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Angus Robertson

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Angus Robertson last won the day on April 20

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About Angus Robertson

  • Birthday December 16

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    Delphi 11 Alexandria

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  1. This Win64 exception was due to using Free on a stream that was already closed, instead of NilAndFree which checks first, and is used elsewhere in the same function. Not sure why Win32 hides the bug, but Win64 does not, this was within finally/end. Not in SVN yet, and the V9.1 HTTP snippet is now broken because last week I added authentication to the web server directory it uses to test something else, and forget snippets uses that directory. Angus
  2. Angus Robertson

    TCP Port Check with timeout

    The sample OverbyteIcsIpStmLogTst is the proper test bed for the TIcsIpStrmLog component. For a successful remote connection, the events triggered are: 11:55:09 C[0] State: Starting 11:55:09 C[0] TCP/Client Opening Connection to [2a00:1940:0:c::128]:80 11:55:09 C[0] TCP/Client Connected OK 11:55:09 C[0] State: OK (manually stopped) 11:55:24 C[0] State: Stopping 11:55:24 C[0] TCP/Client Disconnected 11:55:24 C[0] State: None But for an unsuccessful connection it normally keeps trying to reconnect to the remote IP, so there is no immediate state change: 11:50:56 C[0] State: Starting 11:50:56 C[0] TCP/Client Opening Connection to [2a00:1940:0:c::128]:5000 11:51:17 C[0] TCP/Client Failed Connection - Connection timed out (#10060) - Retrying in 10 secs 11:51:27 C[0] TCP/Client Opening Connection to [2a00:1940:0:c::128]:5000 This is one of the 'features' of the component, if the client connection fails or drops it keeps trying to restore the connection, although that is exactly what you don't want! With RetryAttempts set to -1, the events called are: 12:06:45 C[0] State: Starting 12:06:45 C[0] TCP/Client Opening Connection to [2a00:1940:0:c::128]:6666 12:07:06 C[0] State: Stopping 12:07:06 C[0] State: None 12:07:06 C[0] TCP/Client Failed Connection - Connection timed out (#10060) 12:07:06 C[0] TCP/Client Disconnected So you need to check Stopping and/or None for failure, there is no specific State: Failed event, unless you watch the literals for timeout out. Angus
  3. Angus Robertson

    TCP Port Check with timeout

    Most ICS functions are async, not blocking, you missed IpLogClient.onLogProgEvent := onCliLogProgEvent; from snippets, and in the event you check IpLogClient.States[0] for logstateOK or something else if failed. As is often discussed here, it is rarely necessary or useful to use ICS components in a thread, but if so you can not use application.processmessages since that is the main thread, you have to create the component within the thread Execute method, set the MultiThreaded property to true, and call the component ProcessMessages method instead. Angus
  4. Angus Robertson

    TCP Port Check with timeout

    The magic word was simplest, less code, fewer errors. Windows supports none blocking DNS lookups and sockets by using a thread, what is the API to stop those threads early? Angus
  5. Angus Robertson

    TCP Port Check with timeout

    The simplest way is with the TIcsIpStrmLog component, look at the doSocketRemoteClick procedure in the OverbyteIcsSnippets sample, although you can ignore SSL. Failing to open a normal TCP connection will timeout after about 30 to 40 seconds, you can not easily make this any shorter, and you can not re-use the socket until the connection attempt fails, even if you abort it earlier. If you need to check a lot of ports, either use multiple components running in parallel (no threads needed for hundreds) or use the ping feature of TIcsIpStrmLog to see if at least the IP address exists before checking the port. Angus
  6. Angus Robertson

    ICS Beta V9.2 and OpenSSL 3.3.0

    {.$DEFINE OpenSSL_Resource_Files} will stop OpenSSL being linked, {$DEFINE] OpenSSL_ProgramData} then helps determine where the DLLs are located. readme9.txt now has a lengthy section describing all the defines. Angus
  7. ICS V9.2 has started the beta process, and can be downloaded from https://svn.overbyte.be/svn/icsv9/ or the overnight zip from https://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download or https://www.magsys.co.uk/delphi/magics.asp This beta version of V9.2 adds a new feature release of OpenSSL 3.3.0 and fixes a number of bugs mostly introduced in V9.1, but also two long term HTTP URL in the client and server software where missing / delimiters could cause problems, and fixing server authentication issues with POST requests. Several others issues discussed on Delphi-Praxis are also fixed, but not all, yet. This beta also includes a new 'ICS Intermediate Short' SSL certificate to replace the one in V9.0 that has just expired, it is used by ICS to generate temporary server certificates to allow SSL servers to run until a Let's Encrypt or commercial certificate is installed. The OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ sample has various improvements to test authentication more thoroughly (the DDService version is not done yet). Only Delphi 10.41 and 10.42 (10.4 with updates 1 or 2) will install correctly with the new install packages, the original RTM version does not support the package LIB suffix: $(Auto) so you must change it manually for each package to 21.0. OpenSSL 3.3.0 is now the default in the OverbyteIcsDefs.inc file and the ICS-OpenSSL path, ICS does not use any of the new features (nor those in 3.1 or 3.2). Now that OpenSSL is more closely integrated with ICS, updating for security fixes will become more complicated, needing files in two or more directories to be updated. When OpenSSL does the next batch of security fix versions (scheduled quarterly), I'll generate a zip with all the new files and directories that can be extracted over an existing ICS installation with all the new files. Angus
  8. Angus Robertson

    ICS SLL3.2 much slower than Indy SSL1.0.2

    You are concerned about a one second longer download on a tiny file? With different SSL protocols and ciphers. Angus
  9. Angus Robertson

    Parameter passing

    In HTTP headers, there is always a space after the colon, seems simple but sufficient to confuse servers. Angus
  10. Angus Robertson

    Parameter passing

    TSslHttpRest is an ICS component, and to add a special header field you use the component ExtraHeaders: Strings property to add the full header and value, ie ExtraHeaders.Add('Store-Token: 22345673301244567896663456789012'); Angus
  11. I believe the authentication POST problem was mainly a simple literal, if FOutsideFlag and (not (hoAllowOutsideRoot in FOptions)) then Flags := hg403 else Flags := hg404; where hg404 should be hgSendDoc. But something else is going on I'm still tracking, RequestDone should be called for a 401 error to reset the state machine, but is not, although it still seems to work. The biggest problem is our samples test all the authentication variations for virtual and normal pages, but not for template pages or POST pages, so that all had to be added first. I always test server fixes on my public servers for a day or two, so the changes won't be in SVN until later in the week. Angus
  12. Correction, OpenSSL 3.3 was released last week and does not add QUIC for servers, that is scheduled for OpenSSL 3.4 due in October 2024. https://github.com/orgs/openssl/projects/11/views/3 OpenSSL 3.3 for Windows will be released later this week with ICS V9.2 beta. But there are no new features particularly relevant to ICS. Angus
  13. I use been using the same two news readers for 25 years, Forte Agent and Ameol2 (very specialised for the UK). I read a number of uk news groups. But there are no active Delphi groups, since Embarcadero moved away from a web forum that allowed NNTP access. I have an account with https://www.astraweb.com/ they sell fixed usage so 25GB for $10 that will last for ever if you don't download binaries. One free news server is news.gmane.io that holds several mailing lists, I read OpenSSL mailing lists via it. Angus
  14. Took some detective work to work out where that template has gone, it was written last autumn to test a major rejig of web server get/post parameter processing using streams for multi-gig uploads. But the template never got added to SVN and then got lost when the samples were re-organised. So I've had to recreate it from my public web site: https://www.telecom-tariffs.co.uk/testing/postinfo.htm Not in SVN yet, still looking at your real problem. Angus
  15. Angus Robertson

    ICS V9.1 announced

    Still got no idea why are distributing openssl.exe and why this is a problem. The directory your screen shows has the correct DLLs for the EXE. We don't need two separate openssl.exe files since we don't use them. The only problem here is you decided to change the way OpenSSL is distributed for your own reasons. Angus