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Mike Torrettinni

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Everything posted by Mike Torrettinni

  1. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    You never noticed how end of comment line is cut off in italic? See example of characters at the end: d looks like o f looks like t
  2. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    @Kas Ob. and @Lars Fosdal I see you both make sure strings stand out, why is that?
  3. I agree. if It's a simple standalone method, I don't bother to create it's own enum, like for Enable/Disable Control. But when part of a feature, in it's own unit(s), then I can add a few enums without even blinking, of course most of them are of limited scope within a feature.
  4. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    It would be really cool to be able to quickly change color scheme, using keyboard shortcuts: Subtle comments when you want to focus on code, and stand-out comments when you want to read the comments quickly:
  5. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    Oh, that is the sample, ok got it.
  6. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    What editor is this?
  7. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    Oh, no, I never tried that so I have no clue how to do it, if possible.
  8. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    Check option Show line breaks:
  9. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    Oh, interesting. Right now testing orange comments on cream bg to be more subtle than the code, but still pop out:
  10. Mike Torrettinni

    Customizing source editor

    Wanna share a combination you are using for a while? I just started testing different colors and not sure what will stick, right now testing different comments colors... not found the right one, yet.
  11. True, that's why I opened this topic, to get some clarification, some sense of it.
  12. I agree, but it's Nick Hodges... how are you not gonna follow his advice, even if it's a little out-there? 🙂
  13. Thanks all for the feedback I already started making some naming changes! It was just interesting that Nick put this into a blog like it's some really bad practice, while is more about naming than anything else.
  14. That looks like a sensible solution... I'm just thinking out loud: so many new enums need to be created. For example EnableControls, EnableMenus, EnableFeatures... they all accept boolean, and I do understand the purpose of using enums, but I have to define new enum type for every single True/false parameter.
  15. I'm not sure I see the distinction between Nick's example and mine. What am I not seeing?
  16. Mike Torrettinni

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    I ran Pascal Expert through some of the open source projects and no STWA8 (https://www.peganza.com/PEXHelp/index.html?stwa8_for_loop_with_possible_b.htm) , what your example triggers, was found in those sources. So, I assume this is quite rare to find in real code.
  17. I have arrays that I export as csv file format, all mixed field types. I was trying to compare simple concatenation + vs MOVE to create lines to export, but MOVE is 30% slower than simple + in example below: Concatenating integer, boolean and char value require more operations (calculate length) than simple concatenating pure strings Is that the reason MOVE is just not as performant as simple + ? Or perhaps I use MOVE wrong in case of mixed types of fields? In example I have PrepareLineForExport that uses + for concatenation, and PrepareLineForExport_MOVE that uses MOVE, I was expecting MOVE to be faster: uses System.Diagnostics; type TData = record ID1: integer; S1: string; B1: boolean; S2: string; C1: char; S3: string; end; var xData: TArray<TData>; const cMaxLines = 10000000; cSeparator = ';'; procedure FillTestData; var i: Integer; begin xData := nil; SetLength(xData, cMaxLines); for i := Low(xData) to High(xData) do begin xData[i].ID1 := i; xData[i].S1 := 'Testing array data export'; xData[i].B1 := True; xData[i].S2 := 'String 2'; xData[i].C1 := 'A'; xData[i].S3 := 'String 3'; end; end; function PrepareLineForExport(const aDataIn: TData): string; begin Result := aDataIn.ID1.ToString + cSeparator + aDataIn.S1 + cSeparator + BoolToStr(aDataIn.B1) + cSeparator + aDataIn.S2 + cSeparator + aDataIn.C1 + cSeparator + aDataIn.S3; end; function PrepareLineForExport_MOVE(const aDataIn: TData): string; var vPos, vLen: integer; vStr: string; begin // Len = 5 x Separator + Len of Data SetLength(Result, 5 + Length(aDataIn.ID1.ToString) + Length(aDataIn.S1) + Length(BoolToStr(aDataIn.B1)) + Length(aDataIn.S2) + 1 + Length(aDataIn.S3)); vPos := 1; // ID1 vStr := aDataIn.ID1.ToString; vLen := Length(vStr); Move(vStr[1], Result[vPos], vLen * SizeOf(Char)); Inc(vPos, vLen); // Separator Result[vPos] := cSeparator; Inc(vPos, 1); // S1 vLen := Length(aDataIn.S1); Move(aDataIn.S1[1], Result[vPos], vLen * SizeOf(Char)); Inc(vPos, vLen); // Separator Result[vPos] := cSeparator; Inc(vPos, 1); // B1 vStr := BoolToStr(aDataIn.B1); vLen := Length(vStr); Move(vStr[1], Result[vPos], vLen * SizeOf(Char)); Inc(vPos, vLen); // Separator Result[vPos] := cSeparator; Inc(vPos, 1); // S2 vLen := Length(aDataIn.S2); Move(aDataIn.S2[1], Result[vPos], vLen * SizeOf(Char)); Inc(vPos, vLen); // Separator Result[vPos] := cSeparator; Inc(vPos, 1); // C1 Result[vPos] := aDataIn.C1; Inc(vPos, 1); // Separator Result[vPos] := cSeparator; Inc(vPos, 1); // S3 vLen := Length(aDataIn.S3); Move(aDataIn.S3[1], Result[vPos], vLen * SizeOf(Char)); end; // Make sure both methods create same data for export! procedure TestData; var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(xData) to High(xData) do begin if PrepareLineForExport(xData[i]) <> PrepareLineForExport_MOVE(xData[i]) then raise Exception.Create('Data build incorrect!'); end; end; procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; vLine, vLine2: string; vSW: TStopWatch; begin FillTestData; TestData; vSW := TStopwatch.StartNew; for i := Low(xData) to High(xData) do begin vLine := ''; vLine := PrepareLineForExport(xData[i]); end; memo1.Lines.Add('PrepareLineForExport: ' + vSW.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString); vSW := TStopwatch.StartNew; for i := Low(xData) to High(xData) do begin vLine := ''; vLine := PrepareLineForExport_MOVE(xData[i]); end; memo1.Lines.Add('PrepareLineForExport_MOVE: ' + vSW.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString); end;
  18. Mike Torrettinni

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    Or we avoid each other threads, this would be nice. But is public forum, so no force.
  19. Mike Torrettinni

    The Case of Delphi Const String Parameters

    just like: Fly Robin fly, right? 😉 I think we know how we contribute to each other topics.
  20. With new 'knowledge', I tested what happens if I add values in consecutive expressions, like this: function PrepareLineForExport2(const aDataIn: TData): string; begin Result := aDataIn.ID1.ToString + cSeparator; Result := Result + aDataIn.S1 + cSeparator; Result := Result + BoolToStr(aDataIn.B1) + cSeparator; Result := Result + aDataIn.S2 + cSeparator; Result := Result + aDataIn.C1 + cSeparator; Result := Result + aDataIn.S3; end; OK, this is now slower: PrepareLineForExport: 1358 ms (single expression using + ) PrepareLineForExport2: 2242 ms I realize this is probably the most basic thing for most of you, for me this is something really new.
  21. OK, this is something new to me! I never realized this in such a way. Thanks! Everyday something new 😉
  22. OK, that I understand. I wanted to see if MOVE gives any benefit for my arrays, mixed field types. When I started I didn't realize how much code is needed vs +. Even though I use code-gen for the whole export/import process, it's a lot of code for arrays with 50+ fields. But it looks like + is already very performant, or good enough for now.
  23. Is this not clear enough? I would really like to write clearer questions. What is missing here?
  24. I think you are right, I would be happy with 10%+ performance gain, but of course 50% would be better for all the extra code needed, vs just +.
  25. What do you think is missing from explanation in first post that would clear the confusion?