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Angus Robertson

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Posts posted by Angus Robertson

  1. libeay32.dll and ssleay.dll were used by obsolete versions of OpenSSL, support ceased for those versions at the end of last year, so they have been removed from the ICS distribution.  But we;'ll leave support for the old version in ICS itself for nine more months, until OpenSSL 3.0 is released and supported by ICS, which will be libss1-3_0.dll, etc.


    None of this relates to the PORT problem you reported.




  2. Beware when updating OverbyteIcsSSLEAY.pas and OverbyteIcsLIBEAY.pas they change when I'm adding new features to ICS, make sure you use the latest from SVN last week, there are minor changes not in SVN yet. 


    We replicates macros as functions in OverbyteIcsLIBEAY which is where you should add any more you need, look at function f_BIO_get_ssl which calls f_BIO_ctrl, you need to add f_BIO_set_conn_hostname similarly, etc.,


    Use of macros is horrible for those of us not using C++, even Google has turned them all into APIs in BoringSSL.  The main problem is when OpenSSL convert macros back into APIs, this is never documented clearly so we keep using our macro function which then usually fails. 




  3. ICS FTP server and client support extra commands based on MLSD: XDMSLD takes an argument -subdirs for recursive directories, while XCMSLD is similar but returns directory listings on the control channel to avoid opening a data connection to download what is often only a few lines of directory listings.  These commands make synchronising local and remote directory structures very efficient, which is what the ICS TIcsFtpMulti component does. 


    I did think about writing an RFC back in 2008, but did not really expect any other FTP servers to implement the commands, even then FTP was going out of fashion.




  4. Look at StartDomSrv in OverbyteIcsSslX509Certs.pas which sets up the simple web server with a newly generated localhost certificate, and CreateAcmeAlpnCert which will create a normal non-ALPN certificate if you leave KeyAuth blank, but that does not matter for your purposes.  


    Which OAuth2 system requires HTTPS for the callback?  Seems over the top since only your local browser displays the result.  We should probably handle that in the REST component properly.






    • Thanks 1

  5. Most people consider FTP dead now, replaced by HTTP POST/PUT, and never bothered to update their 20 or 25 year servers with more efficient commands introduced since then.  


    MLSD actually has an RFC somewhere, while the data returned by LIST is undocumented, and does not always have a year in the date, it was historically a Unix directory listing, thus only line feeds.  FileZilla Server supports MLSD. 




  6. What it should say is:


    02:10:08  > AUTH TLS
    02:10:08  < 234 Using authentication type TLS
    02:10:08  Check for Old SSL Session
    02:10:08  No Old SSL Session Cached
    02:10:08  Starting SSL Session
    02:10:08  Cache SSL Session: New
    02:10:08  ! SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305, key auth RSA, key exchange ECDH, encryption CHACHA20/POLY1305(256), message auth AEAD

    But that depends on how many other events you are logging, you cam see in the sample where all this comes from (although this log is from a real server).  I suspect you are still testing with the OpenSSL client which to be honest is a waste of time, it does not understand the FTP protocol.   With TCP, it is rarely obvious which end caused disconnection. 





  7. The FTP server sample does all the logging properly,SslFtpServer1AnswerToClient.


    If you use IcsHosts in the latest server, you don't need an SslContext, all that is handled by the component. You set the certificates and an SSL security level and everything else is done automatically, including installing Let's Encrypt SSL certificates on a public server.  This all works now, just no new sample yet. 




  8. Improving your logging will help, you did not report the response or errors to commands received which is essential to error tracing with bad clients. 


    The latest ICS in SVN has FTP server improvements to simplify SSL configuration in the same way as the web and proxy servers two years ago using IcsHosts, but there is no sample to copy yet, you need to look at the multi-web server sample and see how that configures listeners and at http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/FAQ_Using_IcsHosts. 



  9. The ICS TFtpClient component has no directory handling, there are no formal standards for directory formats with the LIST command,  you should use the MLSD command which is supported by all proper FTP servers and is standardised. Otherwise your application is responsible for the different directory listing formats when using TFtpClient.  The ICS FTP server has even more efficient directory listing commands that handle sub-directories.


    But you are probably using the wrong component, 15 years ago I wrote a higher level ICS FTP client component which is now part of the main ICS distribution as TIcsFtpMulti which is described briefly at http://wiki.overbyte.eu/wiki/index.php/ICS_V8.60 with a new sample application OverbyteIcsXferTst.dpr.  This handles all the directory listing stuff for you, at least for most known common FTP servers, there are always developers with strange implementations. and automates uploading and downloading whole directories and sub-directories of files. 






  10. You don't log the IP address and port your server is using, although your client says port 5420 which is not an SSL FTP port, so the server does not attempt to negotiate SSL   Using non standard ports for SSL requires extra code.  V8.64 has a new Option ftpsAuthForceSsl that might do it simply.


    Not sure why you are testing an FTP servers with a non-FTP client that does not send the correct protocol. 





  11. Quote

    The one and only way to do this is how i described .. what i told you is best practice and how it is done, there is no other way 

    So how do you suggest the password is entered for a background service application on a hosted server?   Using a token from an authentication server is fine, but how do you get it?



  12. The code itself is probably OK if you copied it correctly. the issue is more likely all the settings and SSL/TLS certificates that are needed to make a secure server work, of which you show none.  


    You could also have shown the protocol that you logged with all the errors.   What SSL certificate are you using, and what intermediate, since you are setting SslCaFile.  But servers don't use SslCAPath.



