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Angus Robertson

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Angus Robertson last won the day on June 22

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About Angus Robertson

  • Birthday December 16

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  • Delphi-Version
    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. As I said, I've never really looked at the MQTT protocol. Is it now working? Are there changes we should be making to the MQTT component or sample to make it work with other servers and clients? Angus
  2. Have you tried building and testing the OverbyteIcsMQTTst sample? It contains both client and server components, to send to each other. There is a publish button, does it work? Sorry, I know little about MQTT, not used it for any of my own projects, this is a contributed component that I improved for SSL and the latest ICS,. The sample seems to work OK, but please let us know if it does not work as expected, it has not been tested against non-ICS clients or servers. Angus
  3. Angus Robertson

    Buffered Byte Count for SSL Socket

    Must say I've never used BufferedByteCount myself, don't think it's used in any ICS components. But if an SSL version is useful, please email your changed unit and it will be added, please make sure you update the latest version from SVN. My email is in many units. Angus
  4. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.2 announced

    I've updated SVN with new Common and VCL C++ Builder packages, the contributor warns there is still work to be done with the WinCrypt units. I get too many errors trying to build them, but by C++ knowledge is zero. Please try yourself. Won't be in the overnight zip until midnight. Angus
  5. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.2 announced

    Another ICS user created new C++ packages for ICS last week, but he is still trying to fix a long term errors building the OverbyteIcsWinCrypt unit which has too many errors, should be something in SVN in the next couple of days. In the worst case, I'll change the defines so C++ does not build WinCrypt as it doesn't for Posix. Angus
  6. Not sure why you wrote such complicated code, none of our examples look like that for TSslHttpRest, only the old THttpCli component . TSslHttpRest includes TSslContext, TIcsCookies and TMemoryStream so they are all redundant. The IcsLogger is also unnecessary, since the component has logging built in, using the OnHttpRestProg event. The OverbyteIcsSnippets sample has a function doHttpRestReqClick that makes a request with only a few lines of code. But before writing any code, I would use the OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst sample to test the URL and parameters. Angus
  7. Thanks for your help, you've sent some updated C++ units already, look forward to the rest. Angus
  8. As has been mentioned once or twice, no-one supporting ICS does C++. So when I make changes, I try to keep C++ working, but without being able to test anything error occur. 10,4 and later only use 'New' packages which have $auto suffiux so work with all new compilers, avoiding all this messing with versions. So all those 110 references should be New. When you have it working, please zip and email me any changed or new files, so I can update SVN. Probably best to discuss problems by email rather than here, my email is in many source files. Angus
  9. Angus Robertson

    Unable to rename source file on save?

    I often have two or three bds.exe running, but different versions, and all on the task bar. The problem is when they are not obviously running... Angus
  10. Angus Robertson

    Unable to rename source file on save?

    Just had this IDE problem again, D11.3, edit a source file, unable to rename to history file. After having the problem with one file and fixing it by renaming the source file, had it with a second file, despite closing and reopening the IDE, three times. Finally discovered there was bds.exe instance still running holding open several source files, so I guess it did not close cleanly during one previous restart, yet allowed another instance to open. Angus
  11. Angus Robertson

    How to import Type Library for Managed Code DLLs

    Sorry, skimmed the message... Angus
  12. ICS used to use self signed SSL/TLS certificates when there was nothing better, but issuing your own CA signed certificates is almost as easy and more friendly. ICS has a sample that does it manually, or the servers do it automatically, there is also a function to install the ICS root CA into the Windows store for clients. Angus
  13. Angus Robertson

    ICS for Linux?

    Thank you for your Linux contribution @wright. But how did you test it. Running any ICS FMX samples in Linux using the WSocket unit just freezes the application when TIcsEventQueue is created, and I can not trace into it with the debugger. I have made progress with Linux support for Ubuntu 22.04, OpenSSL now loads correctly, albeit Ubuntu has a two year old version 3.0.2 and seems not to want to upgrade to newer versions. I have a new PemTest sample that views and creates SSL/TLS certificates on Linux, not in SVN yet. Unfortunately, older Ubuntu releases don't include OpenSSL 3 so can not be used with ICS. Angus
  14. Angus Robertson

    How to import Type Library for Managed Code DLLs

    Component, Import Component wizard, Import Type Library. Angus
  15. The best solution is for the web server to provide valid SSL certificates, Let's Encrypt for public hosts, your own CA for internal domains. For your own CA, the root certificate needs to be installed on client devices, easy for Windows, less easy for mobiles. The ICS component library does all this automatically for ICS web servers, but can also generate certificates for other web servers. Angus