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Angus Robertson

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Posts posted by Angus Robertson

  1. If you really need progress indication, make sure you don't update it more than once a second, certainly not every time the onDocData event is called.  Doing so will slow down your transfers due to the overhead of updating the screen control so often. 


    Look at the TIcsHttpMulti.onHttpDataEvent function in OverbyteIcsHttpMulti.pas, which is another new component specifically designed for downloading files, from a list of URLs or by parsing an HTML page, it checks for existing older versions of the files which are updated if newer.  The sample is OverbyteIcsXferTst1.dpr.




  2. I used your URL with the OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst sample, and it works perfectly with http/1.1 and Cloudfare and correctly redirects to your executable and downloads it:


    < Content-Type: application/x-executable
    < Content-Length: 5286400

    You are assuming DocBegin is only called for a successful 200 request, when it is called otherwise.  Not sure why you want a download bar, they were useful 20 years ago with slow downloads, or for very large files, but 5MB comes down in a couple of seconds in the modern world. 


    You may want to consider changing to use TSslHttpRest which will simplify your application and make it more robust and future proof, you don't really need any events.



  3. The most common reason for altering HttpPror.pas was to add extra HTTP headers that the early versions did not support directly, although they could be added using events.  Typically authentication headers.  But a lot has changed over the years, there are many new authentication methods supported and a new property ExtraHeaders for unusual headers.  



  4. Not sure which certificates you are referring to, HTTPS clients receive certificates from servers, and can check they are legitimate, but can accept them anyway.  In rare high security cases HTTPS clients have a certificate to prove their identity issued by a company they want to access, mostly VPNs, but any you had 13 years ago will be useless now.




  5. Yes, OnSessionConnected event is fired for UDP, but should be virtually instantaneous since no traffic is sent, you should have waited until the state changed before sending anything, but send would just fail and you are ignoring errors and it would not explain the exception. 




  6. Using a redundant MessagePump without threads is untested and certainly serves no purpose before making any requests or listening.  If you remove it, does the code work? 


    The LocalIPList function is an easier way to get a list of addresses as strings, you need to set family and IPPROTO_UDP protocol, the default is TCP only.






  7. If you are connecting to another device, you don't need to set a local IP address, use and let Windows worry about it.  Sometimes interfaces come and go, that could cause an error.  


    Local address is really for listening sockets, although can be used on servers with multiple IP addresses to select an outgoing address.




  8. The version of OpenSSL that ICS v5 used will not work today, the protocols have changed since then. 


    It may be worth trying to build a subset of ICS v8 with Delphi 5, language wise it was really 64-bit streams I think which you could change, not sure when Int64 came in, that would be harder.  There are also minimum version checks you'd have to disable.  Or get Delphi 7 or 2007 and upgrade your project, fewer changes and testing than unicode versions, unless a simple project.




  9. I have a stress testing tool ComGen, written using ICS, that will generate multiple TCP or UDP streams (or serial RS232), short or long, sending variable volumes of custom data including HTTP,, with or without SSL/TLS.  It will create up to 2,000 client  simultaneous connections, with x per second, that was used for testing SSL Socket Server where the SSL connection overhead restricts how many connections a single thread can accept per second.   This is all done in a single thread.  


    ComGen is part of my ComCap package (ComCap collects data) but can be used on it;s own.




  10. There is a new ICS Multi Host FTP Server sample using IcsHosts in the overnight zip, really designed to be a Windows service application. It supports multiple SSL hosts with multiple listeners, can order it's own SSL certificates and will create self signed certificates for any missing,  and will email status information and errors to an administrator.




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  11. 2 hours ago, Der schöne Günther said:

    This might come across as ignorant and disdainful, but I never understood why one should pick self-created html renderers above a "true" webbrowser that certainly supports a wider range of HTML/CSS (and JavaScript)?

    Because pure Delphi renderers are far less likely to have security holes than proper browsers, partly because they don't usually run scripts, but you also have control over what external links they load if any.  We all know clicking on dodgy email links is the main way nasties like ransomware gets onto networks, sometimes just displaying an external web page.  


    Sure they don't usually handle all the latest browser capabilities, but that is the compromise you make for safely, and you design your pages to match their capability.


    ICS includes a  Web Browser sample using the THtmlViewer component with tick boxes to enable or disable links and external graphics. and also log all HTML and HTTPS protocol.




  12. While services should be stopped by the service manager, this won't work if if the main thread in the service has stopped and messages are not being processed. 


    So you need a backup after repeated stop attempts with timeouts fail. the equivalent of End Task in Task Manager which sometimes is needed to stop non-responding applications.  I've done this with TerminateProcess which needs a process handle which you can get from a process ID, which requires searching the process list to match exe names.    I did this from a second service that monitored the first, making sure the message queue was working and a few other things.  The second service also sent emails so this could be checked manually to make sure it restarted ok. 


    Service manager should already be set-up to immediately restart a stopped service, so that part is easy once it stops. 




  13. Build and test the OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst.dpr sample. 


    The OverbyteIcsSslHttpRest.pas unit itself has several examples of how to create new components using TSslHttpRest like TIcsSMS, ,TIcsTwitter, TDnsQueryHttps (DoH) and real soon TIcsRestEmail for GMail.  All with demos in OverbyteIcsHttpRestTst.dpr. 




  14. 6 hours ago, Lars Fosdal said:

    GitHub.  We are moving world+dog to the cloud.  Current SVN is on-site, and requires maintenance. 

    Not much maintenance, someone else set-up SVN on my public server 12 years ago and I barely touched it until Windows 2008 support ceased and I had to move it to a new server. Took a while to find out why svn; was not responding finally discovered a service svnserver.exe had been running for 12 years which I never noticed. 


    I tried a git pull once, put me off Git for life, so complicated. 



  15. Sorry I can not help.  I do not use C++ Builder and have never supported it.  ICS is dependent upon end users to help us support C++ and no-one did until 10.2.


    Also, USE_SSL support will be ceasing in ICS, it is historic and in future ICS will always support SSL/TLS as do all the new components added in recent years. 




  16. No idea where you found Win32OpenSSL-1_0_0a.exe must be 10 years old, we certainly don't support it.  You will find the latest OpenSSL included in the ICS zip. 


    Sorry, we don't support C++ XE7, there are no packages for it.  Other users have helped us support C++ for 10.2 and later, but you will need to update the XE3 package and make it work with XE7.



