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Posts posted by TurboMagic

  1. Hello,


    I do not have an Android 11 capable Android device yet but need to test some things on Android 11 (scoped storage).

    Now I had the idea to test in an emulator, even if that's quite slow.

    I started SDK manager to install an emulator image and set one up, but cannot find anything related to Android 11 there.


    SDK manager is version 25.2.5 and displays the list shown in the attachment. Android 11 is SDK level 30, but nowhere to be seen.

    How to get this?


  2. Hello,


    since Android 10 we've got this nasty problem of no longer having direct file access

    to such folders like TPath.GetSharedDownloadsDir.


    Now I have managed via some intent call to either ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT or ACTION_GET_CONTENT
    to display some file chooser and when the user selects one I get the Uri of the selected file.

    With that I can get at an JInputStream and could read out the individual bytes of that stream.


    But: how to get at the file size properly to know when to stop reading?

    The Available method should, as per Android's documentation

    https://developer.android.com/reference/java/io/InputStream#available() rather not be used.

    Is there any "wraper" available which properly/nicely wrapt this in a TFileStream or something similar?

    A quick search didn't turn up anything yet.


  3. I have a hard time with this as well, as my app up to now just lists all files with my specific suffix stored in downloads folder in a list view and the user can pick one.

    In addition if he selects one he gets 3 buttons on that entry shown. One for actually opening the file, one for displaying file meta data in a popup and one for sharing
    it. I'm not sure yet how I can replace all this in an Android 10/11 compatible way.


    For Android 10 I could use a compatibility setting in the manifest, but for Android 11 this is no longer allowed/doesn't do anything anymore and Android 11
    compatibility support is as far as I know required some time in 2021 for Google Play distribution...

  4. I'm not sure whether you can access this TPath.GetDocumentsPath  folder in Android 10/11 anymore without issues.
    I tried to access TPath.GetSharedDownloadsPath which had worked up to now but throws an permission error of some sort on Android 10
    even after requesting READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission from user...

  5. I'm currently storing binary files generated by my app or uploaded to the device by the user (e.g. via Windows Explorer)

    in the public downloads path returned by TPath.GetSharedDownloadsPath.


    Using such a path which is not within the installed app itself is only possible in Android 10 when requestLegavyExternalStorage

    is being declared in the AndroidManifest.template.xml. But that is a solution only viable when targeting Android 10, but not when
    targeting Android 11, which will be a requirement somewhere in 2021.


    Now I'm looking for possible alternatives which come as close to what I currently have as possible.

    I have written a dialog listing all the files of my file type and when the user taps one he gets options to open it, display file meta data
    in a popup or share it via share sheet.


    I'm a bit lost about which route to go. I don't think MediaFramework would be the right approach as my file type is no media file.

    I've seen this one:



            Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT).apply {
                type = "*/*"
                putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_MIME_TYPES, arrayOf(
                        "application/pdf", // .pdf
                        "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text", // .odt
                        "text/plain" // .txt

    But I'm not really sure what it does. Ok, it calls some activity to select a file, but since my file type is binary with some specific
    suffix I'd like to list only files with that suffix and the other thing is: what do I get back?
    How do I get at my file's contents?


    And the other issue is, that the same dialog s used for saving files as well. They might be saved in some app package specific directory
    if share sheet can work for that, but it still would be more cumbersome for users having the device directly connected via Windows Explorer.
    They most likely couldn't get at the file anymore.


    Any ideas?


  6. Another small info: I implemented your PBKDF2 implementation along with the unit tests meanwhile.


    I also toy with the idea to create a new descendend class from TDECHashBase where I move all KDF, MGF, HMAC and
    PBKDF2 implementations into and all other classes inherit from that one. That might introduce a new unit to keep the
    individual parts a bit shorter.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Kas Ob. said:

    @TurboMagic I want to point few things i don't like in the library and i am sorry asking you to look into them and not doing myself.

    1) the over use of ProtectBuffer , it been called form both TDECHash.Destroy and TDECHash.Done , this is waste of time, i am not a fan of creating false sense of security by using such not useful defense, see if an attacker is watching and reading the memory then he easily could slow the CPU for that process 200 times (if needed) and grab any changes along the way, yet even better if he is the controlling the PC and can read the memory of any process then he already owned it, right ?
    So my suggestion either remove that protect buffer from both and introduce a new procedure for secure erase that will call ProtectBuffer (overwrite the buffer, digest, counter..)


    2) TDECHash.Done is calling ReallocMemory(FBuffer,0) , this also unneeded leave it there, no point of removing the buffer on Done call, if the user is using TDECHash wrong then this is will not help or secure anything.

    3) We have this for Init

    FBuffer should be allocated within the Algorithm itself (the child) or you can make it as : allocate if not allocated and make sure to initialize it to nil in the constructor.

    While coding I didn't see you already answered. As I'm finishing coding for now I made a note about your suggestion of a modified HMAC implementation which doesn't trigger overflows. And yes, turning of the checks should always be a last ressort!
    That's why I was asking.


    About your protect buffer points:
    I did sort of inherit this DEC library and thought it's too good to let it die, but I'm no really expert in these things.
    I learned quite a few things along already though.


    I will look at removing those, you might be right. I just didn't want to remove something not causing me real trouble from an inherited library
    when I don't completely understand the implications/effects this creates.

    That's also the thing with ReallocMemory. I never really understood its purpose and when I asked a few months ago in German DP because of some
    C++ Builder compatibility issues I didn't get really useful pointers why this might be used here. I only got some vague C++ Builder compatibility
    information as answers. So I left as is. But we can remove this as well.


    Just clearing the memory somehow at some point might reduce attack surface a bit. Yes, if the attacker can slow down that process well enough to
    be able to have enough time to read out memory while it runs that protection will not help. It  just helps not having possibly sensible information
    lying around for longer than necessary.

    • Thanks 1

  8. I get a crash when implementing HMAC unit tests for your other test vectors!

    When performing the first test (using MD5) for long key/data test vectors from https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2202

    I get a crash ERangeError on the first assignment in this part of the HMAC method:


        while I <= KeyLength - SizeOf(NativeUInt) do
          PNativeUInt(@InnerKeyPad[I])^ := PNativeUInt(@Result[I])^ xor CONST_UINT_OF_0x36;
          PNativeUInt(@OuterKeyPad[I])^ := PNativeUInt(@Result[I])^ xor CONST_UINT_OF_0x5C;
          Inc(I, SizeOf(NativeUInt));

    The right hand side of the first assignment results, according to the debugger in this: 3906369333279686841

    Size of native UInt in Win32 is 4 byte thus maximum number is this: 4294967296.


    Turning off range/index/ E/A compiler checking would fix this, but is this a good idea?
    If so I'd do this locally in the method.


    What's your opinion?


  9. On 1/20/2021 at 5:36 PM, Kas Ob. said:

    The tests are just samples, and for the name mentioning, it doesn't worth it, as i think you might want to implement class for it or something.

    I just implemented your HMAC code. It is in the development branch now. Unit tests still need to follow.

    If you look at my solution you can see how I was able to spare the hash class parameter...

  10. Hello,

    thanks for this implementation and your effort doing it!
    I have saved the stuff locally so I will include, this as soon as time permits, into the development branch in some form.
    I need to look at this HMAC stuff myself first (today I've got lack of time) and then decide where to put it.

    Your test will have to be changed into a DUnit test.

    And I would put your name Kas Ob. into the list of contributors contained in the project if you don't object.




    • Thanks 1

  11. On 10/21/2020 at 7:13 PM, Kas Ob. said:

    DEC library will not work, as that script uses Rfc2898DeriveBytes https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.security.cryptography.rfc2898derivebytes?view=netcore-3.1

    So you need PBKDF2 with HMACSHA1, both i believe supported and available in mOrMot library as Kryvich suggested.

    Not sure, but the hash classes support KDF2. After fixing bugs even KDF1 and 3.

  12. Hello,


    here's a small Christmas present for you:

    There is a new release 6.0 of DEC - Delphi Encryption Compendium available,

    or put otherwise: DEC is back on track! 😉


    The release can be found here:



    What is DEC?

    DEC is the Delphi Encryption Compendium open source library,

    a library containing cryptographic algorithms of the following categories:


    • hash algorithms
    • encryption algorithms
    • key deviation functions
    • CRC
    • cryptographic pseudo random number generator
    • format conversion classes

    What's new in V6.0 compared with the 5 year old V5.2 release?

    A complete list can be found in the last chapter of the included documentation.


    • Supports D2009 - 10.4.1 Sydney
    • Cross platform compatible if you turn off use of ASM in DECOptions.inc
    • the hard to understand test program got reworked into unit tests
    • test coverage got increased
    • some bugfixes, like fixing the XTEA encryption algorithm or the included KDF2 turned
      out to be KDF1 instead
    • implementation of the newest Whirlpool hash algorithm version
    • implementation of KDF1, KDF2 and KDF3 key deviation algorithms
    • changed unit structure to be more modular and better maintainable
    • added some demo applications. The two FMX based ones are even available
      from Google Play (stemming from an earlier commit)
    • added a 40+ A4 sized pages documentation
    • most methods contain XMLDOC comments now


    So is it all over now, or are there plans for the future?

    Of course I know that this release didn't bring much new algorithms.
    But as far as my time allowes development shall continue (further project members are welcome!)
    I do have some plans for V6.1:

    • Add the SHA224 hash, this is still missing
    • Add SHA3
    • Add GCM block chaining mode for ciphers
    • Add a first pasword hash algorithm, most likely bcrypt


    So much for today 😉


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 5

  13. I added unit tests for usage with objects now, testing the OwnsObjects semantics. After fixing a bug in destructor, where I tried to free one object too much (which even got the IDE into trouble)
    it seems to work as it should.


    But: I have a memory leak problem with two of the unit tests which I don't know how to fix.

    These are unit tests testing exceptions and the program flow doesn't seem to get to the point in the test method after the exception has been raised.

    So the code I put there for cleaning up seems not to be run.


    The circular buffer doesn't free the objects in such an exception case either.

    I thought that the user wouldn't expect me to do this. Or would a user expect me freeing

    objects the user tried to add but couldn't because the buffer is full and my implementation has no "overwrite the oldest items in such a case" semantics?

    (if I would be thinking about adding this I'd make it configurable)
