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Angus Robertson

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Everything posted by Angus Robertson

  1. Because ICS is entirely supported by volunteers, and none of us understand C++. It would be far easier to cease support for C++. I've asked for assistance in producing C++ packages in the past, and one user kindly supplied some mostly working stuff, for 10.2 which I modified for 10.3, so renaming errors are mine. But when I can not build the packages and no-one else helps, errors are inevitable. So will some-one please email me a complete working set of 10.3 C++ package files, with whatevery changes are needed for the readme, and they will be placed in the distribution. I'm not going to work from a list of instructions I can not test. Angus
  2. I know nothing about Kerberos, never knowingly used it. I don't believe it has any connection to OAuth, except they both end up with an access token from an authentication server. But since Windows uses Kerberos, I assume it can be used unattended without user interaction, which is not the case with OAUth which is designed for interactive web applications. So I doubt the TRestOAuth component will be much use in implementing Kerberos, although our OpenSSL implementation should handle encryption. For Windows applications, I would assume there are API calls that will handle Kerberos in the same way that NTLM authentication is handled, but again I've never look at that and have no plans to do so. Angus
  3. I have started a new ICS release V8.60, not finished yet but available from SVN and the daily overnight zipped snapshot at : http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download V8.60 is a major update added several new components and sample applications created by Magenta Systems Ltd and previously distributed separately to the ICS distribution. Bundling them with ICS makes installation and updating easier, and allows existing ICS samples to make use of some the new components, such as UTF-8 file logging. There are a lot of comments in the various SVN uploads which are included in the overnight zip file. New classes added include: TIcsBlacklist TIcsBuffLogStream TIcsFindList TIcsIpStrmLog TIcsMailQueue TIcsStringBuild TIcsTimeClient TIcsTimeServer TIcsWhoisCli and there are four new sample applications that illustrate their use: OverbyteIcsMailQuTst.dpr OverbyteIcsIpStmLogTst.dpr OverbyteIcsWhoisCliTst.dpr OverbyteIcsTimeTst.dpr Also there are major updates to OverbyteIcsSslMultiWebServ.dpr which now has almost all the functionality of my commercial web server. V8.60 will also include the Magenta File Transfer components, not finshed yet. Angus