore after the spring to sign new files after that.
Can you check the actually signed exe file? Did it really contain the new certificate. I still have a feeling you are working with old files because the new method shouldn't allow token-less certificates anymore. So the old pfx isn't allowed anymore after it expires. https://knowledge.digicert.com/general-information/new-private-key-storage-requirement-for-standard-code-signing-certificates-november-2022 That mail is from the old way of doing things before 2023. So if you used the pfx from there... Then that's not going to work anymore after the certification expires in a few months.
Luckily I should get a usb stick when my 3 years run out (including a certificate for another year) as part of the promo when they switched to the new form. But you said you have a pfx without a usb stick and don't need a password. How does that work? How did you get that from sectigo? If you only have a pfx this is portable to another computer/developer without the usb stick present. That shouldn't be possible anymore. How did you get the pfx? Mail of usb stick? And if you did get the usb key how did you extract the pfx from that? Edit: I wonder if you are not just signing with an old certificate
So Sectigo is still selling certificates which can be used as .pfx directly with signtool.exe without providing a prompt ? So why are they providing a USB stick then? This could just be done electronically via mail.
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
I've just tested with a server which can't do HTTP/2 (but only does HTTP 1.1) and it always returns OK inside the service. So I think the problem is that, when running as local system account. the HTTP/2 is requested. If it's not available, you'll get the OK. If HTTP/2 is available, there is no OK. Maybe you can test it with a server where you always get a HTTP1.1 result (and never a HTTP/2 result). You can also test this yourself by logging res.Version. I didn't test it but I'll bet you'll get version 2 back for no OK, and 1.1 for OK. THTTPProtocolVersion = (UNKNOWN_HTTP, HTTP_1_0, HTTP_1_1, HTTP_2_0); Grrr. Nope. Also not it: I give up 🙂 -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Your welcome. BTW. I just tested curl on a Linux machine (just for fun): Notice the absence of OK on the HTTPS result. HTTP did give OK 😉 HTTPS is HTTP/2 (not 1.1) so maybe we are getting HTTP/2 back. Forcing curl to do http 1.1 will give OK. sudo curl --http1.1 -I https://www.google.com But yes... you don't need to worry about the reason-phrase. It should be ignored anyway. -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Only start the timer during the start service sequence. But that's besides the point for this problem. BTW. The reason-phrase is optional in the http-protocol. See https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9112#name-status-line Also it says that you should ignore it. -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Fun part is that if you do "project /install" (from an admin console) it momentarily runs as administrator. It then also runs the TTimer function and does give the OK correctly. (running in a user console also gives OK but then the service doesn't get installed obviously) You didn't put the TTimer.Enabled only for running the service but for every run, so also for the /install and /uninstall runs. After actually starting the service, it'll run as limited local system account, the TTimer function runs again but now the OK is not shown 😉 So I can confirm this on Windows 10, Delphi 10.2 (object pascal). So it's really the local system account in a service that's the problem here. Might limit the search. -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Oops. Hadn't noticed this was C++. Because this was posted in "RTL and Delphi Object Pascal" But I'm sure someone can test and confirm this. But am I understanding it correctly that it now always runs correctly as App and only fails as Service? Does the service run as user or admin? Did you test it the other way around? -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Could be that it's only a problem in service. Try to create a simple test project. If you can consistently let it fail, we can test it too. And if it's only in service that's also an indicator for which you can search. -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Have you tried a smaller (or simpler) POST to that page? Have you tried other URLs? Do you only have this (no OK) with that URL? Do you also have this only with POST or also with GET to that URL? -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Without knowing what it actually returns, this is hard to diagnose. You said the LSize was 274. So what's in Buf when the second call to WinHttpQueryHeaders returns? -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
Because the resulting string only needs (LSize div 2) - 1 characters. LSize is the size in bytes. Result is an array of widechars/unicodechars which contain 2 bytes. So if LSize is 6 bytes (OK#0#0 in unicode) you only need 2 character string. 6 div 2 = 3 - 1 is 2 for OK. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winhttp/nf-winhttp-winhttpqueryheaders -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
But what is the result of that call? Is it ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND or something else? -
TNetHTTPClient and StatusText not being "OK"
rvk replied to alank2's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
So, what happens if you (debug)trace into that ReadHeader? On what line does it 'crap' out? Do you get a ERROR_WINHTTP_HEADER_NOT_FOUND in that function? Do your response-headers contain a Content-Length? If not... is your input/response chunked? (that could be the cause of HEADER_NOT_FOUND) Is this happening with one certain URL or with all/more URLs? -
Well... Type in Oauth 2.0 communication in Google (or similar search terms), then select Images... and there you go... Lots of flow diagrams
BTW. You can still use app-passwords with Google. So if you are only doing this for you own account, creating an app password is easiest. If you need to allow your users to use their own account, then you need OAuth2.
No no, because you want to catch that URL it's easiest to create your own listening thread. I have an example for OAuth2 in combination with Lazarus/FPC and Synpase. (You can also use Synapse on Delphi but you could also use Indy) https://github.com/rvk01/google-oauth2 Relevant snippet: This is a minimalistic http server which server a string saying your program now has access and you can close the window. type THTTPServerThread = class(TThread) private ListenerSocket: TTCPBlockSocket; ConnectionSocket: TTCPBlockSocket; public Authorize_token: string; procedure Execute; override; procedure CancelThread(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean); end; procedure THTTPServerThread.CancelThread(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: boolean); begin Terminate; end; procedure THTTPServerThread.Execute; var S: string; method, uri, protocol: string; OutputDataString: string; SendDataString: string; begin Authorize_token := ''; FreeOnTerminate := False; ListenerSocket := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; ConnectionSocket := TTCPBlockSocket.Create; try ListenerSocket.CreateSocket; ListenerSocket.setLinger(True, 10); ListenerSocket.Bind('localhost', '1500'); ListenerSocket.Listen; while not terminated do begin Sleep(1000); // Application.ProcessMessages; if ListenerSocket.CanRead(1000) and not terminated then begin ConnectionSocket.Socket := ListenerSocket.Accept; // read request line S := string(ConnectionSocket.RecvString(1000)); method := fetch(S, ' '); uri := fetch(S, ' '); protocol := fetch(S, ' '); // read request headers repeat S := string(ConnectionSocket.RecvString(1000)); until S = ''; // /?code=4/fegArZQDUJqFdoCw-1DU16ohYsoA5116feRuCW0LiuQ // /?error=access_denied Authorize_token := ''; if Pos('code=', uri) > 0 then begin Authorize_token := Copy(uri, Pos('code=', uri) + 5); end; if Authorize_token = '' then begin SendDataString := '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"' + ' "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' + CRLF + '<html><center><h1>Something went wrong.<br><br>Application does not have access.<br><br>You can close this page.</h1></center></html>' + CRLF; end else begin SendDataString := '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"' + ' "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">' + CRLF + '<html><center><h1>Application now has access.<br><br>You can close this page.</h1></center></html>' + CRLF; end; OutputDataString := 'HTTP/1.0 200' + CRLF; OutputDataString := OutputDataString + 'Content-type: Text/Html' + CRLF; OutputDataString := OutputDataString + 'Content-length: ' + IntToStr(Length(SendDataString)) + CRLF; OutputDataString := OutputDataString + 'Connection: close' + CRLF; OutputDataString := OutputDataString + 'Date: ' + Rfc822DateTime(now) + CRLF; OutputDataString := OutputDataString + 'Server: Synapse' + CRLF; OutputDataString := OutputDataString + '' + CRLF; ConnectionSocket.SendString(ansistring(OutputDataString)); ConnectionSocket.SendString(ansistring(SendDataString)); ConnectionSocket.CloseSocket; Terminate; end; end; finally ConnectionSocket.Free; ListenerSocket.Free; end; end;
This error page seems to be a step further in the normal OAuth2 process. You accepted the non-verified app, accepted the terms and now you end up on localhost with the desired code for getting the access token in the url parameters. You need to catch that url with a small http server. After getting that code from the url you can go ahead with the process of getting the access and refresh token.
O, now I see what you are doing. But if the TPanel is below the TDBGrid then this line is wrong: RecPanel.Parent:=TDBGrid(AOwner); Because the parent isn't TDBGrid but the owner of TDBGrid (which is TForm or TPanel or something). So the AOwner parameter in the create call isn't the TDBGrid itself. You probably get away with it because casting TForm to TDBGrid will point to the same TWinControl object which is stored in TPanel.Parent. But the cast like this is not correct. You probably want to do something like: RecPanel.Parent:=TWinControl(AOwner); But then you need to create TEnhDBGrid with the Form as Owner !! (which is default but not always guaranteed). You might want to do RecPanel.Parent:=Self.Parent; // this would be the same parent as the TDBGrid But that goes wrong because if you create the component dynamically (like I tried) you don't have a parent yet (because that's assigned after TEnhDBGrid.Create(Formx) call). Anyway... you also can't do TEnhDBGrid.Align := alClient now because the dangling panel below it would be out of view That's why it might be more stable if a complete container is created with a TDBGrid and TPanel inside it. Just a thought BTW. You could also do it like TJvDBGridFooter does. (just a inherited TStatusbar where you can define columns which get summed up). But there the TJvDBGridFooter and TDBGrid are really separated from each other (component wise) and it's up to the programmer to place the TJvDBGridFooter.