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Everything posted by TurboMagic

  1. TurboMagic

    DEC V6.4 released

    Hello, good news: just a few minutes ago I released V6.4 of the Delphi Encryption Compendium library. You can find it here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.4 What's new? Bugfixes Improved layout for Hash FMX demo Partly revised documentation Implemented GCM (Galois Counter Mode) block chaining support for 128 bit block cipher algorithms Enjoy TurboMagic
  2. TurboMagic

    Delphi Package Manager - choices?

    There are concrete (but not public yet) plans to improve GetIt. One of the items will make it easier to update contents which has already been published via GetIt so it might attrack more publishers.
  3. Hello, I've written a small unit for easily adding and removing IDE/Tools menu entries. It can also check if there's already some entry for a given executable. It is open source and can be found here along with a small console application demoing the functionality. https://github.com/MHumm/AddIDETool Remember: you need to restart the IDE for the settings changes to become effect. Now enjoy it 😉 TurboMagic
  4. I updated the console demo now and it will list all configurations created with the -r key as well and since a few weeks even a GUI for selecting the configurations has been added. Is that's "good enough" now? (except maybe for the documentation)
  5. TurboMagic

    RAD Studio 11.0 Support

    I don't know which SVN client you used, but Tortoise SVN integrates nicely into Windows Explorer and works quite well... After installing that one create a new folder and right click on it, select "SVN Checkout" and enter the SVN Url of ICS and things should be on your computer a few seconds later...
  6. Ok, I added a VCL based form for adding and removing now, but in a different fashion than yours and a demo application. Enjoy!
  7. Thanks for pointing that one out to me. The intent of my library is to get this integrated in various 3rd party tools to make them easily integratable in the IDE. I've got no need for such a complete UI. My version deliberatly only supports D2009 and up. We need to get away from supporting all these old versions so that people finally upgrade and even D2009 is old enough.
  8. Ok, I reworked it now. You now get a generic list of all configurations and all versions and Add/Delete works with that one. @Uwe Raabecan you have another look at it?
  9. That one has just been implemented now.
  10. Which subkeys are you talking about? About the thing with -r: that one I can understand. And: I'm open for pull requests...
  11. Ok, upon request I reworked the description of that project completely now.
  12. While further working on Delphi Encryption Compendium I stumbled over the freeing mechanism for the class registration mechanism. Digging into the history I read something about AddModuleUnloadProc being used in context of packages, which I didn't use yet, but I'm not sure why a simple TDECHash.ClassList.Free; should not be sufficient. So any ideas why this is in? I'm asking, because in that ModuleUnload procedure C++ Builder crashes with "List item not found". So if removing that ModuleUnload completely without causing any negative side effects, it might improve C++ Builder compatibility. nit DECHashBase; [..] procedure ModuleUnload(Instance: NativeInt); var // automaticaly deregistration/releasing i: Integer; begin if TDECHash.ClassList <> nil then begin for i := TDECHash.ClassList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin if NativeInt(FindClassHInstance(TClass(TDECHash.ClassList[i]))) = Instance then TDECHash.ClassList.Remove(TDECHash.ClassList[i].Identity); end; end; end; initialization AddModuleUnloadProc(ModuleUnload); TDECHash.ClassList := TDECClassList.Create; finalization RemoveModuleUnloadProc(ModuleUnload); TDECHash.ClassList.Free; end.
  13. TurboMagic

    DEC V6.3 released

    Good news, I just released version 6.3 of the Delphi Encryption Compendium cryptography library. You can fin it here: https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.3"]https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium/releases/tag/V6.3 What's new? Implemented some bugfixes Added Shake128/256 extensible output hash algorithm implementations Made the 32 bit asm implementations of the MD2, SHA384, Tiger, Snefru128 and Snefru256 hash algorithms compile again and they are used now as default for Win32 Delphi projects. In some cases this might double the speed of the hash calculation. Further details about the changes are found in the VersionHistory.pdf file in Docs subfolder. The GetIt Lite version should be released within the next few days. Enjoy TurboMagic
  14. In order to test something, I'd need to have the Hash_Console Demo console application from https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncryptionCompendium (DEC) translated to C++ Builder. Why do I need this? In DECOptions.inc there are some switches which would enable 32 bit asm optimized variants of some hash algorithms. The previous developers left a comment there that those are commented out due to some C++ Builder issue. Now if I could check whether this issue still persists and if yes, whether I can selectively disable them via some define, I could improve the library's performance at least for Delphi users and if the issue no longer persists maybe even for C++ Builder users.
  15. I just tried. I got the .hpp files and copied those two referenced over into the directory of that project, but compilation gives a [ilink32 failure] Fatal: file 'SYSTEM.CLASSES.OBJ' cannot get opened. I tried to find the file in my VM, but I failed.
  16. If you want complier dependent enablement of Audits you can file a feature request. Question for me would be what in audits is not CLang compatible... But I'm no C++ developer.
  17. Thanks! I'll try to find the required time in the next few days.
  18. Sorry, David, but I do not speak "C" much and as the DEC library I'm working on seems to be mostly C++ Builder compatible I didn't want to ruin that compatibility just to have some speed gains on Delphi side. The simple solution would have been to remove the uncommenting and don't care about C++ Builder.
  19. Ok, thanks for this rough translation Remy! Now I simply need to get some DECFormat.hpp and DECHash.hpp. Is there a way to get them generated or do I need to craft/create them manually?
  20. TurboMagic

    Class tree utility released

    Hello, I just released a new little utility on GitHub: https://github.com/MHumm/ClassTree It can be used to generate class tree representations for documentation purposes. I hope you like it and don't mind that it's a first version which might still be a bit raw. It fullfiled at least my purposes. Cheers TurboMagic
  21. TurboMagic

    Class tree utility released

    If you like you can contribute this as option via pull request... 😉
  22. TurboMagic

    Class tree utility released

    Yes, it needs the classes to be compiled in, which was ok for my purpose and didn't require to download another library (AST). It is self contained that way but requires source code distribution.
  23. TurboMagic

    Class tree utility released

    My variant generates the hierarchy via RTTI (I don't know how DelphiAST works) and it only considers classes and it can render the tree into textual form (if you use a font containing the needed glyphs). See the GitHub project page, I added two screenshots now.
  24. TurboMagic

    Class tree utility released

    Thanks! I fixed the link. I also had thought I had removed the DEC units...! Grr! I wrote this tool because I needed it for generating some tree for DEC's documentation. If you like to have a search facility you may add this and either create a pull request or contact me otherwise to submit your improvement... 😉
  25. Hello, good news is, that I just released a new version of DEC (Delphi Encryption Compendium): https://github.com/MHumm/DelphiEncry...eases/tag/V6.2 What's new? Fixed some regressions, among them some which hindered compilation with older Delphi versions (support for older compilers might be reduced in future versions!) Fixed bugs in the SCOP and SHARK cipher algorithms The unit test for the hash classes got improved by adding original test vectors to those algorithms which didn't already use original test vectors and where we could find those (for most we could) The SHA3 hash algorithm has been added for 224, 256, 384 and 512 bit including support for message lengths not being a multiple of whole bytes. Our implementation uses Eric Grange's optimizes permutation kernel ASM implementation on WIn32 and WIn64 (with his friendly permission of course!) A new demo got added: Hash Benchmark FMX Now have fun with this. The GetIt provided Lite version should follow within the next few days. TurboMagic